With Quote share, you can share any selected text to Facebook (as a quote), Twitter (as image) and even to Whatsapp (on mobile). You can also highlight text on a website on Desktop!
I could use your help with:
- Code cleanup
- Integrating a way to share the selected text to Facebook as a quote (Facebook quote plugin, share dialog parameters)
- Integrating a way to share an image to Twitter (selected text gets converted to image because of Twitter text limitation). I think I have to integrate an OAuth login so that I can access the API to upload an image.
- redesign options: A way to customize which social networks that should get displayed.
- If a text gets marked, then on hover a "tooltip" should appear where you can remove the selection or change the color.
- Write a proper readme, I'm not that big of a writer
- Create a logo
So, things that I have already done:
- Works on mobile
- Share text over Whatsapp
- Image gets generated with canvas
- Use only Js, not jQuery
- On Mobile the tooltip gets displayed on the bottom because the native text selection menu from the mobile OS gets displayed (copy, paste);