Releases: massgov/openmass
Releases · massgov/openmass
[0.239.0] - April 14, 2020
- DP-18294: Updated Mayflower version to 9.47.0.
- DP-18269: Added purge when redirects are added/updated.
- DP-18241: Validate Mayflower to Drupal PR so that cut_release_branch workflow passes
- DP-17579: Add Tableau JS for sizing dashboard based on container width
- DP-17976: Stop unpublished nodes from showing up in page flipper.
[0.238.0] - April 7, 2020
- DP-15351: Added 2 new pages to the set of pages we use for our Backstop tests.
- DP-16701: Add alt value to a linked image for an organization as a signee in news page.
- DP-17901: Update Drupal core from 8.8.1 to 8.8.4.
- DP-17990: Updated emails sent to users when added or activated.
- DP-18030: Set the link text for address as "Direction" with uppercase "D" instead of lowercase "d" in org page.
- DP-18033: Update help text for banner images on info details and binders.
- DP-18039: Configure related_content paragraph to permit more content types and update theme to use actionCards layout (not bullets) as default layout.
- DP-18179: |-
Updated Mayflower version to 9.46.0.
- DP-15965: Changed capitalization of directions. (MF)
- DP-17387: Adjust css for decorative link in location listing for Chrome. Match the markup of assets/js/templates/locationListingRow.html to 02-molecules/image-promo.twig. (MF)
- DP-17863: Document files should be added to the private filesystem by default.
- DP-17891: Add validation to prevent publishing more than 1 sitewide alert at a time.
- DP-18056: Fixed the body for both the Release PR and hotfix GitHub tagging.
- DP-18165: Resolve a performance regression due to alert URLs changing.
- DP-17995: Added ability to link to promotional pages in the binder content-type.
- DP-15511: Removed the workbench_moderation and workbench_moderation_actions modules.
[0.237.1] - March 31, 2020
- DP-18016: Changed overrides/css/callout-link.css file name to be more generic to info details page, overrides/css/info-details-richtext.css.
- DP-18021: |-
Updated Mayflower version to 9.45.2.
- DP-17674: Add a new style for link list in service page. (MF)
- DP-18000: Make top-level nav items clickable. (MF)
- DP-18018: Add alternate style for COVID-19 link. (MF)
- DP-18016: Add override style for the section links component in .ma__rich-text.
[0.237.0] - March 30, 2020
- DP-16926: Uninstalled the paragraphs_type_help module.
- DP-17772: Block alerts in most BackstopJS tests.
- DP-17938: At CircleCI, fail Danger if no PR exists.
- DP-17961: Allow How-to and Form nodes to be added to binders.
- DP-17989: Only allow content admins to add Callout Link and Card paragraphs to the Info Details content type.
- DP-17959: Fix github tagging during release
[0.236.0] - March 24, 2020
- DP-17886: Shorten edge cache TTLs on COVID-19 related pages.
- DP-17821: Update filter for basic dashboards (iframe route).
- DP-17924: Adjust PageSpecificAlert test since uid=1 is blocked.
- DP-17810: Fixed the json data to output the correct emergency_alert paragraph id for the alerts block.
- DP-17838: Make tagging for Hotfix releases work as patch release numbers
[0.235.0] - March 17, 2020
- DP-17005: Fix deploy_mayflower_cd to always run on commits on mayflower-dev branch.
- DP-17781: Fix mayflower-dev not building when a PR is absent.
- DP-17808: Fix conditional states for emergency alert inputs not working properly.
- DP-17535: Remove ability to create documents inline on a Curated List node.
- DP-17737: Alter Cloudflare settings to change edit access for COVID-19.
- DP-17756: Update the data and time to trigger release_branch to 13:00 EST on Tuesdays, and change the schedule for mayflower_develop_branch from 11:00 PM Sunday EST to 11:00 PM Thursday EST, and adjust deploy_cd to skip the job on Thursday instead of Sunday to make cd env. available.
- DP-17791: Add "Read More" link to teasers shown on /alerts page.
- DP-17809: Fixed an issue where document download URLs were not being cleared from cache on initial creation of the document.
- DP-178181: |-
Updated Mayflower version to 9.44.0.
- DP-17625: Visual Story sidebar template and styles adjust. (MF)
- DP-17633: Fix geocoding for autocomplete results on location listings. (MF)
[0.233.0] - March 4, 2020
- DP-17407: Update views_bulk_operations from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0.
- DP-17564: Consolidate Github API token usage to reduce the number of secrets we need to manage in CircleCI.
- DP-17682: |-
Updated Mayflower version to 9.42.0.
- DP-15035: Limit pagination output to 10 items. (MF)
- DP-17258: Fix "see more" button not appearing after the TOC. (MF)
- DP-17532: Added lighter lightest darker darkest variables consistently across all brand colors, adjusted the variable labels in the storybook. (MF)
- DP-17651: Added @massds/mayflower-tokens package to auto release, keeping versioning consistent with other mayflower npm packages. (MF)
- DP-17652: Added step to bump version in package.json. (MF)
[0.232.0] - February 26, 2020
- DP-17449: Update configuration to suppress Rabbit hole settings on info details, promo page.
- DP-16214: Update configuration of pathologic module to include rewriting links to bare domain.
- DP-17534: Remove unused Terraform files.
- DP-17233: add date filter to promo pages iframe route.
- DP-17546: Update BackstopJS to the latest stable version (4.4.2)
- DP-17546: Speed up Backstop tests by removing the delay.
- DP-17571: Fixes nightly super-sanitized database build that broke following 8.8 update.
- DP-17546: Fix false positives for Google Maps in Backstop tests by hot-swapping images with placeholders.
- DP-17411: Integrated scheduler_media module with content moderation so documents can be scheduled for publish/unpublish.