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MeTA System Overview |
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Our task is to improve upon and complement the current body of open source machine learning and information retrieval software. The existing environment of this open source software tends to be quite fragmented.
There is rarely a single location for a wide variety of algorithms; a good example of this is the LIBLINEAR software package for SVMs. While this is the most cited of the open source implementations of linear SVMs, it focuses solely on kernel-less methods. If presented with a nonlinear classification problem, one would be forced to find a different software package that supports kernels (such as the same authors' LIBSVM package). This places an undue burden on the researchers---not only are they required to have a detailed understanding of the research problem at hand, but they are now forced to understand this fragmented nature of the open source software community, find the appropriate tools in this mishmash of implementations, and compile and configure the appropriate tool.
Even when this is all done, there is the problem of data formatting---it is unlikely that the tools have standardized upon a single input format, so a certain amount of "data munging" is now required. This all detracts from the actual research task at hand, which has a marked impact on the speed of discovery.
We want to address these issues. In particular, we want to provide a unifying framework for text indexing and analysis methods, allowing researchers to quickly run controlled experiments. We want to modularize the feature generation, instance representation, data storage formats, and algorithm implementations; this will allow for researchers to make seamless transitions along any of these dimensions with minimal effort.
All processed data is stored in a disk_index
. Currently, we have two
index types: forward_index
and inverted_index
. The former is keyed by
document IDs, and the latter is keyed by term IDs.
is used for applications such as topic modeling and most classification tasksinverted_index
is used to create search engines, or do classification with k-nearest-neighbor
Since each MeTA application takes an index as input, all processed data is
interchangeable between all the components. This also gives a great advantage to
classification: MeTA supports out-of-core classification by default! If
your dataset is small enough (like most other toolkits assume), you can
load an index into a dataset
object to keep it all in memory without
sacrificing any speed.
Index usage is explained in much more detail in the Search Tutorial, though it might make more sense to read the about Filters and Analyzers first.
The main toml configuration file has a few options related to indexing.
{% highlight toml %} uninvert = false # default indexer-ram-budget = 1024 # estimated total RAM budget for indexing in MB # always set this lower than your physical RAM! {% endhighlight %}
The key uninvert
(if set to true) will create a forward_index
by uninverting
an inverted_index
. This is useful to set to true if you will be using both
indexes. If you'll only do classification or topic modeling, setting this to
false will not create an inverted index unless one is explicitly used.
The indexer-ram-budget
is approximately how much total memory is
allocated during the indexing process. If there are four threads and
indexer-ram-budget = 4096
, then each thread will store 1GB of processed
data before it flushes it to disk. Note that this limit is currently
heuristic-based and thus is not a hard limit (though the system does its
best to adhere to it).
In the main toml configuration file, there are two parameters to specify a corpus:
{% highlight toml %} dataset = "dataset-name" corpus = "name.toml" {% endhighlight %}
The dataset
key names a folder under the path prefix
where the corpus
data resides. The key corpus
is the path to the corpus configuration
file, relative to the corpus path. Usually, we simply name the corpus
config file by the corpus input format type. For example, if we are using
a line corpus (described below), we would say corpus = "line.toml"
. The
file line.toml
(or whatever it's called) contains corpus-specific
settings. Refer to the corpus-specific documentation below for what it
should contain.
There are currently four corpus input formats (and you can find examples of all of these in the data directory for your MeTA checkout once you have built the toolkit at least once).
A line_corpus
consists of one or two files:
: the corpus configuration filecorpusname.dat
: each document appears on one line.corpusname.dat.labels
: optional file that includes the class or label of the document on each line, again corresponding to the order incorpusname.dat
. These are the labels that are used for the classification tasks.
Below is an example of what line.toml
might look like:
{% highlight toml %} type = "line-corpus" encoding = "utf-8" # optional; this is the default num-docs = 1000 # optional metadata = [{name = "path", type = "string"}] # metadata explained later {% endhighlight %}
A gz_corpus
is simlar to a line_corpus
, but each of its files are
compressed using gzip compression:
: the corpus configuration filecorpusname.dat.gz
: a compressed version ofcorpusname.dat
: a compressed version ofcorpusname.dat.labels
Below is an example of what gz.toml
might look like:
{% highlight toml %} type = "gz-corpus" encoding = "utf-8" # optional; this is the default num-docs = 1000 # required metadata = [{name = "path", type = "string"}] # metadata explained later {% endhighlight %}
In a file_corpus
, each document is its own file. Your corpus
configuration file (typically file.toml
) should specify a list
key to
point MeTA at a list of all of the documents in your corpus. This file,
(where list is whatever you set the list
key to in
your configuration file; typically just the name of the corpus again)
contains (on each line) a required label for each document followed by the
path to the file on disk (separated by a tab or a space). If the documents
don't have specified class labels, just precede the line with [none]
For example, your file.toml
might look like:
{% highlight toml %} type = "file-corpus" list = "dataset" encoding = "utf-8" # optional; this is the default num-docs = 1000 # optional metadata = [{name = "path", type = "string"}] # metadata explained later {% endhighlight %}
and the file dataset-full-corpus.txt
might look like:
class-label relative/path/to/document01.txt
class-label2 relative/path/to/document02.txt
class-label relative/path/to/document03.txt
class-label3 relative/path/to/document04.txt
If only being used for classification, MeTA can also take libsvm-formatted
input to create a forward_index
. A libsvm_corpus
contains the following
: the corpus configuration filecorpus.dat
: the LIBSVM-formatted data file
The libsvm.toml
file is very straightforward:
{% highlight toml %} type = "libsvm-corpus" {% endhighlight %}
The file metadata.dat
may optionally accompany a corpus. The metadata
parameter in the corpus config file explains the schema of the file. Each line
in metadata.dat
corresponds to the ordered documents in the corpus, and values
are tab-separated. Below is a simple line.toml
corpus config file and
{% highlight toml %}
type = "line" num-docs = 4 metadata = [{name = "path", type = "string"}, {name = "published", type = "uint"}, {name = "conference", type = "string"}] {% endhighlight %}
Below are the contents of metadata.dat
papers/acl-short.txt 2015 ACL
papers/sigir-submission.txt 2016 SIGIR
papers/sigir-accepted.txt 2015 SIGIR
old-papers/nips.txt 2007 NIPS
Possible types are int
, uint
, double
, and string
. Note that the example
variable isn't necessarily a path to an actual file (since this is a line
corpus), but it may be useful to the user to remember where the original files
came from.
