The prototype consists of a small multiplayer videogame in which each player controls their capsule character,
moving it inside the map and interacting with many scene objects. It was made entirely with the packages
provided by DOTS.
The goal of the prototype is to create a basic gameplay, implementing characters movement and smallinteractions with the game environment, using the packages provided by Unity DOTS architecture. In particular, the following packages were used:
- Entities, to realize the model based on Entities, Components and Systems (ECS).
- NetCode, to implement the networking side, that is the connections of the players (clients) to the game server and the communication between them.
- Physics, to realize the mechanics related to physics (static/dynamic entities, collision system, etc.).
Feature | File | Demo |
Input stacking and capsule player movement | PlayerMovementSpeed PlayerInputSystem.cs PlayerMovementSystem.cs |
Third person camera follow | PlayerCameraFollowComponent.cs CameraFollowSystem.cs |
Color change portals | PersistentChangeMaterialOnTriggerComponent.cs PersistentChangeMaterialOnTriggerSystem.cs TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerComponent.cs TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerSystem.cs |
Teleports | TeleportComponent.cs TeleportSystem.cs |
Entities spawn at random points in a volume | SpawnRandomObjectsAuthoring.cs | |
Collectibles pick up | PlayerScoreComponent CollectibleTagComponent.cs DeleteTagComponent.cs PickUpSystem.cs DeleteCollectibleSystem.cs |
To make the standalone build of an application created using DOTS, it is necessary to use the Platforms packages (com.unity.platforms.*). In particular, in the case of a multiplayer application, NetCode uses the Server Build property in Build Settings and the scripting define symbols in Project Settings > Player to decide what type of application to build (client only, server only or chosen at runtime).
- Check that is installed in the PackageManager.
- Create a Build Configuration: Project Window > Create > Build > Windows Classic Build Configuration.
- Select the configuration and run the build.
The prototype execution flow is the following:
- When the application starts, the Game system (contained in Game.cs file) runs. This system implements the connection of the clients to the server, differentiating the execution of the server, which listens for connections, from the execution of the clients, which connect to the server.
- Clients execute the code of GoInGameClientSystem, that sends a request to the server to enter the game and then starts sending commands and receiving snapshots (i.e. game state updates).
- The server executes the code of GoInGameServerSystem, that receives requests to enter the game and for each player enables communication via commands and snapshots, and generates a capsule character.
- The application, through the system PlayerInputSystems, continuously checks if the player enters keyboard inputs, and if so store them in a buffer and sends them to the server.
- The PlayerMovementSystem applies the inputs to the various capsules, using the client-side prediction to make the execution more fluid and to make the network latency perception as little as possibile.
- In the meantime, the others systems that implement the various features are also getting updated.
NB: the code snippets shown in this section have been cut out to highlight the key parts explained in the text.
TO-DO Translate Italian doc [...]
Once the client and the server are connected, we need to tell NetCode that the clients are ready to send commands and receive snapshots from the server: on the client side, as soon as the connection is established, the system GoInGameSystem starts running and sends a RPC to the server; on the server side, the system GoInGameServerSystem, which started running, receives the RPC and marks the client as "in game", adding the component NetworkStreamInGame to the entity representing the connection and creating a capsule player for the user corresponding to that client.
We declare the EnableGame structure which we will need later to indicate that the clients or the server are ready to connect and enter the game.
[UpdateInWorld(UpdateInWorld.TargetWorld.Default)] indicates that the Game system must run in the default world, as this world is always present because it is automatically instantiated by Unity.
Since the Game system code carries out the connection, it only needs to be executed once per application run. Therefore, we use the additional singleton InitGameComponent, to indicate when the code of the system has already been executed once: in the OnCreate() we use the method RequireSingletonForUpdate<>() to state the entity that must be present for OnUpdate() to be called; then we create the entity having this component; finally in OnUpdate() we remove that entity, so the application no longer calls OnUpdate() of the Game system.
protected override void OnCreate()
The OnUpdate() method loops over all teh worlds present in the application and, after obtaining the system NetworkStreamReceiveSystem (which exposes the Connect and Listen methods), we check if we are in a client or a server:
- if the application is a client, the ClientWorld will be present, inside which there will be a system group called ClientSimulationSystemGroup. Accordingly, we create the singleton entity EnableGame and we connect to localhost:7979.
