A game engine for courtpiece.
A new game exports the game instance that implements the following interface
type Game interface {
//Players returns the players
Players() []pattay.Player
//DistributeCards distrubutes card among players of the game
DistributeCards() error
//PlayHand begins play the hand
PlayHand(turn int, trump *string, lastHead pattay.Player) (Hand, error)
//ShuffleDeck shuffes the deck n times
ShuffleDeck(n int) error
//HandsOnGround returns the hands on ground that are not won yet.
HandsOnGround() []Hand
Hand represents the hand that's been played or is playing. A new hand exports the hand instance that implements the following interface
//Hand Round of a card
type Hand interface {
//Cards returns the list of cards on a hand
Cards() []pattay.Card
//AddCard adds a card at the current hand
AddCard(playedBy pattay.Player, cardAtHandIndex int) error
//HasCard checks if hand has card
HasCard(c pattay.Card) (hasCard bool, atIndex int)
//IsComplete returns if a hand is complete or not
IsComplete() bool
//Head returns the player who has thrown the biggest card
Head() (pattay.Player, error)
//House returns the House/Color of the hand being played
House() (string, error)
//Trump returns the trump house of the hand being played
Trump() (string, error)
$ go test -v