From aef0261fc289fba3d2d0c077db52c4d94d7083a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vincent Biret Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 09:50:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] - adds side loading instructions for the vscode extension Signed-off-by: Vincent Biret --- vscode/microsoft-kiota/ | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+) diff --git a/vscode/microsoft-kiota/ b/vscode/microsoft-kiota/ index 30dce34fc6..c26cca6028 100644 --- a/vscode/microsoft-kiota/ +++ b/vscode/microsoft-kiota/ @@ -1,5 +1,40 @@ # Debugging the extension +## Running in debug mode + +Context: you're a developer working on the extension, and you want to debug/step through the extension code. + 1. run `dotnet publish ./src/kiota/kiota.csproj -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:PublishReadyToRun=true --self-contained -c Release -r -o ./vscode/microsoft-kiota/.kiotabin///` 1. in `vscode/microsoft-kiota` run `code . && npm i` 1. in the code instance that was opened at step 2, just press f5 + +## Side loading the extension + +Context: you're most likely a program manager eager to demo the latest bits from an active development branch. + +### Pre-requisites + +- GitHub CLI `winget install GitHub.CLI` +- dotnet 8 `winget install Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.8` +- node 20 `winget install CoreyButler.NVMforWindows && nvm install lts && nvm use lts` +- vsce & TypeScript `npm i -g TypeScript @vscode/vsce` + +### Steps + +#### Building and side-loading the extension + +1. make sure to uninstall any version of the extension, including from remote environments if you're remoting into WSL or a devcontainer, to clear any confusion. +1. clone this repository if you don't have it locally already `gh repo clone microsoft/kiota && cd kiota`. +1. switch to the development branch `git switch branchName` (you can find the branch name in the pull request). +1. cd into the extension directory `cd vscode/microsoft-kiota`. +1. install dependencies `npm i`. +1. pack the extension `vsce package`. +1. side load the extension `code --install-extension pathToVsixThatWasCreatedAtPreviousStep` or use the **Install from VSIX** option from the **...** menu in the extensions pane if you're remoting to WSL/devcontainer. + +At this point you have the code extension installed, but it needs the kiota executable to work properly. + +#### Building kiota + +Refer to step 1 from the "debugging" section. The major difference will be the output path: + +`~/vscode/extensions/ms-graph.kiota-/.kiotabin///`