Generate a PDF from the provided URL and save it to publish directory.
npm install -D netlify-plugin-generate-pdf
And add this to your netlify.toml
package = "netlify-plugin-generate-pdf"
# It has to begin with http
The following inputs
options are available.
Name | Type | Description | Default value | Required |
url | string | abosulte path to generate PDF from | - | true |
fileName | string | name of generated PDF file | index.pdf | false |
format | string | Print format | A4 | false |
printBackground | boolean | Enable if you want to print images and backgrounds | true | false |
displayHeaderFooter | boolean | Add a header and footer to each page | false | false |
headerTemplate | string | HTML for page header | - | false |
footerTemplate | string | HTML for page footer | - | false |
margin | object | Page margin | { top: '1cm', right: '1cm', bottom: '1cm', left: '1cm' } | false |
package = "netlify-plugin-generate-pdf"
fileName = "google.pdf"
format = "A4"
printBackground = "true"
displayHeaderFooter = "true"
headerTemplate = "<div>Hello from PDF page header</div>"
footerTemplate = "<div>Hello from PDF page footer</div>"
top = '2cm'
right = '2cm'
bottom = '2cm'
left = '2cm'