mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher getUTXOs --data address=$ALICE_ADDRESS
Alice has no UTXO to spend
node scripts/deposit.js 100000
mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher getUTXOs --data address=$ALICE_ADDRESS
Alice has one UTXO
Now you will try to exit the first UTXO that you had after your deposit. You already spent this UTXO and send all the amount to Bob so this is an invalid exit.
mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher getUTXOs --data address=$ALICE_ADDRESS | jq ".utxos[0]" > utxo.json
mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher getExitData --json utxo.json > exit.json
mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher sendTransaction --data from=$ALICE_ADDRESS --data to=$BOB_ADDRESS --data amount=100000 --data privateKey=$ALICE_PRIVATE_KEY --data utxos="[$(cat utxo.json)]"
mesg-cli service:execute plasma-watcher getUTXOs --data address=$ALICE_ADDRESS
Alice has no UTXO to spend
Now you will try to exit the first UTXO that you had after your deposit. You already spent this UTXO and send all the amount to Bob so this is an invalid exit.
node scripts/exit.js "$(cat exit.json)"
After few seconds/minutes, the plasma-watcher should emit a new event invalid_exit
and the application should catch this event and automatically create and submit a challenge to the root chain