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Header-only, small-string-optimized string library for C


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Ssstr: a string library for C

Ssstr is a header-only C library for byte string manipulation.

#include <ss8str.h>

Ssstr is intended to be used when you need a little more string handling capability than can be easily (and safely) achieved with the standard library, but not enough to warrant introducing a heavyweight framework (such as GLib) or switching to another programming language. Such scenarios may include manipulating path names, command line arguments, environment variables, and configuration file entries.

See the usage introduction below and the reference documentation.

Features and Design

  • Safer and simpler-to-use analogues of most of the C standard library string.h functions.
  • Additional convenience functions similar to C++ std::string member functions and more.
  • Strings are always null-terminated and buffer size is managed automatically.
  • Byte strings containing embedded null bytes can be handled.
  • Move and swap support to minimize the need to copy strings.
  • Focus on efficiency through a narrow contract API, but with the option of enabling extensive debug assertions.
  • Convenient and efficient interoperability with standard null-terminated strings and unterminated byte buffers.
  • Single-file header-only library.
  • Small string optimization: strings up to 31 bytes (on 64-bit platforms) or 15 bytes (32-bit) can be stored directly in the object (usually on the stack), avoiding dynamic storage allocation.
  • Compatible with C99 and later.
  • Unit tested thoroughly.
  • Aims to compile without warnings (including on MSVC without _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS). -Werror//WX used in CI.
  • Documented carefully.


Ssstr does not implement reference-counted or copy-on-write strings.

Ssstr is meant for simple byte string manipulation, with the interpretation of the bytes completely left to the user.

  • There is no explicit support for UTF-8 or any other specific character encoding (although UTF-8 strings will work well with Ssstr when used correctly).
  • There is no support for breaking natural language strings into words, glyphs, codepoints, etc.

There are many C libraries (such as utf8proc or ICU) that provide these capabilities, and Ssstr should be able to interoperate with them.

Most of the Ssstr functions are safe for use with UTF-8 strings, but those that break up strings at arbitrary offsets (such as ss8_copy_substr(), ss8_set_len(), or ss8_replace()) need to be used with care so as not to end up with partial encoding sequences. Also, string search and comparison will not take into account Unicode canonical equivalents.


API reference is available as manual pages.

String lifecycle

Strings are represented by the type ss8str. An ss8str must be initialized before any use by passing its address to ss8_init():

ss8str s;

Note that directly assgning to, or initializing, an already-initialized ss8str results in undefined behavior.

An ss8str (which is the size of 4 pointers) is intended to be allocated on the stack as a local variable unless it is part of a larger data structure.

After use, an ss8str must be destroyed in order to release any dynamically allocated memory it may have used:


After a call to ss8_destroy(), the ss8str is in an invalid state and cannot be reused unless another call to ss8_init() is made. Calling ss8_destroy() on an uninitialized (or already-destroyed) ss8str results in undefined behavior.

Initializing a string with contents

Instead of ss8_init(), you can use one of the other "init" functions to set the string upon creation:

ss8str greeting, another, bytes012, comma, fortran_indent;
ss8_init_copy_cstr(&greeting, "Hello");
ss8_init_copy(&another, &greeting);
ss8_init_copy_bytes(&bytes012, "\0\1\2", 3);
ss8_init_copy_ch(&comma, ',');                // Set to ","
ss8_init_copy_ch_n(&fortran_indent, ' ', 6);  // Set to "      "

// ...


Assigning to a string

There is a set of similar functions to set the contents of an existing (already initialized) ss8str, overwriting whatever it contained:

ss8str s, t;

ss8_copy_cstr(&s, "Hello");       // Set s to "Hello"
ss8_copy(&t, &s);                 // Set t to "Hello"
ss8_copy_bytes(&s, "\0\1\2", 3);  // Set s to "\0\1\2"
ss8_copy_ch(&s, ',');             // Set s to ","
ss8_copy_ch_n(&s, ' ', 6);        // Set s to "      "
ss8_clear(&s);                    // Set s to ""

// ...


