Returns an HTML-like string of the wrapper for debugging purposes. Useful to print out to the console when tests are not passing when you expect them to.
: The resulting string.
Say we have the following components:
class Foo extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="foo">
class Bar extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="bar">
<Foo baz="bax" />
In this case, running:
console.log(mount(<Bar id="2" />).debug());
Would output the following to the console:
<Bar id="2">
<div className="bar">
<Foo baz="bax">
<div className="foo">
Likewise, running:
console.log(mount(<Bar id="2" />).find(Foo).debug());
Would output the following to the console:
<Foo baz="bax">
<div className="foo">