Personal website template to modify and deploy using github pages, simple way to create your personal, company or project page
- Computer access with node and react installed
- github account
- git client installed
git clone <your repository url>
cd <your repo name>
Make sure you just have 3 items on your root folder
- personal_site_src folder
if your local repository contains more the above listed files, run this command:
rm -rf asset-* logo* service-worker.js robots.txt static/ favicon.ico index.html precache-manifest.* manifest.json
Enter in folder called "personal_site_src", this is a react app, inside src you will find a file called "config.js", on this you will find a bunch of variables that you can change the value to change site text values / content.
Modify App.js file, this is a all session container with flex layout and flex-direction: collum , you can create new sessions based on companents or re-order sessions order based on compenents.
Go to folder sessions and open a target session and change code
in personal_site_src run:
yarn build
yarn build will create an folder called build with all prod files, run this command now
mv build/* ../
and go back to repository root folder and commit all changes
git add --all && git commit -sm "create my persona website"
and push to master branch
git push origin master
after this, just access this url:
<your githubuser>
and voial`a, enjoy your new personal website