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#Chrome DevTools
此頁 文章內容(Chrome DevTools Overview) 即 “Learn Basics 了解基礎知識” 中的 “Overview (概述) :"

###1. Learn Basics 了解基礎知識

  1. #####Overview (概述)

    • #access : How to access the DevTools (如何存取 DevTools)

    • #devtools-window : The DevTools window ( DevTools 視窗)

    • #dom-and-styles : Inspecting the DOM and style (檢查 DOM 和樣式)

    • #console : Working with the console(使用控制台工作)

    • #debugging-javascript : Debugging JavaScript(JavaScript 的偵錯)

    • #improving-network-performance : Improving network performance (提升網路效能)

    • #audits : Audits(審核)

    • #timeline : Improving rendering performance(提升渲染的性能)

    • #javascript-performance : JavaScript CSS performance(CSS JavaScript 的性能)

    • #inspecting-storage : Inspecting storage(檢測存儲器)

    • #further-reading : Further reading (進一步閱讀)

    • #further-resources : Further resources +(進一步的資源 +)

      • #get-more : Get more(獲得更多)
      • #take-the-course : Take the course(取得課程)
      • #get-involved : Get involved(參與)
      • #debugging-extensions : Debugging extensions(除錯延伸)
  2. #####Development Workflow (開發流程)

    • #dock-to-right : Dock-To-Right For Vertical-Split Editing (將 devtool 界面區分割在瀏覽器右方,與網頁畫面呈左右對照狀態編輯)
      “dock” 為碼頭,即 devtool 界面區要靠(分割)在瀏覽器的哪個邊界(下部或是右半部)。

    • #dock-to-right : Drag-To-Right For Quicker Dock-Positioning (快速拖拉定位 devtools 界面區位置)

    • #search-navigate-filter : Search, Navigate And Filter + (搜索,導覽和過濾 +)

      • #filter-by-filename : Filter For A Script, Stylesheet Or Snippet By Filename (藉檔案名稱來過濾 Script,樣式表 或片段)
      • #textsearch-current-file : Text Search Within The Current File (在當前檔案中搜尋文字)
      • #replacetext-current-file : Replace Text Within The Current File (在當前檔案中取代文字)
      • #textsearch-across-files : Text Search Across All Files (在所有檔案中搜尋文字)
      • #search-regular-expression : Search Using A Regular Expression (使用正則表達式搜尋)
      • #filter-function-within-file : Filter For A Function Or Selector Within A File (在一個檔案中過濾一個 function 或 selector)
      • #search-line-number : Jump To Line Number (跳到特定行號)
    • #live-editing : Live Editing Scripts Styles + (在線編輯腳本和樣式 +)

      • #scripts : Scripts (腳本)
      • #styles : Styles (樣式)
    • #save-as : Save As (另存為)

    • #local-modifications : Local Modifications (本機修改)

    • #snippets : Custom JavaScript Snippets + (自定義 JavaScript 代碼片段 +)

      • #snippets-getting-started : Getting Started (入門)
      • #snippets-create : Creating Snippets (創建片段)
      • #snippets-filenames : Snippet Filenames (片段檔名)
      • #snippets-editing : Editing And Executing Snippets (編輯和執行片段)
      • #snippets-local-modifications : Local Modifications (本機修改)
      • #snippets-more : Breakpoints, Watch Expressions And More (斷點,觀看表達式和更多)
      • #snippets-saving : Saving Snippets (保存片段)
      • #snippets-navigation : Navigating Snippets (片段導引)
    • #resources : Resources (資源)

  3. #####Using the Console (使用控制台)

    • Basic operation + (基本操作 +)

      • Opening the Console 打開控制台
      • Clearing the console history 清除控制台歷史記錄
      • Console settings 控制台設置
    • Using the Console API + (使用控制台 API +)

