An image resizing utility for my photography needs.
It's a tool that takes in a folder and resizes all of the images inside it to a resolution of 1920x1280
pixels while preserving the orientation.
It's very limited cause it's made to fit my workflow so I don't recommend using it right now. You can still have a look around if you wish... 😉
The tool uses OpenCV
for image processing, so make sure to have that installed on your system before using it.
From the root of the project run the following commands in your terminal:
cmake . -B build/
cmake --build build/
cd build/
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
If you ran them in this order you should be good to go. The utility should have been installed under /usr/local/bin/rr
To uninstall it run either sudo make uninstall
or xargs rm < install_manifest.txt
from inside the build