- Otherwise, if the application is a server, there will be the ServerWorld, inside which there will be ServerSimulationSystemGroup. Therefore we create the singleton entity EnableGame and we listen on port 7979.
protected override void OnUpdate()
foreach (var world in World.All)
var network = world.GetExistingSystem<NetworkStreamReceiveSystem>();
if (world.GetExistingSystem<ClientSimulationSystemGroup>() != null)
NetworkEndPoint ep = NetworkEndPoint.LoopbackIpv4;
ep.Port = 7979;
ep = NetworkEndPoint.Parse(ClientServerBootstrap.RequestedAutoConnect, 7979);
else if (world.GetExistingSystem<ServerSimulationSystemGroup>() != null)
NetworkEndPoint ep = NetworkEndPoint.AnyIpv4;
ep.Port = 7979;
Since the component NetworkStreamInGame has not been added to the entity representing the connection between a client and the server, they cannot communicate by sending commands or snapshots yet. So, we use a NetCode RPC (IRpcCommand) to notify the server that the client is ready to enter the game, so the server can mark the connection and start the communication.
As explained in the NetCode docs, to send an RPC we need to create an entity and add the RPC command just created and then the component SendRpcCommandRequestComponent, which triggers the Unity RPC sending system.
The [UpdateInGroup(typeof(ClientSimulationSystemGroup))] attribute indicates that this system must be updated only on clients, within the ClientSimulationSystemGroup.
We want this system to run only once, when the client wants to enter the game, specifically between the connection with the server and before the communication via commands and snapshots is started. Therefore, we require that the EnableGame singleton is present and that the entity representing the connection (which has the NetworkIdComponent), does not have the NetworkStreamInGame component.
protected override void OnCreate()
RequireForUpdate(GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly<NetworkIdComponent>(), ComponentType.Exclude<NetworkStreamInGame>()));
After that, in OnUpdate(), we iterate over all the entities that have NetworkIdComponent but do not have NetworkStreamInGame, which is the entity of the connection. Therefore, using a command buffer, we follow the procedure to send the RPC: we create an entity, we add the RPC command to it, and finally we add the SendRpcCommandRequestComponent, by indicating the target connection.
protected override void OnUpdate()
var commandBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
Entities.WithNone<NetworkStreamInGame>().ForEach((Entity ent, in NetworkIdComponent id) =>
var req = commandBuffer.CreateEntity();
commandBuffer.AddComponent(req, new SendRpcCommandRequestComponent { TargetConnection = ent });
The [UpdateInGroup(typeof(ServerSimulationSystemGroup))] attribute indicates that this system must be updated only on the server. We want this system to run only when, after the EnableGame singleton has been added, it arrives an RPC request from a client. Therefore, we require EnableGame to be present and that there is an entity having as components our RPC command and ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent.
protected override void OnCreate()
RequireForUpdate(GetEntityQuery(ComponentType.ReadOnly<GoInGameRequest>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent>()));
In the OnUpdate() method, we get the list of ghost prefabs, which are the networked objects. In our prototype the only ghost is the PlayerCapsule, which is the character that each player controls and moves around the map. Since this list could be extended in the future, we check anyway if the ghost is the capsule one (i.e. if it has the PlayerMovementSpeed component), and we save it in a variable.
Then we get the list of the connections NetworkIdComponent, we save it in networkIdFromEntity, which is a dictionary-like container. Through this container we can assign the respective id of the connection to the GhostOwnerComponent of each client's ghost. This fundamental operation must be done "at runtime", since it is not possible to know before who will belong to a certain ghost.
Then we iterate over all the entities that correspond to RPC requests (thus having GoInGameRequest e ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent). Since the request contains the entity of the source connection from which the RPC has been sent, we can use it to add the NetworkStreamInGame component to that entity, and start the communication via commands and snapshots. Once this is done, we instantiate the player capsule and update the NetworkId of that ghost's owner.
Finally we add to the capsule entity the buffer on which the player's inputs will be stored, and to the connection the CommandTargetComponent, which will be used by the input management system to understand which ghost to apply the inputs received from the player. Furthermore, we destroy the RPC request entity, otherwise the system would keep running forever.
Now everything is set up to allow the client to sample inputs and send them to the server as commands, and for the server to receive these commands, apply them in its simulation and send snapshots (i.e. game state updates) back to the client.
protected override void OnUpdate()
var ghostCollection = GetSingletonEntity<GhostPrefabCollectionComponent>();
var prefab = Entity.Null;
var prefabs = EntityManager.GetBuffer<GhostPrefabBuffer>(ghostCollection);
for (int ghostId = 0; ghostId < prefabs.Length; ++ghostId)
if (EntityManager.HasComponent<PlayerMovementSpeed>(prefabs[ghostId].Value))
prefab = prefabs[ghostId].Value;
var commandBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
var networkIdFromEntity = GetComponentDataFromEntity<NetworkIdComponent>(true);
Entities.WithReadOnly(networkIdFromEntity).ForEach((Entity reqEnt, in GoInGameRequest req, in ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent reqSrc) =>
UnityEngine.Debug.Log(String.Format("Server setting connection {0} to in game", networkIdFromEntity[reqSrc.SourceConnection].Value));
var player = commandBuffer.Instantiate(prefab); // spawn capsula per il giocatore
commandBuffer.SetComponent(player, new GhostOwnerComponent { NetworkId = networkIdFromEntity[reqSrc.SourceConnection].Value });
commandBuffer.SetComponent(reqSrc.SourceConnection, new CommandTargetComponent { targetEntity = player });
The PlayerInput structure implements the ICommandData interface, which is the interface required to execute a command in NetCode. This is nothing more than a dynamic buffer used to store commands to be transmitted across a connection. In fact, this interface exposes the Tick property, which must be implemented, as it indicates the execution tick of the simulation in which the input was sampled, so that the server, when receives it, can apply it at the same time as the client, regardless of network latency. The tick also allows us to take advantage of the client-side prediction provided by NetCode.