      • Writing to the console (寫入到控制台)
      • Errors and warnings (錯誤和警告 )
      • Assertions (斷言)
      • Filtering console output (過濾控制台輸出 )
      • Grouping output (編組輸出)
      • String substitution and formatting (字符串替換和格式 )
      • Formatting DOM elements as JavaScript objects (格式化 DOM 元素作為JavaScript 對象)
      • Styling console output with CSS (使用CSS樣式控制台輸出 )
      • Measuring how long something takes (測量的東西需要多長時間 )
      • Marking the Timeline (時間軸標記)
      • Setting breakpoints in JavaScript (在 JavaScript 中設置斷點)
    • Using the Command Line API + (使用命令行 API +)

      • Evaluating expressions (計算表達式)
      • Selecting elements (選擇元素)
      • Inspecting DOM elements and JavaScript heap objects (檢測 DOM 元素和JavaScript 對象堆)
      • Accessing recently selected elements and objects (最近訪問選定的元素和對象 )
      • Monitoring events (監控事件)
      • Controlling the CPU profiler (控制CPU分析器)
  4. #####Tips & Tricks (提示和技巧)

    • Console + (主機 +)

      • Write multi-line commands (寫多行命令)
      • A shortcut to launch in inspect-element mode (快捷方式啟動的檢查元素模式)
      • Support for the console.table command(支持的console.table命令 )
      • Preview logged console objects (預覽登錄控制台對象 )
      • Pass multiple arguments to styled console logs (傳遞多個參數來稱呼控制台日誌)
      • Shortcut to clear the console history (快捷清除控制台歷史記錄)
      • Become a keyboard ninja (成為一名忍者鍵盤 )
      • Accessing elements from the console (從控制台訪問元素 )
      • Querying the DOM using XPath expressions (查詢使用XPath表達式中的DOM )
      • Access the last console result (訪問的最後一個控制台結果 )
      • Using console.dir (使用console.dir)
      • Running the JS console in a specific iframe(在一個特定的 IFRAME 運行 JS 控制台)
      • Stop the console clearing when navigating to a new page (導航到一個新的頁面時停止控制台結算)
      • Benchmark loops using console.time() and console.timeEnd() (使用console.time()和console.timeEnd基準環路())
      • Profiling with console.profile() and console.profileEnd() (與console.profile()和console.profileEnd分析())
    • Timeline + (時間軸+)

      • Frame profiling with Timeline Frames Mode (框架分析與時間軸幀模式 )
      • Spot forced layout events using warnings (使用警告現貨強迫佈局事件 )
      • Share and analyze a Timeline recorded by someone else (分享和分析記錄由別人時間軸)
      • Annotating Timeline Recordings (註解時間軸錄音)
      • FPS Counter/HUD Display (FPS 計數器/ HUD 顯示)
    • Profiles + (型材 +)

      • Finding JavaScript memory leaks with the '3 snapshot' technique (找到 JavaScript 的內存洩漏與“3 快照”技術)
      • Understanding Nodes In The Heap Profiler (了解節點堆中探查 )
      • Understanding time spent in CPU profiler (在CPU分析器花時間了解)
      • Additional insights with Heap profiler views (與堆分析器視圖的附加見解)
    • Sources + 來源+

      • Debug on DOM modifications (調試DOM的修改)
      • Tracking uncaught exceptions (追踪未捕獲的異常)
      • Conditional breakpoint actions with console.log (用的console.log 條件斷點行動)
      • Pretty Print JavaScript (漂亮的打印JavaScript的 )
      • ‘Favorite’ an expression or variable value (“鍾情”的表達式或變量值)
      • Get insights into internal properties (找見解的內部屬性 )
      • Easily debug XHRs (輕鬆地調試XHRs )
      • Retrieve event handlers registered on elements (檢索登記的元素的事件處理程序)
      • Escape to see the console (逃到看到控制台 )
      • Become more effective when paused at a breakpoint (當在斷點處停下變得更有效 )
      • Pause on exceptions (暫停例外 )
      • Text search across all scripts (在所有的腳本文本搜索 )
      • Debugging CoffeeScript With DevTools And Source Maps 偵錯的CoffeeScript隨著DevTools和源地圖
    • Elements + (元素+)

