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SSH Manager

SSH Manager is shell script especially for MacOS to manage your SSH keys and SSH config hosts. It is generating SSH keys using ed25519 and bcrypt with 100 rounds.


List all SSH keys and hosts in SSH config. This command is calling both ssh-manager list-keys and then ssh-manager list-host

$ ssh-manager list
→ List of available keys:
→ List of available hosts in SSH config:
- production
- github

Copy public SSH key to the clipboard.

$ ssh-manager copy github
→ Success: Your public SSH key was successfully copied to the clipboard.

Generate new SSH key.

$ ssh-manager new
→ Enter key file name: production
→ Enter key comment: your@username
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/nipid/.ssh/id_ed25519_production.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/nipid/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:xspERr/FFG8ZEwOkO1kziC+Ep+oZMCCx4j39rwkCiGM your@username
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|.     .  .=o=.   |
| o   o o = . =   |
|=   . * + * +    |
|B . .* o * +     |
|*E o..o S        |
|.+...o.+ .       |
|  o. .o.         |
| . o. . o        |
|  o    o..       |
→ Success: SSH key 'production' was successfully created with comment 'your@username'.

Create new host to SSH config.

$ ssh-manager host
→ Enter host short name: production
→ Enter host name:
→ Enter host port (default 22):
→ Enter host user (default root): username
→ Enter SSH key name (default none): production
→ Would you like to transfer public key to server (production)? (y|n):
→ Success: SSH host 'production' was successfully added to SSH config.
→          You can now use 'ssh production' to go to SSH.

Remove host from SSH config. You can also pass host short name as third parameter. ssh-manager remove production

$ ssh-manager remove
→ Enter host short name: production
→ Success: SSH host 'production' was successfully remove from SSH config.

Help command

$ ssh-manager
→ Usage: ssh-manager <command>

   help             This help message
   list             List of all SSH keys and hosts in SSH config
   list-keys        List of all SSH keys
   copy             Copy public SSH key
   new              Generate new SSH key
   host             Add host to SSH config, use --key to generate new key
   remove           Remove host from SSH config
   list-host        List of all hosts in SSH config