In our case this structure contains, in addition to the tick, the horizontal and vertical fields, which respectively indicate the movement on the x axis and on the y axis.
public struct PlayerInput : ICommandData
public uint Tick { get; set; }
public int horizontal;
public int vertical;
The collection of inputs is done through the PlayerInputSystem, which runs only on the client side. Within this, in OnCreate(), first of all we require that, in order for the system to be updated, the singleton NetworkIdComponent (which identifies a connection, therefore a client) and EnableGame (which indicates that the game has begun) are both present. Then we save the ClientSimulationSystemGroup system group in a variable, as from this we can obtain the server tick (which always updates at a fixed timestep).
ClientSimulationSystemGroup m_ClientSimulationSystemGroup;
protected override void OnCreate()
m_ClientSimulationSystemGroup = World.GetExistingSystem<ClientSimulationSystemGroup>();
The most complex part of this system lies in the OnUpdate() method: after obtaining the CommandTargetComponent singleton, we check that it contains the reference to the player's capsule entity. Since there can be several players at runtime, and consequently several capsule characters, it is necessary to distinguish which client each capsule belongs to. The CommandTargetComponent component does just that: it's a singleton, different for each client. In fact, when the application is run normally, only the World of the specific client is present, consequently the singleton represents the ghost entity of the capsule associated with the client of the world. However, since at the first run this component is not initialized, we also have to handle the case in which it does not yet contain the entity. In this case we simply get the connection id from the NetworkIdComponent singleton and, by iterating over all the capsule entities, we look for the one having the corresponding NetworkId (inside the GhostOwner component, which we had initialized in Game.cs). Once found, we set the targetEntity value of CommandTargetComponent.
var localInput = GetSingleton<CommandTargetComponent>().targetEntity;
if (localInput == Entity.Null)
var localPlayerId = GetSingleton<NetworkIdComponent>().Value;
var commandBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
var commandTargetEntity = GetSingletonEntity<CommandTargetComponent>();
.ForEach((Entity ent, ref GhostOwnerComponent ghostOwner) =>
if (ghostOwner.NetworkId == localPlayerId)
commandBuffer.SetComponent(commandTargetEntity, new CommandTargetComponent { targetEntity = ent });
Once this is done we can finally sample the inputs: after updating the tick of the command, with the one of the server, obtained from ClientSimulationSystemGroup, we set horizontal and vertical values based on the input received from the user. Finally, we add the input to the PlayerInput command buffer.
var input = default(PlayerInput);
input.Tick = m_ClientSimulationSystemGroup.ServerTick;
if (Input.GetKey("a"))
input.horizontal -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey("d"))
input.horizontal += 1;
if (Input.GetKey("s"))
input.vertical -= 1;
if (Input.GetKey("w"))
input.vertical += 1;
var inputBuffer = EntityManager.GetBuffer<PlayerInput>(localInput);
It is associated with a capsule entity and indicates its movement speed.
This system is updated within the GhostPredictionSystemGroup, which allows us to implement client-side prediction of ghosts. In particular, in OnUpdate () we get the prediction tick from this group and iterate over all the capsule entities, inserting the components we will need into the lambda. First we check if the prediction code should execute, using the ShouldPredict() method to find out if the prediction for the tick in question should be applied to the entity. If so, from the PlayerInput buffer we get the command related to that tick, and we apply the movement based on the data contained in the command.
var tick = m_GhostPredictionSystemGroup.PredictingTick;
var deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;
Entities.ForEach((DynamicBuffer<PlayerInput> inputBuffer, ref PhysicsVelocity pv, in PredictedGhostComponent prediction, in PlayerMovementSpeed pms) =>
if (!GhostPredictionSystemGroup.ShouldPredict(tick, prediction))
PlayerInput input;
inputBuffer.GetDataAtTick(tick, out input);
var speed = pms.speed;
if (input.horizontal > 0)
pv.Linear.x += speed * deltaTime;
if (input.horizontal < 0)
pv.Linear.x -= speed * deltaTime;
if (input.vertical > 0)
pv.Linear.z += speed * deltaTime;
if (input.vertical < 0)
pv.Linear.z -= speed * deltaTime;
As well as PlayerInputSystem, this system runs in the ClientSimulationSystemGroup group, since its logic shows a different result depending on the client it executes. The OnUpdate () method simply saves in a variable the position of the main camera Camera.main and, after obtaining the singleton CommandTargetComponent containing the entity of the capsule corresponding to the client, it cycles through all the capsule entities currently present at runtime. Therefore, we search for the entity corresponding to the one contained in CommandTargetComponent, and update the position of the camera with the one of the capsule, adding an offset to it to get a complete view. The offset is obtained from a PlayerCameraFollowComponent component, attached to the capsule entity.