      • Enable rulers (使統治者)
      • Autocompletion of CSS properties (CSS屬性的自動完成功能)
      • Color picker in the DevTools (拾色器中DevTools)
      • Adding new CSS styles (添加新的CSS樣式 )
      • Drag and drop in the Elements panel (拖放的元素面板 )
      • Force Element State (力元狀態 )
      • Writing and debugging Sass with the DevTools (編寫和調試薩斯與 DevTools)
    • Network + (網絡+)

      • Replay XHRs (重播XHRs )
      • Clear the network cache or cookies (清除網絡緩存或餅乾)
      • Record a trace export the waterfall (記錄跟踪出口瀑布 )
      • Using large resource rows in network timeline for more detail (使用網絡的時間線大資源的行詳細 )
      • Tricks for getting more information out of the Network panel (技巧獲取更多信息在網絡面板 )
      • WebSocket inspection (WebSocket的檢查 )
      • Find and filter XHRs from the Network panel (查找並從網絡板式過濾器XHRs )
      • Get a dump of the network stack’s internal state (找網絡協議棧的內部狀態轉儲 )
    • Settings + (設置+)

      • Emulating touch events (模擬觸摸事件)
      • Emulating UA Strings Device Viewports(模擬UA字符串設備視口)
      • Emulating Geolocation (仿真地理位置)
      • Dock-to-right for viewport debugging (碼頭到右的視口調試 )
      • Disable JavaScript (禁用JavaScript的 )
    • General + (常規 + )

      • Quickly switch between tabs (標籤之間快速切換 )
      • Get an improved dock-to-right experience (得到改進的碼頭向右體驗)
      • Use ‘Disable Cache’ for cache invalidation (使用“禁用緩存”的緩存失效)
      • Inspect Shadow DOM (檢查DOM的影子)
      • Preview all inspectable pages (預覽全部網頁視察)
      • Get insights into which sites have appcache'd (進入該網站已經appcache'd見解)
      • Select multiple filters in the Network/Console panels (在網絡/控制台面板中選擇多個過濾器)
      • Clear the cache and perform a hard reload (清除緩存並執行硬重裝 )
      • Insights with the Chrome Task Manager (洞察與 Chrome 瀏覽器任務管理器 )
    • Additional Tools + (附加工具+ )

      • Debugging iOS apps in DevTools (偵錯中DevTools iOS應用)
      • JSRunTime: DevTools Extension For Grepping JavaScript Objects (JSRunTime:DevTools 擴展為中用grep命令搜索JavaScript的對象)
  5. #####Additional Resources (其他資源) 5.1. Videos 影片
    5.2. Blog Posts (部落格文章)
    5.3. Mailing List (郵件列表)!forum/google-chrome-developer-tools
    5.4. Contributing to DevTools (促進 DevTools)

###2. Use Tools 使用工具

  1. #####Inspecting & Tweaking (檢閱 & 調整優化)

  2. #####Debugging JavaScript (JavaScript 的除錯)

  3. #####Device Mode & Mobile Emulation (設備模式和模擬移動裝置)

  4. #####Remote Debugging on Android (Android 上的遠端除錯)

  5. #####Saving Changes with Workspaces (在工作區保存所做的更改)

###3. Performance & Profiling 性能與剖析

  1. #####Evaluating Network Performance (評估網絡性能)

  2. #####Using the Timeline (使用時間軸)

  3. #####Timeline Demo: Layout Thrashing (時間線演示:佈局抖動)

  4. #####Profiling JavaScript Performance (剖析 JavaScript 性能)

  5. #####JavaScript Memory Profiling (JavaScript 的內存分析)

###4. Reference 參考資料

  1. #####Console API Reference (控制台 API 參考)

  2. #####Command Line API Reference (命令列 API 參考)

  3. #####DevTools Extensions API (DevTools 擴展的 API)

  4. #####Keyboard Shortcuts (鍵盤快捷鍵)

  5. #####Settings (設置)

  6. #####Remote Debugging Protocol (遠端偵錯通訊協定)