CUNY Tech Prep 2016-2017
This page and directory will track project assignments and requirements related to your Team Demo Project.
Due August 29, 2016 by Noon EST
See the proposal requirements here: demo_project_proposal_1.pdf
Due September 06, 2016 by Noon EST
Teams of 3 should be formed and notify corresponding TA's of Team Name by Due date.
The only requirement is that all 3 team members must belong to the same Class Section.
Due September 19, 2016 by 11pm EST
See the team project proposal requirements here: team_demo_project_proposal_1.pdf
Submission Link:
- IMPORTANT: Name your files with your section number and a short team name:
Due before your sections Lecture 4 meeting (Week 9/26-9/30)
- Design and Planning tasks (Put this all in a document)
- Mockup your screens (take pictures if done on paper/whiteboard)
- Model the resources your App will use
- The User types, the Data objects, etc
- Plan your RESTful URL routes
- Plan tasks to be completed over the next 2 weeks
- Decide who will do what
- Start your team projects
- Use git!
- Create a new Express.js app
- Add nodemon, mocha, chai, chai-http
- Create "stub" controllers for your URL routes
- Create pending tests describing the functionality you will be testing
- Add a
directory where you will store design documents
Provide your Lab Instructor the following:
- the team Github link
- Push your code to a team Github repository
- Add team members as collaborators on the repository
- your Design and Planning document
Due before your sections Lecture 5 meeting (Week 10/17-10/21)
This is a checkpoint assignment. We will be looking for the following to be implemented in your project:
- Added a database
- Created models
- Added a templating engine (or html frontend)
- Created templates
- At least one route in your controller uses a model to query the database and generates HTML output using a view.
- Push code to your github repository
- Your Lab Instructor will check for updates in your
Due date: To be presented in your sections Lab 4 meeting (Week 10/25-10/28)
For this assignment you will be creating a presentation to present to your fellow classmates and instructors. In this presentation you will be presenting your project progress so far.
- 10 minutes (7min-presentation, 3min-questions)
- All team members must present at least one slide
- See presentation template here: project_progress_presentation_template.pdf
- You must be prepared to present during your teams Lab 4 meeting.
- One presentation per team must be submitted to your Lab Instructor by the end of Lab 4.