var position = Camera.main.transform.position;
var commandTargetComponentEntity = GetSingletonEntity<CommandTargetComponent>();
var commandTargetComponent = GetComponent<CommandTargetComponent>(commandTargetComponentEntity);
Entities.WithAll<PlayerScoreComponent>().ForEach((Entity entity, in Translation translation, in PlayerCameraFollowComponent pcf) =>
if (entity == commandTargetComponent.targetEntity && !pcf.fixedCamera)
position.x = translation.Value.x + pcf.xOffset;
position.y = translation.Value.y + pcf.yOffset;
position.z = translation.Value.z + pcf.zOffset;
Camera.main.transform.position = position;
This system iterates over entities having a buffer of StatefulTriggerEvent components and the TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerComponent component:
- StatefulTriggerEvent is contained in file DynamicBufferTriggerEventAuthoring.cs and allows us to accumulate "Trigger" events (they're launched when an object crosses a portal, through the properties of the latter's PhysicsShape component). Through this we can know the exact frame of entry and exit from the portal, as well as the frames in which an entity remains within it, since the single Trigger events are buffered and the status of the previous frame is checked. This file was taken from the Unity sub-repository UnityPhysicsSamples, where there are several examples for using the Physics package.
- TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerComponent contains the entity whose material the portal will change each time it passes through the portal.
Inside the ForEach, we iterate over the trigger events of the buffer, which contain the entity with which the portal collided, checking in particular when this enters or exits:
- When it enters, the material of the entity is updated with the one of the portal.
- When exiting, the entity's original material is restored.
This way, the original material of the entity gets reset, not the one before entering the portal.
Entities.WithoutBurst().ForEach((Entity e, ref DynamicBuffer<StatefulTriggerEvent> triggerEventBuffer, ref TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerComponent changeMaterial) =>
for (int i = 0; i < triggerEventBuffer.Length; i++)
var triggerEvent = triggerEventBuffer[i];
var otherEntity = triggerEvent.GetOtherEntity(e);
// exclude other triggers and processed events
if (triggerEvent.State == EventOverlapState.Stay || !nonTriggerMask.Matches(otherEntity))
if (triggerEvent.State == EventOverlapState.Enter)
var volumeRenderMesh = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData<RenderMesh>(e);
var overlappingRenderMesh = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData<RenderMesh>(otherEntity);
overlappingRenderMesh.material = volumeRenderMesh.material;
commandBuffer.SetSharedComponent(otherEntity, overlappingRenderMesh);
// State == PhysicsEventState.Exit
if (changeMaterial.ReferenceEntity == Entity.Null)
var overlappingRenderMesh = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData<RenderMesh>(otherEntity);
var referenceRenderMesh = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData<RenderMesh>(changeMaterial.ReferenceEntity);
overlappingRenderMesh.material = referenceRenderMesh.material;
commandBuffer.SetSharedComponent(otherEntity, overlappingRenderMesh);
This system is a simplified version of the temporary one (TemporaryChangeMaterialOnTriggerSystem). Unlike that, PersistentChangeMaterialOnTriggerSystem doesn't manage the case in which the entity that crossed the portal exits. For this reason we use PersistentChangeMaterialOnTriggerTagComponent, since it doesn't contain any type of information, and serves only to indicate that an entity is a portal.
- Unity Manual
- Unity Entities
- Unity Physics
- Unity NetCode
- Unity Copenhagen 2019 - DOTS (YouTube Playlist)
- DOTS Sample - a third-person shooter demo showcasing the various new DOTS technologies in action together (including Unity Physics, NetCode, Hybrid Renderer, and Conversion Workflow).
- EntityComponentSystemSamples - it contains some sub-repository, including UnityPhysicsSamples, with useful examples, demos and use cases.
- DOTS training samples - it contains small simulations/games implemented in classic (non-DOTS) Unity. It's a useful repository for training using DOTS.
- Unity Real-time Multiplayer Alpha - it contains an example project that uses NetCode to implement the networking.
- FPS Sample - an obsolete but interesting project.
- AngryBots ECS - simple third-person shooter, which shows improvements in gameplay when switching to DOTS implementation.
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