MS/MS spectral search results viewer. Applicable for any search results in pepXML. Specializes in cross-linked search results.
The software works great, but this repo is a work in progress. Compilation may be a little rough. If all you know how to do is:
make install
then maybe you should ask for help from someone who better knows their way around a computer. :)
There is a Makefile, you can try to make right from the outset. Just be sure to do the following:
- Clone and compile the MSToolkit:
- Install SDL and dev kit:
- Install SDL_ttf and dev kit:
- Install PNG and dev kit:
- Update the Makefile MSTOOLKITPATH
Much the same as Linuxabove, if using a Linux-like environment (MinGW/MSYS/CygWin etc). If using Visual Studio (works great this way), try the following:
- Clone and compile the MSToolkit as a library.
- Download and compile the libpng as a library.
- Download the precompiled SDL dev and runtime libraries.
- Download the precompiled SDL_ttf dev and runtime libraries.
- Compile all .cpp source and link the MSToolkit,libpng, and SDL libraries.
- Add the SDL dlls to the binary folder prior to running KojakSpectrumViewer.
I apologize in advance for the lack of user friendliness to the entire process. Over time I plan on improving this repo to reduce the complexity for compilation and automate more of the processes.
To hell with compiling, if you just want the binaries, go to:
KojakSpectrumViewer code is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
SDL_SavePNG ( code retains its zlib/libpng license.