From 54fdda30281d7a61b254d1c00f6d61cc402deae6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mathias Wulff Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 19:51:56 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] Tune release flow --- package.json | 17 ++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 17cd6bf4..b789d53c 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -31,16 +31,15 @@ "test-cli": "npm uninstall -g rexreplace && npm -g install ./ && yarn test-cli-only", "test-cli-only": "bash test/cli/", "test-speed": "bash test/speed/", - "#prepublishOnly": "yarn is-git-clean && git fetch && git rebase origin/main && yarn test-minify && yarn load-options ", - "#postpublish": "git push --tag && git push && (open || 1)", - "load-options": "rr -h | rr 'Options:(.+)Examples:' _ -ms | rr '\\n {26,}|\\n\\n *' ' ' | rr \"'\" '`' | rr '^ (-.+?), (--[^ ]+) *' '`€1` | **`€2`** ' | rr '(^---- . ----).+?(## Good to know)' '€1 + nl + pipe + nl + nl + €2' -jsT", - "test-format": "yarn prettier --list-different || (echo 'Please correct file formatting using `yarn format` and try again.' && exit 1)", - "format": "yarn prettier --write", - "prettier": "prettier .", + "#prepublishOnly": "#yarn is-git-clean && git fetch && git rebase origin/main && yarn test-minify && yarn load-options ", + "#postpublish": "#git push --tag && git push && (open || 1)", + "load-options": "#rr -h | rr 'Options:(.+)Examples:' _ -ms | rr '\\n {26,}|\\n\\n *' ' ' | rr \"'\" '`' | rr '^ (-.+?), (--[^ ]+) *' '`€1` | **`€2`** ' | rr '(^---- . ----).+?(## Good to know)' '€1 + nl + pipe + nl + nl + €2' -jsT", + "test-format": "prettier . --list-different || (echo 'Please correct file formatting using `yarn format` and try again.' && exit 1)", + "format": "prettier . --write", "is-git-clean": "(git diff --quiet --exit-code --cached && git diff --quiet --exit-code) || (echo Please commit or stash changes && exit 1)", - "preversion": "yarn && yarn test-minify && yarn load-options", - "postversion": "echo npm publish && git push && git push --tags && echo \"Successfully released version $npm_package_version\"", - "release": "yarn version" + "release": "yarn version", + "prerelease": "yarn is-git-clean && yarn test-minify && yarn load-options", + "postrelease": "echo npm publish && git push && git push --tags && echo \"Successfully released version $npm_package_version\"" }, "keywords": [ "search",