Accessing contents

ss8str example;
ss8_init_copy_cstr(&example, "Hello");

size_t len = ss8_len(&example);             // 5
bool e = ss8_is_empty(&example);            // false

// Pass to a function expecting a null-terminated string

// Pass a right substring (prints "lo!\n")
printf("%s!\n", ss8_cstr_suffix(&example, 3));

char ch = ss8_at(&example, 1);              // 'e'
char first = ss8_front(&example);           // 'H'
char last = ss8_back(&example);             // 'o'


Note that the result of ss8_len(&s) and strlen(ss8_cstr(&s)) would differ if the string contained embedded null bytes.

The ss8_cstr() function returns a pointer to the string's internal buffer, without making a copy. The string is always null-terminated, whether or not it contains embedded null bytes.

Mutating characters

ss8str s;
ss8_init_copy_cstr(&s, "ABCDE");
ss8_set_at(&s, 2, 'c');  // s is now "ABcDE"
ss8_set_front(&s, 'a');  // s is now "aBcDE"
ss8_set_back(&s, 'e');   // s is now "aBcDe"

Calling C APIs that produce a string

Many C APIs have functions that take a string buffer pointer and size (or maximum string length), and write a string into the buffer. These vary quite a bit in how they behave when the string to be returned doesn't fit in the provided buffer: some return the number of bytes written, some return the number of bytes that would fit the whole result, and some provide no indication of whether the result fit in the buffer or not.

Ssstr provides functions that make it easy to deal with most of these functions.

The ss8_set_len() function adjusts the length of the string, leaving any new portion of the string uninitialized. This can be used to prepare a destination buffer of the desired size.

ss8_mutable_cstr(), the non-const version of ss8_cstr(), returns a pointer that you can pass to functions that will write a string. There is also ss8_mutable_cstr_suffix() which you can use to append onto an existing string.

If you adjusted the length of an ss8str using ss8_set_len(), you probably need to readjust it after the call to the string-producing function, unless you knew beforehand the exact length. For this, you can call ss8_set_len() again (if the function returned the number of bytes written), or use ss8_set_len_to_cstrlen() (if the written string is null-terminated and contains no embedded null bytes).

Some APIs may not provide a way to determine the result length until you manage to pass a large-enough buffer. In this case, you can use ss8_grow_len() to progressively increase the length of the string being used as the destination buffer, calling the API function in a loop until you succeed. The ss8_grow_len() function is similar to ss8_set_len(), but automatically choses a new length.

Also depending on the API, you may be required to pass either the maximum string length (not including any null terminator) or destination buffer size (including the null terminator). In the latter case, it is safe to pass length + 1, provided that the function will only ever write \0 to the byte just beyond the length of the ss8str. (But make sure to check that this is the case; some functions, such as strncpy(), violate this requirement.)

Note: Be sure not to confuse length and capacity. It is illegal to write beyond the length of an ss8str when using ss8_mutable_cstr() (aside from the null terminator exception mentioned above), no matter how large its current capacity may be.

Example: Calling strftime()

The standard library function strftime() returns the number of bytes written (not including the null terminator) upon success, but does not provide a way to determine the necessary buffer size beforehand. It is therefore most correct to call it with successively increasing buffer sizes:

// UTC time when Earth was closest to the Sun in 2022.
struct tm perihelion = {
    .tm_year = 122,  // 2022
    .tm_mon = 0,     // January
    .tm_mday = 4,    // 4th
    .tm_hour = 7,
    .tm_min = 10,

ss8str datetime;

size_t len = 0;
while (!len) {
    ss8_grow_len(&datetime, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX);
    len = strftime(ss8_mutable_cstr(&datetime), ss8_len(&datetime) + 1,
                   "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", &perihelion);
ss8_set_len(&datetime, len);

printf("%s\n", ss8_cstr(&datetime));


This example might be slightly superfluous because the format string used here results in a fixed 23-byte result, but it is meant as a demonstration for this common pattern (and other formats can generate results whose length depends on the current locale). And the use of ss8_grow_len() starting with an empty ss8str ensures that the first iteration will try the maximum length available without dynamic storage allocation (so the example above will not call malloc() on 64-bit platforms, unless strftime() does so internally).

