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File metadata and controls

321 lines (243 loc) · 5.92 KB

Data Frames

A typical data set contains data of different modes. In an employee data set, for example, we might have character string data, such as employee names, and numeric data, such as salaries. So, although a data set of (say) 50 employees with 4 variables per worker has the look and feel of a 50-by-4 matrix, it does not qualify as such in R, because it mixes types.

Instead of a matrix, we use a data frame. A data frame in R is a list, with
each component of the list being a vector corresponding to a column in our
“matrix” of data. Indeed, you can create data frames in just this way:

The Art of R Programming

Creating a data frame from lists

> d <- data.frame(list(kids = c("Jack", "Jill"), ages = c(12, 10)))

> d
  kids ages
1 Jack   12
2 Jill   10

Checking the dimensions of a data frame

That's rows then columns:

> d <- data.frame(list(kids = c("Jack", "Jill", "Johnny"), ages = c(12, 10, 4)))
> d
    kids ages
1   Jack   12
2   Jill   10
3 Johnny    4
> dim(d)
[1] 3 2

Returning the column names

> colnames(d)
[1] "kids" "ages"

Viewing a summary of the data

> summary(d)
     kids        ages       
 Jack  :1   Min.   : 4.000  
 Jill  :1   1st Qu.: 7.000  
 Johnny:1   Median :10.000  
            Mean   : 8.667  
            3rd Qu.:11.000  
            Max.   :12.000 

Viewing the structure of the data

> str(d)
'data.frame':	3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ kids: Factor w/ 3 levels "Jack","Jill",..: 1 2 3
 $ ages: num  12 10 4

Returning the values of a data frame component

Just like you would a list:

> d$kids
[1] Jack Jill
Levels: Jack Jill

Returning a component of the data frame

Use single brackets [ ] to return a list:

> d['kids']
1 Jack
2 Jill

Using the standard [] method

> d <- data.frame(list(kids = c("Jack", "Jill"), ages = c(12, 10)))
> d[d$kids == "Jack",]
  kids ages
1 Jack   12

Subsetting using subset

Single column, exact value

> housing <- read.csv("data/landdata-states.csv")

With subset:

> fl = subset(housing, State == "FL")

With dplyr's filter function:

> fl = filter(housing, State == "FL")

Single column, any of multiple values

With subset:

both = subset(housing, State %in% c("FL", "GA"))

With dplyr's filter:

> both = filter(housing, State == "FL" | State == "GA")

Multiple columns

With subset:

> subset(housing,  State == "AK" & Home.Value == 224952)

With dplyr's filter:

> filter(housing, State == "AK" & Home.Value == 224952)

Re-ordering rows

With order:

> # Ascending
> housing[order(housing$Home.Value), ]

> # Descending
> housing[order(-housing$Home.Value), ]
> housing[order(housing$Home.Value, decreasing = TRUE), ]

With dplyr's arrange:

> # Ascending
> arrange(housing, Home.Value)

> # Descending
> arrange(housing, desc(Home.Value))

Selecting columns

With subsetting:

> housing[, c("State", "Home.Value")]

With dplyr's select:

> select(housing, State, Home.Value)

Removing a column

With select:

housing <- select(housing, -State)

Renaming a column

With dplyr's rename:

> rename(housing, State.Name = State)

Note that State.Name is the new name.

Extract distinct (unique) rows

With unique:

> unique(housing[, c("State", "region")])

With dplyr's distinct:

> distinct(housing, State, region)

Removing NA values

Use complete.cases:

> d <- data.frame(list(kids = c("Jack", "Jill"), ages = c(12, NA)))
> d
  kids ages
1 Jack   12
2 Jill   NA
> d[complete.cases(d), ]
  kids ages
1 Jack   12

Taking a sample

With sample:

> housing[sample(nrow(housing), 5), ]


With dplyr's sample_n:

> sample_n(housing, 5)

There's also a sample_frac that grabs a random percentage.

Adding a new column

> d <- data.frame(list(name = c("Jack", "Jill"), age = c(12, 10)))
> d
  name age
1 Jack   12
2 Jill   10


> d$next_age = d$ages + 1
> d
  name age  next_age
1 Jack   12       13
2 Jill   10       11

With dplyr's mutate:

> d <- mutate(d, next_age = ages + 1)
> d
  name  age next_age
1 Jack   12       13
2 Jill   10       11

Note that with mutate, you can reference columns you're currently adding:

> d <- mutate(d, next_age = age + 1, next_next_age = next_age + 1)
> d
  name age next_age next_next_age
1 Jack  12       13            14
2 Jill  10       11            12

Grouping Operations

Applying summarize to groups of observations

With one summary statistic:

> by_state = group_by(housing, State)
> summarize(by_state, Avg.Home.Value = mean(Home.Value))
# A tibble: 51 × 2
    State     Avg.Home.Value
   <fctr>              <dbl>
1      AK          147385.14
2      AL           92545.22
3      AR           82076.84
4      AZ          140755.59

With multiple:

> by_state = group_by(housing, State)
> summarize(by_state, count = n(), Avg.Home.Value = mean(Home.Value))
# A tibble: 51 × 3
    State count Avg.Home.Value
   <fctr> <int>          <dbl>
1      AK   153      147385.14
2      AL   153       92545.22
3      AR   153       82076.84
4      AZ   153      140755.59
5      CA   153      282808.08

Note that n() is an aggregate function provided by dplyr that returns the number of observations in each group, which in this example are all 153.

There are other aggregate functions as well: n_distinct(x) (the number of unique values of x), first(x), last(x), and nth(x).

We can chain dplyr functions together using the %>% operator:

> group_by(housing, State) %>% summarize(Avg.Home.Value = mean(Home.Value))
# A tibble: 51 × 2
    State Avg.Home.Value
   <fctr>          <dbl>
1      AK      147385.14
2      AL       92545.22
3      AR       82076.84
4      AZ      140755.59
5      CA      282808.08