scp between computing centers : explanations
- ask to svp@cines (the fastest) to be allowed to use CCFR network
- once they grant you access :
- connect to adastra
- connect to login1 ssh login1
- do the transfer to jean-zay with : scp data [email protected]:/path/to/data
- do the transfer to irene with : scp data [email protected]:/path/to/data
scp to computing center through a tunnel :
- in one local terminal :
ssh -L 1234:adastra.cines.fr:22 [email protected] cat -
- in another terminal :
scp -P 1234 u10_ERA5_surface_global_2017.nc [email protected]:/lus/store/NAT/gda2307/aalbert/DATA_FORCING/ERA5/.
- clean the ports : get the process with
lsof -i :1234
and kill it withkill -9 PID
- in one local terminal :