Copying to a plain C buffer

Conversely, you may have an ss8str and wish to write an API function for regular C string users. This is even easier:

// Returns length that would have been written given sufficient bufsize.
// Can call with buf == NULL to determine result length.
size_t get_greeting(char *buf, size_t bufsize) {
    // In real code, this string would come from elsewhere.
    ss8str greeting;
    ss8_init_copy_cstr(&greeting, "Hello, World!");

    if (buf && bufsize >= 1)
        ss8_copy_to_cstr(&greeting, buf, bufsize);  // Copy portion that fits.

    size_t ret = ss8_len(&greeting);
    return ret;

There is also the variant ss8_copy_to_bytes(), which does the same thing as ss8_copy_to_cstr() but doesn't add a null terminator.

Concatenating and assembling strings

ss8_cat(&dest, &src);
ss8_cat_cstr(&dest, cstr);
ss8_cat_bytes(&dest, buf, len);
ss8_cat_ch(&dest, 'c');
ss8_cat_ch_n(&dest, 'c', count);

Reserving space

When assembling a string by concatenating multiple short strings, the ss8str might need to reallocate its internal buffer multiple times to hold the growing string. Memory allocation is slow, so this is done by enlarging the buffer exponentially by a constant factor (currently 1.5) to avoid excessively frequent reallocations.

However, if you know the exact or approximate final length of the string, it is even more efficient to allocate the required capacity upfront:

ss8str s;

ss8_reserve(&s, 40);  // Without changing length, enlarges buffer capacity.
ss8_copy_cstr(&s, "[INFO]");
ss8_cat_ch(&s, ' ');
ss8_cat_cstr(&s, "01:23:45");
ss8_cat_ch(&s, ' ');
ss8_cat_cstr(&s, "This is a log entry.");
ss8_cat_ch(&s, '\n');

// ...


Reserving space when the string is empty is most efficient because no existing data needs to be copied (otherwise, the entire current capacity's worth of bytes may be copied, even if the string is shorter).

You can get the current capacity of an ss8str by calling ss8_capacity(), which returns the maximum number of bytes the string can contain without allocating new memory.

Operations that cause the string to become shorter do not free the resulting unused memory. If you shorten a string by a large factor and want to ensure that the unused memory is freed, you can call ss8_shrink_to_fit(). This may make sense if a large number of such strings will be kept around for a long time.

Chaining calls

Most of the functions that take an ss8str * as the first argument and modify the string also return the first argument. This can be used to chain multiple function calls (although it becomes nearly unreadable beyond 2 or 3 calls).

char const *heading = "error: ", *message = strerror(ERANGE);
ss8str log_line;
ss8_cat_cstr(ss8_init_copy_cstr(&log_line, heading), message);
// ...

Moving strings around without copying

You might have an ss8str contained in some data structure (say, an array or linked list element). If you want to set that string to one that you have in a local variable, but no longer need the local copy, you can do a swap to avoid making a copy of the whole string:

// Swaps the contents of the two strings s1 and s2:
ss8_swap(&s1, &s2);

For ss8_swap(), the two strings must not be the same ss8str object, or else undefined behavior will result. Also, the two ss8str objects must be valid (initialized); use ss8_init_move_destroy() to swap an unititialized ss8str with an initialized one.

When the operation is asymmetric, i.e., you want to move the value of s2 into s1, but do not care what s2 holds afterwards, you can use ss8_move():

ss8_move(&s1, &s2);  // Moves value of s2 into s1
// s2 remains valid (must be destroyed later), but its value is now
// indeterminate

ss8_move_destroy(&s3, &s4);  // Moves value of s4 into s3
// s4 is destroyed and must be initialized before reuse

There is also ss8_init_move() and ss8_init_move_destroy().

