From 1bc9de001261e6d65d8380f4ae476db69f299856 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Benjamin Tan <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 17:46:05 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] describe: allow updating the description of multiple commits

If multiple commits are provided, the description of each commit
will be combined into a single file for editing.
---                       |   2 +
 cli/src/commands/       | 168 ++++++++++++++++----
 cli/src/        | 149 +++++++++++++++++-
 cli/tests/   |  10 +-
 cli/tests/ | 236 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 878a8fceb0..81907052c3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ to [Semantic Versioning](
 * `jj backout` now includes the backed out commit's subject in the new commit
+* `jj describe` can now update the description of multiple commits.
 ### Fixed bugs
 ## [0.19.0] - 2024-07-03
diff --git a/cli/src/commands/ b/cli/src/commands/
index a944eee50b..616e6a9494 100644
--- a/cli/src/commands/
+++ b/cli/src/commands/
@@ -12,35 +12,44 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::io::{self, Read};
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use jj_lib::commit::CommitIteratorExt;
 use jj_lib::object_id::ObjectId;
 use tracing::instrument;
 use crate::cli_util::{CommandHelper, RevisionArg};
-use crate::command_error::CommandError;
+use crate::command_error::{user_error, CommandError};
 use crate::description_util::{
-    description_template_for_describe, edit_description, join_message_paragraphs,
+    edit_multiple_descriptions, join_message_paragraphs, EditMultipleDescriptionsResult,
 use crate::ui::Ui;
 /// Update the change description or other metadata
-/// Starts an editor to let you edit the description of a change. The editor
+/// Starts an editor to let you edit the description of changes. The editor
 /// will be $EDITOR, or `pico` if that's not defined (`Notepad` on Windows).
 #[derive(clap::Args, Clone, Debug)]
 #[command(visible_aliases = &["desc"])]
 pub(crate) struct DescribeArgs {
-    /// The revision whose description to edit
+    /// The revision(s) whose description to edit
     #[arg(default_value = "@")]
-    revision: RevisionArg,
+    revisions: Vec<RevisionArg>,
     /// Ignored (but lets you pass `-r` for consistency with other commands)
-    #[arg(short = 'r', hide = true)]
-    unused_revision: bool,
+    #[arg(short = 'r', hide = true, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)]
+    unused_revision: u8,
     /// The change description to use (don't open editor)
+    ///
+    /// If multiple revisions are specified, the same description will be used
+    /// for all of them.
     #[arg(long = "message", short, value_name = "MESSAGE")]
     message_paragraphs: Vec<String>,
     /// Read the change description from stdin
+    ///
+    /// If multiple revisions are specified, the same description will be used
+    /// for all of them.
     stdin: bool,
     /// Don't open an editor
@@ -67,35 +76,134 @@ pub(crate) fn cmd_describe(
     args: &DescribeArgs,
 ) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
     let mut workspace_command = command.workspace_helper(ui)?;
-    let commit = workspace_command.resolve_single_rev(&args.revision)?;
-    workspace_command.check_rewritable([])?;
-    let description = if args.stdin {
+    let commits: Vec<_> = workspace_command
+        .parse_union_revsets(&args.revisions)?
+        .evaluate_to_commits()?
+        .try_collect()?; // in reverse topological order
+    if commits.is_empty() {
+        writeln!(ui.status(), "No revisions to describe.")?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    workspace_command.check_rewritable(commits.iter().ids())?;
+    let shared_description = if args.stdin {
         let mut buffer = String::new();
         io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut buffer).unwrap();
-        buffer
+        Some(buffer)
     } else if !args.message_paragraphs.is_empty() {
-        join_message_paragraphs(&args.message_paragraphs)
-    } else if args.no_edit {
-        commit.description().to_owned()
+        Some(join_message_paragraphs(&args.message_paragraphs))
     } else {
-        let template =
-            description_template_for_describe(ui, command.settings(), &workspace_command, &commit)?;
-        edit_description(workspace_command.repo(), &template, command.settings())?
