React allows you to obtain references to real DOM objects that your component creates in its VDOM. See Refs and the DOM for details.
This document describes how to do the same within scalajs-react.
- Create a variable in which to store the DOM reference.
Its type should be whatever the DOM's type is (wrap it in
for additional safety if desired.) The recommended place to store this is inside a component Backend, as aprivate var
. - On your
, call.ref(vdomTag => Unit)
on it and provide a function that updates your variable. - To access the DOM from callbacks, just access the variable.
Example (excerpts from CallbackOption online demo):
object CallbackOptionExample {
class Backend($: BackendScope[Unit, State]) {
// Prepare a variable
private var outerRef: html.Element = _
// Wire it up from VDOM
def render(s: State) =
OuterDiv.ref(outerRef = _)(...)
// Use it
def init: Callback =
val Main = ScalaComponent.builder[Unit]("CallbackOption example")
- Call
to create a reference variable. This is mutable and should not be shared. The recommended place to store this is inside a component Backend, as aprivate val
. - Instead of using the component directly to instantiate it, call
on the ref you created. - To access the DOM from callbacks, call
on the ref.
val Double = ScalaComponent.builder[Int]("Doubler")
.render_P(i => <.p(s"$i + $i = ${i << 1}"))
class Backend {
// Create a mutable reference
private val ref = ScalaComponent.mutableRefTo(Double)
// Wire it up from VDOM
def render = <.div(ref.component(123))
// Use it
def onMount = Callback.log("DOM HTML: ", ref.value.getDOMNode.outerHTML)
val Exapmle = ScalaComponent.builder[Unit]("Example")
Same as with Scala components;
just change ScalaComponent.mutableRefTo
to JsComponent.mutableRefTo
This is not supported by React. As such, there is no mechanism by which to do so from scalajs-react.