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Fixed-point pixel accurate 2D geometry with minimal approximations.

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Optimal for the following use cases:

  • 2D game development that uses tile-based or grid-based rendering.
  • Graphic rendering of pixel art or other fixed-point rasterized graphics.
  • Fixed-point geometry for performance or consistency reasons.


Use lodim to quickly work with 2D geometry in a fixed-point space:

  • Fixed-point: All values and results are always integers.
  • Fast: AOT and JIT benchmarked on the Dart VM.
  • Pixel accurate: Minimal1 ambiguity or hidden rounding errors.
  • Ergonomics: Familiar API to dart:ui (and similar) for ease of use.
  • Cross-platform: Works on all Dart platforms, including Flutter and web.

Design Principles

lodim is designed to be a low-level, fixed-point geometry library that is not opionated about how you use it. It is not a game engine, nor does it provide high-level abstractions for rendering or collections.

For example, top-level functions such as getRect or fillRect operate on either Rect or Pos types and either callback methods or a generic linear buffer. For a higher-level APIs, consider using lodim in conjunction with another library, such as package:sector.


Just add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml or run the following command:

dart pub add lodim

If you've used another 2D geometry library, such as dart:ui from Flutter, you will find lodim to be very similar. Work with similar types such as Pos (i.e. Offset) and Rect:

// Creates a (x, y) position.
final pos = Pos(10, 20);

// Creates a rectangle.
final rect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 100, 100);

Take advantage of tested and benchmarked common operations:

// Rotate a position by 135 degrees counter-clockwise.
final rotated = pos.rotate45(-3);

// Get the intersection of two rectangles.
final intersection = rect.intersect(a, b);

Use built-in algorithms for common tasks, or define your own:

// Determine the distance between two positions.
final distance = pos1.distanceTo(pos2);

// Use another algorithm to determine the distance or define your own.
final manhattan = pos1.distanceTo(pos2, using: manhattan);

// Draw a line from one position to another.
final line = pos1.lineTo(pos2);

// Use your own algorithm to draw a line.
final custom = pos1.lineTo(pos2, using: someOtherAlgorithm);


To run the benchmarks, run:

dart run benchmark/benchmark.dart

# Or, to use AOT:
dart compile exe benchmark/benchmark.dart

# Or, to profile using devtools:
dart run --pause-isolates-on-start --observe benchmark/benchmark.dart

In local benchmarks on a M2 Macbook Pro, compared to [baseline]2 code.


Benchmark lodim Baseline Delta
10k allocations positions 479.8 us 362.9 us -25%
10k euclidian distance 138.3 us 153.5 us +11%
10k rotations in 45° steps 6875.8 us 13658.7 us +98%
10k lines drawn 1340049.5 - -


Benchmark lodim Baseline Delta
10k allocations positions 342.7 us 463.9 us +35%
10k euclidian distance 139.7 us 132.7 us -5%
10k rotations in 45° steps 5858.2 us 11708.0 us +100%
10k lines drawn 1333651.0 us - -

tl;dr: lodim is faster than baseline code, using both JIT and AOT. Specializing based on fixed-point geometry allows for optimizations that are not possible with general-purpose code, such as jump-table based rotations.


We welcome contributions to this package!

Please file an issue before contributing larger changes.

This package uses repository specific tooling to enforce formatting, static analysis, and testing. Please run the following commands locally before submitting a pull request:

  • ./ --packages packages/lodim check
  • ./ --packages packages/lodim test


  1. lodim does provide some algorithms that make approximations, such as <Pos>.lineTo, which uses Bresenham's line algorithm. However, all of these algorithms are cleanly defined and documented, and allow user-defined overrides.

  2. What users might write themselves, using (int, int) tuples or similar.