+        None
-    if description == *commit.description() && !args.reset_author {
-        writeln!(ui.status(), "Nothing changed.")?;
+    let commit_descriptions: HashMap<_, _> = if args.no_edit || shared_description.is_some() {
+        commits
+            .iter()
+            .map(|commit| {
+                let new_description = shared_description
+                    .as_deref()
+                    .unwrap_or_else(|| commit.description());
+                (commit, new_description.to_owned())
+            })
+            .collect()
     } else {
-        let mut tx = workspace_command.start_transaction();
-        let mut commit_builder = tx
-            .mut_repo()
-            .rewrite_commit(command.settings(), &commit)
-            .set_description(description);
-        if args.reset_author {
-            let new_author = commit_builder.committer().clone();
-            commit_builder = commit_builder.set_author(new_author);
+        let EditMultipleDescriptionsResult {
+            descriptions,
+            missing,
+            duplicates,
+            unexpected,
+        } = edit_multiple_descriptions(
+            ui,
+            command.settings(),
+            &workspace_command,
+            workspace_command.repo(),
+            // Edit descriptions in topological order
+            &commits.iter().rev().collect_vec(),
+        )?;
+        if !missing.is_empty() {
+            return Err(user_error(format!(
+                "The description for the following commits were not found in the edited message: \
+                 {}",
+                missing.join(", ")
+            )));
-        commit_builder.write()?;
-        tx.finish(ui, format!("describe commit {}",;
+        if !duplicates.is_empty() {
+            return Err(user_error(format!(
+                "The following commits were found in the edited message multiple times: {}",
+                duplicates.join(", ")
+            )));
+        }
+        if !unexpected.is_empty() {
+            return Err(user_error(format!(
+                "The following commits were not being edited, but were found in the edited \
+                 message: {}",
+                unexpected.join(", ")
+            )));
+        }
+        let commit_descriptions = commits
+            .iter()
+            .filter_map(|commit| {
+                descriptions
+                    .get(
+                    .map(|description| (commit, description.to_owned()))
+            })
+            .collect();
+        commit_descriptions
+    };
+    let commit_descriptions: HashMap<_, _> = commit_descriptions
+        .into_iter()
+        .filter_map(|(commit, new_description)| {
+            if *new_description == *commit.description() && !args.reset_author {
+                None
+            } else {
+                Some((, new_description))
+            }
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let mut tx = workspace_command.start_transaction();
+    let tx_description = if commits.len() == 1 {
+        format!("describe commit {}", commits[0].id().hex())
+    } else {
+        format!(
+            "describe commit {} and {} more",
+            commits[0].id().hex(),
+            commits.len() - 1
+        )
+    };
+    let mut num_described = 0;
+    let mut num_rebased = 0;
+    tx.mut_repo().transform_descendants(
+        command.settings(),
+        commit_descriptions
+            .keys()
+            .map(|&id| id.clone())
+            .collect_vec(),
+        |rewriter| {
+            let old_commit_id = rewriter.old_commit().id().clone();
+            let mut commit_builder = rewriter.rebase(command.settings())?;
+            if let Some(description) = commit_descriptions.get(&old_commit_id) {
+                commit_builder = commit_builder.set_description(description);
+                if args.reset_author {
+                    let new_author = commit_builder.committer().clone();
+                    commit_builder = commit_builder.set_author(new_author);
+                }
+                num_described += 1;
+            } else {
+                num_rebased += 1;
+            }
+            commit_builder.write()?;
+            Ok(())
+        },
+    )?;
+    if num_described > 1 {
+        writeln!(ui.status(), "Updated {} commits", num_described)?;
+    }
+    if num_rebased > 0 {
+        writeln!(ui.status(), "Rebased {} descendant commits", num_rebased)?;
+    tx.finish(ui, tx_description)?;
diff --git a/cli/src/ b/cli/src/
index e55f6785bb..ced2cf9a5f 100644
--- a/cli/src/
+++ b/cli/src/
@@ -1,17 +1,30 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
 use itertools::Itertools;
+use jj_lib::backend::CommitId;
 use jj_lib::commit::Commit;
 use jj_lib::matchers::EverythingMatcher;
 use jj_lib::merged_tree::MergedTree;
 use jj_lib::repo::ReadonlyRepo;
 use jj_lib::settings::UserSettings;
-use crate::cli_util::{edit_temp_file, WorkspaceCommandHelper};
+use crate::cli_util::{edit_temp_file, short_commit_hash, WorkspaceCommandHelper};
 use crate::command_error::CommandError;
 use crate::diff_util::DiffFormat;
 use crate::formatter::PlainTextFormatter;
 use crate::text_util;
 use crate::ui::Ui;
+/// Cleanup a description by normalizing line endings, and removing leading and
+/// trailing blank lines.
