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File metadata and controls

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Second analysis steps
Managing files in Ganga

Learning Objectives {.objectives}

  • Choose whether job output is saved locally or on the Grid
  • Choose where to look for job input files
  • Move files from any grid site to CERN, for analysis using EOS

Ganga allows you to define a job and have it run anywhere: on your local machine, on the batch system, or on the Grid. This is very convenient as you don't need to worry about the specifics of each platform.

Ganga treats files in a similar way to jobs, in that you only need to change the object you're using to tell Ganga to use local files, files on the Grid, or files on EOS. In this lesson, we'll see how you can efficiently manage input and output files using Ganga.

Ganga problems {.callout}

Ganga is currently in a state of flux. It is changing regularly, and some things may begin or stop work between releases. The developers of Ganga are working to stabilise the application and its interface. This takes some time, and it helps to have users report the problems they see.

It's generally advised to use the latest available version of Ganga. If you encounter problems, you should first search the archives of the lhcb-distributed-analysis mailing list. If you don't find an answer, you can talk to the Ganga developers directly on the GitHub issues page for Ganga, or by sending an email to lhcb-distributed-analysis.

Making a fresh start {.callout}

Throughout this lesson, we'll be using the most up-to-date version of Ganga that's available, v601r19. To make sure there will be no files from older versions of Ganga to interfere, we will move them to a backup location.

$ cd ~
$ mkdir ganga-backup
# See what's in your home directory that's related to Ganga
$ ls -la | grep -i ganga
# Then move everything
$ mv gangadir .gangarc* .ganga.log .ipython-ganga ganga-backup

You can move this back after the lesson if you want to restore your old settings and data.

We'll be doing everything in Ganga, so let's start it up.

$ lb-run Ganga v601r19 ganga

If it's your first time starting Ganga, you'll be asked if you want to create a default .gangarc file with the default settings.

Would you like to create default config file ~/.gangarc with standard settings ([y]/n) ?

Answer with y. The .gangarc file defines the configuration of Ganga, and the defaults are normally good enough.

You'll then be dropped in a IPython shell. We will create a job that runs a Python script that accepts a path to an input text file as an argument, and saves a file that contains the text of the file reversed. For example, it would save a file containing ‘!dlrow olleH’ if it was given a file containing ‘Hello world!’ as input.

Download the script to lxplus and set it to be executable. You can execute these commands inside Ganga, if you like, by prefixing them with a !.

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Usage: <file>

In Ganga, create a Job object with a descriptive name and take a look at it.

j = Job(name='Reverser')
print j

You'll see that Ganga has created a Job which will execute the echo command, passing the list of arguments ['Hello World']. Each element of this list will be passed as a positional argument to the echo command.

We'll replace the command name and the arguments, so that our script is run with a text file as input.

j.application.exe = File('')
j.application.args = [File('input.txt')]

We haven't made input.txt, so let's make it by executing a couple of shell commands inside Ganga.

!echo -e 'Hello world!\nThis is the second line.' > input.txt
!cat input.txt

Before submission, we just need to tell Ganga what to do with the output. The script saves the output to a file called like the input, but with -reversed appended before the file extension (.txt in this case), so we tell Ganga explicitly to move this file to the local job output directory.

j.outputfiles = [LocalFile('input-reversed.txt')]

Now we can submit the job.


By default, jobs run on the machine you're running Ganga on, as their backend property is set to an instance of the Local backend.

The job will finish very quickly, and we can inspect the output files.


There are a couple of file-related things to take note of in what we just did:

  1. The File object is used to define local files that should be available in the ‘working directory’ of the job (wherever it executes). We need both the script and the input text file to be in the working directory, so both of the paths to the files on our local machine are wrapped in File.
  2. The LocalFile object is used to define what files in the working directory of the job should be saved in the local job output directory, in this case the file with -reversed in it.

Note that there are several files in the job output directory, seen with j.peek(), that we didn't explicitly ask for, most notably stdout and stderr. These two files are essentially the logs of the job, and Ganga always saves them in the local job output directory as they're almost always useful.
For Gaudi jobs, Ganga will also automatically download the summary.xml file, which contains useful information about algorithm counters.

df = DiracFile('input.txt', localDir='.')
print df.lfn

Grid files that are replicated at CERN are directly accessible via EOS. We can see that our file's on EOS by looking at the LFN Ganga gave us. We just need to add the prefix /eos/lhcb/grid/user to the LFN.

eos ls /eos/lhcb/grid/user//lhcb/user/a/apearce/GangaFiles_22.24_Wednesday_18_May_2016

Using MassStorageFile {.callout}

The MassStorageFile object uploads job output directly to EOS. However, using MassStorageFile for this purpose is actively discouraged by the Ganga developers as it is highly inefficient: a file made on the Grid will first be downloaded to the machine running Ganga, and then uploaded to EOS.

Instead, always use DiracFile for large outputs, and then replicate them to CERN-USER if you want to be able to access them on EOS.

If you have any DiracFile, you can ask for it to be replicated to a grid site it's not currently available at.


Automating replication to CERN {.callout}

If you have a job with subjobs, you can automate this to replicate all output files to CERN, so that you can run your analysis directly on the files on EOS.

j = jobs(...)
for sj in j.subjobs:
  # Get all output files which are DiracFile objects
  for df in sj.outputfiles.get(DiracFile):
    # No need to replicate if it's already at CERN
    if 'CERN-USER' not in df.locations:

You could make a function from this and put it in your file, whose contents is available in any Ganga session.

You can download a DiracFile locally using the get method. If you already know an LFN, you can use this to quickly download it locally to play around with it. All you need to do is prefix the LFN with LFN:, and Ganga will assume that the file already exists on the Grid somewhere (whereas before it assumed the file was local).

df2 = DiracFile('LFN:' + df.lfn)
# The directory used for the download must exist first
!mkdir foo
!cat foo/input.txt

We can tell Ganga to upload the job output to the Grid automatically.

# Clone the job
j2 = Job(j)
j2.outputfiles = [DiracFile('*-reversed.txt')]

Here we use a ‘pattern’ to tell Ganga that any file ending in *-reversed.txt should be uploaded to Grid storage. Both DiracFile and LocalFile support these patterns.

To download the output, we use .get as usual.


Using Ganga v600r44 {.callout}

Using DiracFile with the Local backend doesn't work with Ganga v601r19. You can try again with Ganga v600r44, that happens to work in this instance, with the following commands:

$ export CMTCONFIG=x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
$ LbLogin
$ SetupProject Ganga v600r44
$ ganga

Being able to manipulate files with Ganga can be very useful. Particularly for Gaudi-based jobs where:

  1. We often specify large sets of DiracFiles as input, from the bookkeeping, but often want to download a file or two locally when testing options;
  2. We want to duplicate a large number of output LFNs to CERN-USER so that we can use them directly with EOS and XRootD commands;
  3. We want to job output to be download locally automatically when the job completes.

Defining inputfiles {.callout}

The inputfiles attribute of a Job object works in a similar way to outputfile. In our example, the reverser script that the Executable application uses doesn't know how to handle things specified as inputdata, so we had to use File when defining the arguments.

For LHCb applications, you will almost always define the inputdata list using either LocalFile or DiracFile objects. Which one you will use just depends on where the input files are.