Scripts to build Open Disclosure's back end in a Vagrant virtual machine. This has been tested on a Mac running Yosemite. From what I understand, Virtual box and Vagrant work in Windows as well, and most of the commands are the same, though, I have not tested it in Windows.
To install the backend:
####1) Install Virtual box and Vagrant.
See for virtual box.
See for Vagrant.
###Three important notes on Vagrant usage:
######a) Never run Vagrant commands from your home machine as root :) ie, if you mistakenly run anything with the pattern
host machine prompt> sudo vagrant xxx
you will probably need to read this to make everything work right again.
Running code as root inside of the Vagrant vitual machine, ( ie: after >vagrant ssh and before ctrl-d ), is fine.
######b) Starting the Vagrant virtual machine after it is shut down To restart a virtual box, you must first go to the directory where you first initilized and installed the Vagrant box, then use the 'vagrant up' command. If you type this command:
host machine prompt> vagrant up
in the wrong directory it will cause much confusion and problems.
######c) Re-installing the virtual box If you are re-installing the back end and wish to re-install the vagrant instance, you need to first destroy the previously installed Vagrant box using these commands, run from the directory where the original Vagrant box was installed.
> vagrant destroy
Then remove the Vagrant config file found in the installation directory (it is named "Vagrantfile", no extension).
> rm Vagrantfile
####2) Setup the Vagrant folder
######a) Copy this git repository to a folder on your computer.
######b) Navigate to the git repository's folder; this will be used as the Vagrant install folder.
####3) Establish the Virtual box and install the server At a terminal command prompt run these commands:
host machine prompt> vagrant up
host machine prompt> vagrant ssh
#note: the previous command will take you into the vagrant virtual machine and give you a guest machine prompt
guest machine prompt> cp /vagrant/ ~
guest machine prompt> sudo chmod 755 ~/
guest machine prompt> ./
After the installation finishes and the guest machine prompt returns, run this command:
guest machine prompt> source ~/.bash_profile
The server should now be installed and the data loaded.
####4) Start the server
guest machine prompt> cd ~/opendisclosure/
guest machine prompt> foreman start
####5) Check the installation The server should now be running. To check that everything was successfull open an internet browser window and enter this in the address bar:
The Open Disclosure site should come up, and should look pretty much just like the current running Open Disclosure website.
####6) Shutting everything down It is advised that you do not leave a virtual machine running when it is not needed, as this can occasionally cause conflicts if other virtual machines are initilized which are located in associated directories or use the same ports.
######To stop the server: At the command prompt where the command '> foreman start command' was entered, press 'control + C'.
######To stop Vagrant:
'control + D'
to return to the host machine, then enter this command at the command line:
host machine prompt> vagrant halt