+fn cleanup_description(description: &str) -> String {
+    let description = description
+        .lines()
+        .filter(|line| !line.starts_with("JJ: "))
+        .join("\n");
+    text_util::complete_newline(description.trim_matches('\n'))
 pub fn edit_description(
     repo: &ReadonlyRepo,
     description: &str,
@@ -32,12 +45,134 @@ JJ: Lines starting with "JJ: " (like this one) will be removed.
-    // Normalize line ending, remove leading and trailing blank lines.
-    let description = description
-        .lines()
-        .filter(|line| !line.starts_with("JJ: "))
-        .join("\n");
-    Ok(text_util::complete_newline(description.trim_matches('\n')))
+    Ok(cleanup_description(&description))
+pub struct EditMultipleDescriptionsResult {
+    /// The parsed, formatted descriptions.
+    pub descriptions: HashMap<CommitId, String>,
+    /// Commit IDs that were expected while parsing the edited messages, but
+    /// which were not found.
+    pub missing: Vec<String>,
+    /// Commit IDs that were found multiple times while parsing the edited
+    /// messages.
+    pub duplicates: Vec<String>,
+    /// Commit IDs that were found while parsing the edited messages, but which
+    /// were not originally being edited.
+    pub unexpected: Vec<String>,
+/// Edits the descriptions of the given commits in a single editor session.
+pub fn edit_multiple_descriptions(
+    ui: &Ui,
+    settings: &UserSettings,
+    workspace_command: &WorkspaceCommandHelper,
+    repo: &ReadonlyRepo,
+    commits: &[&Commit],
+) -> Result<EditMultipleDescriptionsResult, CommandError> {
+    let mut commits_map = HashMap::new();
+    let mut output_chunks = Vec::new();
+    for &commit in commits.iter() {
+        let commit_hash = short_commit_hash(;
+        if commits.len() > 1 {
+            output_chunks.push(format!("JJ: describe {} -------\n", commit_hash.clone()));
+        }
+        commits_map.insert(commit_hash,;
+        let template = description_template_for_describe(ui, settings, workspace_command, commit)?;
+        output_chunks.push(template);
+        output_chunks.push("\n".to_owned());
+    }
+    output_chunks
+        .push("JJ: Lines starting with \"JJ: \" (like this one) will be removed.\n".to_owned());
+    let bulk_message = output_chunks.join("");
+    let bulk_message = edit_temp_file(
+        "description",
+        ".jjdescription",
+        repo.repo_path(),
+        &bulk_message,
+        settings,
+    )?;
+    if commits.len() == 1 {
+        return Ok(EditMultipleDescriptionsResult {
+            descriptions: HashMap::from([(
+                commits[0].id().clone(),
+                cleanup_description(&bulk_message),
+            )]),
+            missing: vec![],
+            duplicates: vec![],
+            unexpected: vec![],
+        });
+    }
+    Ok(parse_bulk_edit_message(&bulk_message, &commits_map))
+/// Parse the bulk message of edited commit descriptions.
+fn parse_bulk_edit_message(
+    message: &str,
+    commit_ids_map: &HashMap<String, &CommitId>,
+) -> EditMultipleDescriptionsResult {
+    let mut descriptions = HashMap::new();
+    let mut duplicates = Vec::new();
+    let mut unexpected = Vec::new();
+    let messages = message.lines().fold(vec![], |mut accum, line| {
+        if let Some(commit_id_prefix) = line.strip_prefix("JJ: describe ") {
+            let commit_id_prefix = commit_id_prefix
+                .strip_suffix(" -------")
+                .unwrap_or(commit_id_prefix);
+            accum.push((commit_id_prefix, vec![]));
+        } else if let Some((_, lines)) = accum.last_mut() {
+            lines.push(line);
+        };
+        accum
+    });
+    for (commit_id_prefix, description_lines) in messages {
+        let commit_id = match commit_ids_map.get(commit_id_prefix) {
+            Some(&commit_id) => commit_id,
+            None => {
+                unexpected.push(commit_id_prefix.to_string());
+                continue;
+            }
+        };
+        if descriptions.contains_key(commit_id) {
+            duplicates.push(commit_id_prefix.to_string());
+            continue;
+        }
+        descriptions.insert(
+            commit_id.clone(),
+            cleanup_description(&description_lines.join("\n")),
+        );
+    }
+    let missing: Vec<_> = commit_ids_map
+        .keys()
+        .filter_map(|commit_id_prefix| {
+            let commit_id = match commit_ids_map.get(commit_id_prefix) {
+                Some(&commit_id) => commit_id,
+                None => {
+                    return None;
+                }
+            };
+            if !descriptions.contains_key(commit_id) {
+                Some(commit_id_prefix.to_string())
+            } else {
+                None
+            }
+        })
+        .collect();
+    EditMultipleDescriptionsResult {
+        descriptions,
+        missing,
+        duplicates,
+        unexpected,
+    }
 /// Combines the descriptions from the input commits. If only one is non-empty,
diff --git a/cli/tests/ b/cli/tests/
index 9547c31583..c5e5058f57 100644
--- a/cli/tests/
+++ b/cli/tests/
@@ -569,20 +569,24 @@ Update config file to set the given option to a given value
 Update the change description or other metadata
-Starts an editor to let you edit the description of a change. The editor will be $EDITOR, or `pico` if that's not defined (`Notepad` on Windows).
