- Initial release!
- MotionObservable and MotionObserver introduces a custom state channel.
- InlineReadable and InlineWritable properties.
- Stream operators: operator(), map(), filter(), and write().
- Remove links (Mark Wei)
- Observer is now abstract class. (Mark Wei)
- Tests for MotionObservable. (Mark Wei)
- Implement inline properties for android. (Mark Wei)
- Convert interfaces to abstract classes. (Mark Wei)
- Implementation of write() in android. (Mark Wei)
- Implement map() for android. (Mark Wei)
- Implement filter() for android. (Mark Wei)
- Implement operator() for android. (Mark Wei)
- Implement MotionObservable in android. (Mark Wei)
Auto-generated by running:
apidiff origin/stable release-candidate android library
removed class: Library
removed constructor: Library()
removed static final field: String LIBRARY_NAME
new abstract class: InlineReadable<T>
new constructor: InlineReadable()
new abstract method: T read()
new abstract class: InlineWritable<T>
new constructor: InlineWritable()
new abstract method: void write(T)
new abstract class: MotionObserver<T>
new constructor: MotionObserver()
new abstract method: void next(T)
new abstract method: void state(int)
new annotation: @MotionState
new abstract class: Operation<T,
new constructor: Operation()
new abstract method: void next(MotionObserver<U>, T)
new abstract class: Predicate<T>
new constructor: Predicate()
new abstract method: boolean evaluate(T)
new abstract class: Transformation<T,
new constructor: Transformation()
new abstract method: U transform(T)
new class: MotionObservable<T>
new constructor: MotionObservable(Subscriber<MotionObserver<T>>)
new static final field: int ACTIVE
new static final field: int AT_REST
new method: <O> MotionObservable<T> write(O, Property<O, T>)
new method: <O> MotionObservable<T> write(InlineWritable<T>)
new method: <U> MotionObservable<U> map(Transformation<T, U>)
new method: <U> MotionObservable<U> operator(Operation<T, U>)
new method: MotionObservable<T> filter(Predicate<T>)
- Automatic changelog preparation for release. (Mark Wei)
- Depend on latest observer 2.0.0. (Mark Wei)
- Separate stream+operators from subscription. (Mark Wei)
- Depend on develop-SNAPSHOT. (Mark Wei)
- callsign (Mark Wei)