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Using Ganga with local projects

Learning Objectives {.objectives}

  • Submit jobs using Ganga that use local LHCb projects containing your own modifications

Before starting, you should read the first Ganga lesson, which gives some advice about choosing a Ganga version, making a clean environment for running Ganga in, and where to go to get help when things in Ganga go wrong.

The lb-dev command allows you to start hacking on LHCb code very quickly. The downside is that Ganga does not yet support the use of local projects created with lb-dev when you run an application.

In this lesson, we will go through a workaround that will allow you to use local projects with Ganga jobs, wherever they run.

How things used to be {.callout}

Before lb-dev was available, local projects would conventionally live in the ~/cmtuser folder. A local DaVinci v36r5 project, for example, would be at ~/cmtuser/DaVinci_v36r5, within which one could checkout sub-packages, edit them, and compile the main package. Running things like would then pick up the local version of DaVinci, similarly to how the ./run command does things today.

Ganga only supports this ‘cmtuser-style’ of local projects. If you create a Job with a DaVinci(version='v36r5') application, Ganga will automatically use the local version of DaVinci in ~/cmtuser, and will even ship this to the Grid of your job will run there. The Ganga developers are working on lb-dev support.

The use of ‘cmtuser-style’ projects created with SetupProject is discouraged by everyone else in favour of lb-dev, so try not to use it if at all possible.

We will create a local version of DaVinci with some modified algorithm, so that we can check that Ganga is using the local version when we submit a job. First, we'll create a local DaVinci with lb-dev, and will then fetch the [DecayTreeTuple][dtt-package], which lives under the Phys hat.

$ lb-dev DaVinci v40r1p3
$ cd DaVinciDev_v40r1p3
$ getpack Phys/DecayTreeTuple v5r6

We will do something silly as a test: add a _2M branch to TupleToolKinematic that fills twice the invariant mass of the particle. To do this, we just need to edit the implementation file at src/TupleToolKinematic.cpp. Line 76 of that file reads like this:

test &= tuple->column( prefix+"_M", P->momentum().M() );

Here, tuple is a object representing the ntuple to be filled, and the column method tells the ntuple to fill the branch named by the first argument (a string) with the value of the second argument. Create a line just below this one, using _2M as the branch name suffix as twice the particle mass as the value.

test &= tuple->column( prefix+"_2M", 2*P->momentum().M() );

Then we just need to compile our local DaVinci package. You must be in the DaVinci_v40r1p3 when executing the following commands:

# Using -j8 runs up to 8 tasks in parallel, speeding up the build
$ make -j8
$ make install

This will create a folder called InstallArea. Ganga needs to know about this folder a couple of others to use the local project. We will create symbolic links to these folders in the place that Ganga looks.

$ mkdir -p ~/cmtuser/DaVinci_v40r1p3
$ cd ~/cmtuser/DaVinci_v40r1p3
$ ln -s ~/DaVinciDev_v40r1p3/cmt
$ ln -s ~/DaVinciDev_v40r1p3/DaVinciDevSys
$ ln -s ~/DaVinciDev_v40r1p3/InstallArea
$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x.  2 username z5 2048 May 19 09:05 .
drwxr-xr-x.  2 username z5 2048 May 19 09:05 ..
lrwxr-xr-x.  1 username z5   58 May 19 09:05 cmt -> /afs/
lrwxr-xr-x.  1 username z5   58 May 19 09:05 DaVinciDevSys -> /afs/
lrwxr-xr-x.  1 username z5   58 May 19 09:05 InstallArea -> /afs/

You can see the link in the output of ls -la. For example, the arrow -> says that InstallArea is a link to our InstallArea created by lb-dev.

Now we can proceed as usual, defining a job running DaVinci in Ganga.

$ lb-run Ganga v601r19 ganga
j = Job(name='Local_DaVinci_Test')
j.application = DaVinci(version='v40r1p3')
j.applications.optsfile = [...]
j.inputdata = [...]
j.outputfiles = [LocalFile('*.root')]

You can then confirm that you have a _2M branch in your output ROOT file.

You know what to do {.challenge}

To test this, we need an options file that defines a DecayTreeTuple, and some data to run over. You know how to write options files so you can do this yourself. You could re-use an options file that we made previously, and use the same data.

Warning {.callout}

This is a workaround and is not a permanent solution. You have to be careful when using this method, as things other than Ganga also look in ~/cmtuser for existing projects when building and configuring. The lb-dev tool is one of these things. The folder in ~/cmtuser should be deleted after submitting the job in Ganga to stop it interfering with anything else.