+Starts an editor to let you edit the description of changes. The editor will be $EDITOR, or `pico` if that's not defined (`Notepad` on Windows).
-**Usage:** `jj describe [OPTIONS] [REVISION]`
+**Usage:** `jj describe [OPTIONS] [REVISIONS]...`
 ###### **Arguments:**
-* `<REVISION>` — The revision whose description to edit
+* `<REVISIONS>` — The revision(s) whose description to edit
   Default value: `@`
 ###### **Options:**
 * `-m`, `--message <MESSAGE>` — The change description to use (don't open editor)
+   If multiple revisions are specified, the same description will be used for all of them.
 * `--stdin` — Read the change description from stdin
+   If multiple revisions are specified, the same description will be used for all of them.
 * `--no-edit` — Don't open an editor
    This is mainly useful in combination with e.g. `--reset-author`.
diff --git a/cli/tests/ b/cli/tests/
index b9606933ed..97dc82307c 100644
--- a/cli/tests/
+++ b/cli/tests/
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use indoc::indoc;
 use crate::common::{get_stderr_string, TestEnvironment};
@@ -173,6 +175,180 @@ fn test_describe() {
+fn test_describe_multiple_commits() {
+    let mut test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(test_env.env_root(), &["git", "init", "repo"]);
+    let repo_path = test_env.env_root().join("repo");
+    let edit_script = test_env.set_up_fake_editor();
+    // Initial setup
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path), @r###"
+    @  c6349e79bbfd
+    ◉  65b6b74e0897
+    ◉  230dd059e1b0
+    ◉  000000000000
+    "###);
+    // Set the description of multiple commits using `-m` flag
+    let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
+        &repo_path,
+        &["describe", "@", "@--", "-m", "description from CLI"],
+    );
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"");
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Updated 2 commits
+    Rebased 1 descendant commits
+    Working copy now at: kkmpptxz 41659b84 (empty) description from CLI
+    Parent commit      : rlvkpnrz 8d650510 (empty) (no description set)
+    "###);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path), @r###"
+    @  41659b846096 description from CLI
+    ◉  8d650510daad
+    ◉  a42f5755e688 description from CLI
+    ◉  000000000000
+    "###);
+    // Check that the text file gets initialized with the current description of
+    // each commit and doesn't update commits if no changes are made.
+    // Commit descriptions are edited in topological order
+    std::fs::write(&edit_script, "dump editor0").unwrap();
+    let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"");
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Nothing changed.
+    "###);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(
+        std::fs::read_to_string(test_env.env_root().join("editor0")).unwrap(), @r###"
+    JJ: describe 8d650510daad -------
+    JJ: describe 41659b846096 -------
+    description from CLI
+    JJ: Lines starting with "JJ: " (like this one) will be removed.
+    "###);
+    // Set the description of multiple commits in the editor
+    std::fs::write(
+        &edit_script,
+        indoc! {"
+            write
+            JJ: describe 8d650510daad -------
+            description from editor of @-
+            further commit message of @-
+            JJ: describe 41659b846096 -------
+            description from editor of @
+            further commit message of @
+            JJ: Lines starting with \"JJ: \" (like this one) will be removed.