To access the metadata of an indexed document, simply call
{% highlight cpp %} doc_id d_id = // ... auto mdata = idx->metadata(d_id); std::cout << *mdata.getstd::string("field-name") << std::endl; {% endhighlight %}
If you have no metadata, simply do not specify a metadata
key in your
corpus configuration file.
There are several public datasets that we've converted to the line_corpus
- 20newsgroups, originally from here.
- IMDB Large Movie Review Dataset, originally from here.
- Any libsvm-formatted
dataset can be
used to create a
MeTA processes data with a system of tokenizers, filters and analyzers before it is indexed.
Tokenizers come first. They define how to split a document's content into tokens. Some examples are:
: converts documents into streams of tokens by following the unicode standards for sentence and word segmentation.character_tokenizer
: converts documents into streams of single characters.
Filters come next, and can be chained together. They define ways that text can be modified or transformed. Here are some examples of filters:
: this filter accepts tokens that are within a certain length and rejects those that are not.icu_filter
: applies an ICU transliteration to each token in the sequence.list_filter
: this filter either accepts or rejects tokens based on a list. For example, you could use a stopword list and reject stopwords.porter2_filter
: this filter transforms each token according to the Porter2 English Stemmer rules.
Analyzers operate on the output from the filter chain and produce token counts from documents. Here are some examples of analyzers:
: collects and counts sequences of n words (tokens) that have been filtered by the filter chainngram_pos_analyzer
: same asngram_word_analyzer
, but operates on part-of-speech tags from MeTA's CRFtree_analyzer
: collects and counts occurrences of parse tree structural features, currently the only known implementation of work described in this paper.libsvm_analyzer
: converts a libsvmline_corpus
into MeTA format.
For a more detailed intro, see Filters and Analyzers.
We're using Bandit, which is configured to run all of MeTA's tests. You may run
{% highlight bash %} ./unit-test --reporter=spec {% endhighlight %}
to execute the unit tests while displaying output from failed tests.
The file unit_test.cpp
, takes various tests as parameters. For example,
{% highlight bash %} ./unit-test --only=[inverted-index] --reporter=spec {% endhighlight %}
only runs tests with the string [inverted-index]
in their description. The
parameter --reporter=spec
gives more detailed output on which unit tests are
being run.
Please note that you must have a valid configuration file (config.toml
) in the
project root with prefix = ../data/
, since many unit tests create input based
on paths stored there.
You should use the MeTA forum for user support. If you have a bug or feature request, see below.
On GitHub, create an issue and make sure to label it as a bug. Please be as detailed as possible (including information such as your operating system version, version of MeTA, configuration files, etc.). Including a code snippet would be very helpful if applicable.
You many also add feature requests the same way, though of course the developers will have their own priority for which features are addressed first.
Forks are certainly welcome. When you have something you'd like to add, submit a pull request and a developer will approve it after review.
We're also looking for more core developers. If you're interested, don't hesitate to contact us!
For now, please cite the homepage (https://meta-toolkit.org) and note which revision you used. Once (hopefully) we have a paper, you would be able to cite that.
Sean Massung started writing MeTA in May 2012 as a tool to help with his senior thesis at UIUC. He is currently a computer science PhD student there (since 2013), working with Professor ChengXiang Zhai. His research interests include information retrieval, natural language processing, and education. Specifically, he is currently studying how non-native English speakers write in English. Can we determine their native language and offer grammatical error corrections?
Chase Geigle is a computer scientist and educator at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he is currently pursuing his PhD (starting in 2013). His research interests include text mining and machine learning, particularly when applied to the domain of education. He is a member of the Text Information Management and Analysis (TIMAN) group where he studies under the supervision of Dr. ChengXiang Zhai. He is a lead developer on the MeTA toolkit and a self-described C++ aficionado.
MeTA is dual-licensed under the MIT License and the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. These are free, permissive licenses, meaning it is allowed to be included in proprietary software.