By default, all the basics features from the Watchy are available :
- Active Features
- About Watchy
- Vibrate Motor
- Show Accelerometer
- Set Time
- Setup WiFi
- Update Firmware
- Sync NTP
- Passive Features
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Steps
- Weather
- Menu
- Vibrate
- Accelerometer
- ...
And some features have been add due to some needs or just for fun.
To activate the darkmode just set the var DARKMODE
to true.
#define DARKMODE true
Set the WiFi setting as code directly in the parameters. Add a 2nd coneection as code.
Passive feature
Having the main WiFi settings as code, in order to reconnect-it automatically in case of reuploading sofware.
Active feature
In the menu, I added a 2ndary WiFi connection as code, in order to be able to setup an other WiFi point without using the web interface.
#define WIFI_SSID_DEF "Pastabox-test"
#define WIFI_PASS_DEF "test"
#define WIFI_SSID_2ND "Volophone-test"
#define WIFI_PASS_2ND "test"
A colleague of mine really like joke and really often come to me to ask one of my baddest joke. So I thougt implementing a joke generator or a joke downloader from the Watchy would be very helpful.
Passive feature
Everyday at 00h00min
, download 10 jokes from the BLAGUE_URL
var API and register them has files (if network is available).
Active feature
A button is configure to show a joke from :
- download from the API
- read a joke from one of the file (random) in case network isn't available
#define BLAGUE_TYPE "dev"
#define BLAGUE_URL "" + String(BLAGUE_TYPE) + "/random"
#define BLAGUE_TOKEN "test"
Make the Watchy a real smartchwatch by doing something useful of the data generate by the watch.
Passive feature
Every hour at xxh59min
, send data of the watch from the last hour to the API_URL
var API from certains rules :
- if network isn't available, register the data in files
- if network is available send the data from the last hour
- if network is available send any registered data and delete the local files
From now this only allow to send :
- steps
#define API_URL ""
#define API_TOKEN ""