+        "},
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+    let (stdout, stderr) = test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stdout, @"");
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Updated 2 commits
+    Working copy now at: kkmpptxz f203494a (empty) description from editor of @
+    Parent commit      : rlvkpnrz 0d76a92c (empty) description from editor of @-
+    "###);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(get_log_output(&test_env, &repo_path), @r###"
+    @  f203494a4507 description from editor of @
+    │
+    │  further commit message of @
+    ◉  0d76a92ca7cc description from editor of @-
+    │
+    │  further commit message of @-
+    ◉  a42f5755e688 description from CLI
+    ◉  000000000000
+    "###);
+    // Fails if the edited message has a commit has multiple descriptions
+    std::fs::write(
+        &edit_script,
+        indoc! {"
+            write
+            JJ: describe 0d76a92ca7cc -------
+            first description from editor of @-
+            further commit message of @-
+            JJ: describe 0d76a92ca7cc -------
+            second description from editor of @-
+            further commit message of @-
+            JJ: describe f203494a4507 -------
+            updated description from editor of @
+            further commit message of @
+            JJ: Lines starting with \"JJ: \" (like this one) will be removed.
+        "},
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+    let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Error: The following commits were found in the edited message multiple times: 0d76a92ca7cc
+    "###);
+    // Fails if the edited message has unexpected commit IDs
+    std::fs::write(
+        &edit_script,
+        indoc! {"
+            write
+            JJ: describe 000000000000 -------
+            unexpected commit ID
+            JJ: describe 0d76a92ca7cc -------
+            description from editor of @-
+            further commit message of @-
+            JJ: describe f203494a4507 -------
+            description from editor of @
+            further commit message of @
+            JJ: Lines starting with \"JJ: \" (like this one) will be removed.
+        "},
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+    let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Error: The following commits were not being edited, but were found in the edited message: 000000000000
+    "###);
+    // Fails if the edited message has missing commit messages
+    std::fs::write(
+        &edit_script,
+        indoc! {"
+            write
+            JJ: describe f203494a4507 -------
+            description from editor of @
+            further commit message of @
+            JJ: Lines starting with \"JJ: \" (like this one) will be removed.
+        "},
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+    let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(stderr, @r###"
+    Error: The description for the following commits were not found in the edited message: 0d76a92ca7cc
+    "###);
+    // Fails if the editor fails
+    std::fs::write(&edit_script, "fail").unwrap();
+    let stderr = test_env.jj_cmd_failure(&repo_path, &["describe", "@", "@-"]);
+    assert!(stderr.contains("exited with an error"));
 fn test_multiple_message_args() {
     let test_env = TestEnvironment::default();
@@ -295,19 +471,30 @@ fn test_describe_author() {
-                "-r@",
+                "-r..",
                 r#"format_signature(author) ++ "\n" ++ format_signature(committer)"#,
+    // Initial setup
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(&repo_path, &["new"]);
     insta::assert_snapshot!(get_signatures(), @r###"
-    @  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
+    @  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:10.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
     │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
-    // Reset the author (the committer is always reset)
+    // Reset the author for the latest commit (the committer is always reset)
@@ -320,8 +507,40 @@ fn test_describe_author() {
     insta::assert_snapshot!(get_signatures(), @r###"
-    @  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
-    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
+    @  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
+    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:12.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:09.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
+    │  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:07.000 +07:00
+    ~
+    "###);
+    // Reset the author for multiple commits (the committer is always reset)
+    test_env.jj_cmd_ok(
+        &repo_path,
+        &[
+            "describe",
+            "@---",
+            "@-",
+            "--config-toml",
+            r#" = "Ove Ridder"
+   = """#,
+            "--no-edit",
+            "--reset-author",
+        ],
+    );
+    insta::assert_snapshot!(get_signatures(), @r###"
+    @  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Test User 2001-02-03 04:05:08.000 +07:00
+    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    ◉  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
+    │  Ove Ridder 2001-02-03 04:05:14.000 +07:00
@@ -343,3 +562,8 @@ fn test_describe_avoids_unc() {
     // over 260 chars.
     assert_eq!(edited_path, dunce::simplified(&edited_path));
+fn get_log_output(test_env: &TestEnvironment, repo_path: &Path) -> String {
+    let template = r#"commit_id.short() ++ " " ++ description"#;
+    test_env.jj_cmd_success(repo_path, &["log", "-T", template])