#Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.2.1] (https://github.com/ngageoint/geopackage-core-java/releases/tag/1.2.1) (02-02-2017)
- GeoPackage spec version 1.2 changes and updates
- Time zone fix on database persisted dates
- Elevation Extension support
- Elevation Tiles table type (2d-gridded-coverage)
- Contents Data Type (features, tiles, attributes, elevation) functionality
- User Attributes table support
- Built in support for WGS 84 Geographic 3d projection (EPSG:4979)
- Table and column name SQL quotations to allow uncommon but valid names
- Elevation query algorithms including Nearest Neighbor, Bilinear, and Bicubic
- Elevation unbounded results elevation queries
- Tile bounding box utility methods precision adjustments
- Additional Tile Dao zoom level determinations, including the closest
- Spatial Reference System definition_12_163 column changed to definition_12_063
- Deprecated the User Geometry Types Extension per spec removal
- Deprecated gpkx file extension for extended GeoPackages per spec removal
- GeoPackage application id and user version
- OrmLite Core version updated to 5.0
[1.2.0] (https://github.com/ngageoint/geopackage-core-java/releases/tag/1.2.0) (06-22-2016)
- Spatial Reference System DAO create from EPSG code in addition to SRS id
- Projection unit retrieval
- Dropped web mercator terminology from method names that only require consistent units per pixel
- Zoom level from tile size in meters method
- Tile DAO utility methods
- WGS84 tile grid, bounding box, tiles per side, and tile size methods
1.1.8 (05-10-2016)
- GeoPackage 1.1.0 spec updates
- GeoPackage application id updated to GP11
- OGC Well known text representation of Coordinate Reference Systems extension support
- Core Connection column exists, add column, and query single result methods
- Base extension with implementations and support for: CRS WKT, Geometries, Metadata, Schema, WebP, and Zoom Other
- Projection creations from Spatial Reference Systems
- Projection backup creation using proj4j configurations
- Data Column Constraint column name changes per spec
1.1.7 (04-18-2016)
- Additional GeoPackage methods to get all tables and check table types
- wkb version update to 1.0.2
1.1.6 (02-19-2016)
- Feature Tile Table Linker core abstraction
- Additional Feature Tile Table Linker methods for retrieving table names
- Bounding box constructor from an existing bounding box
- Bound a WGS 84 bounding box with Web Mercator limits utility method
1.1.5 (02-02-2016)
- Feature Tile Link Extension implementation - http://ngageoint.github.io/GeoPackage/docs/extensions/feature-tile-link.html
- GeoPackage drop table method
- Added delete all methods for the Geometry Index extension data access objects
- Contents open database connections fix - Issue #20
- Resource loading change to fix table creation on Windows - Issue #21
- Delete extensions when deleting a user table
1.1.4 (01-15-2016)
- Added remote proj4j dependency and removed embedded proj4j code - Issue #18
1.1.3 (12-16-2015)
- Geometry projection transformations - Issue #16
1.1.2 (12-14-2015)
- Table Index Extension invalid foreign key fix - Issue #14
- Execute SQL on GeoPackage method
1.1.1 (11-20-2015)
- Javadoc project links to external libraries
- Additional GeoPackage createFeatureTableWithMetadata methods - Issue #10
- min and max column query methods - Issue #11
- Determine bounding box from Tile Grid methods - Issue #12
- Data Columns Dao get data column by table and column names method
- wkb version update to 1.0.1
1.1.0 (10-08-2015)
- NGA Table Index Extension implementation - http://ngageoint.github.io/GeoPackage/docs/extensions/geometry-index.html
- Data Object Access delete object method fixes for tables with complex primary keys
- User Core DAO get bounding box and zoom level methods for features and tiles
- Get Tile Grid from single point and zoom level method
1.0.1 (09-23-2015)
- Added new GeoPackageCoreCache functionality
1.0.0 (09-15-2015)
- Initial Release