Getting substrings

ss8_copy_substr(&dest, &src, start, len);
ss8_substr_inplace(&s, start, len);

Inserting, erasing, and replacing

// Insert the given string or char(s) at the given position
ss8_insert(&dest, pos, &src);
ss8_insert_cstr(&dest, pos, cstr);
ss8_insert_bytes(&dest, pos, buf, buflen);
ss8_insert_ch(&dest, pos, 'c');
ss8_insert_ch_n(&dest, pos, 'c', count);

// Remove the given range
ss8_erase(&dest, pos, len);

// Replace the given range with the given string
ss8_replace(&dest, pos, len, &src);
ss8_replace_cstr(&dest, pos, len, cstr);
ss8_replace_bytes(&dest, pos, len, buf, buflen);
ss8_replace_ch(&dest, pos, len, 'c');
ss8_replace_ch_n(&dest, pos, len, 'c', count);

Comparing strings

// Return <0, ==0, or >0, as with strcmp() or memcmp():
ss8_cmp(&lhs, &rhs);
ss8_cmp_cstr(&lhs, cstr);
ss8_cmp_bytes(&lhs, buf, len);
ss8_cmp_ch(&lhs, 'c');

// Boolean check for equality:
ss8_equals(&lhs, &rhs);
ss8_equals_cstr(&lhs, cstr);
ss8_equals_bytes(&lhs, buf, len);
ss8_equals_ch(&lhs, 'c');

// Boolean check for prefix match:
ss8_starts_with(&s, &prefix);
ss8_starts_with_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_starts_with_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_starts_with_ch(&s, 'c');

// Boolean check for suffix match:
ss8_ends_with(&s, &suffix);
ss8_ends_with_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_ends_with_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_ends_with_ch(&s, 'c');

// Boolean check for substring match:
ss8_contains(&s, &infix);
ss8_contains_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_contains_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_contains_ch(&s, 'c');

Searching strings

// Search forward from start; return position, or SIZE_MAX if not found:
ss8_find(&haystack, start, &needle);
ss8_find_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_find_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);
ss8_find_ch(&haystack, start, 'c');
ss8_find_not_ch(&haystack, start, 'c');

// Search backward from start; return position, or SIZE_MAX if not found:
ss8_rfind(&haystack, start, &needle);
ss8_rfind_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_rfind_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);
ss8_rfind_ch(&haystack, start, 'c');
ss8_rfind_not_ch(&haystack, start, 'c');

// Search forward for any char in 'needles':
ss8_find_first_of(&haystack, start, &needles);
ss8_find_first_of_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_find_first_of_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);

// Search forward for any char not in 'needles':
ss8_find_first_not_of(&haystack, start, &needles);
ss8_find_first_not_of_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_find_first_not_of_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);

// Search backward for any char in 'needles':
ss8_find_last_of(&haystack, start, &needles);
ss8_find_last_of_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_find_last_of_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);

// Search backward for any char not in 'needles':
ss8_find_last_not_of(&haystack, start, &needles);
ss8_find_last_not_of_cstr(&haystack, start, cstr);
ss8_find_last_not_of_bytes(&haystack, start, buf, len);

Stripping characters off the ends

// Remove any characters in 'chars' from either end of s:
ss8_strip(&s, &chars);
ss8_strip_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_strip_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_strip_ch(&s, 'c');

// Remove any characters in 'chars' from the beginning of s:
ss8_lstrip(&s, &chars);
ss8_lstrip_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_lstrip_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_lstrip_ch(&s, 'c');

// Remove any characters in 'chars' from the end of s:
ss8_rstrip(&s, &chars);
ss8_rstrip_cstr(&s, cstr);
ss8_rstrip_bytes(&s, buf, len);
ss8_rstrip_ch(&s, 'c');

Formatting strings

// Format string
ss8_sprintf(&dest, "fmt", ...);
ss8_snprintf(&dest, maxlen, "fmt", ...);

// Append formatted string
ss8_cat_sprintf(&dest, "fmt", ...);
ss8_cat_snprintf(&dest, maxlen, "fmt", ...);

// Versions taking va_list
ss8_vsprintf(&dest, "fmt", args);
ss8_vsnprintf(&dest, maxlen, "fmt", args);
ss8_cat_vsprintf(&dest, "fmt", args);
ss8_cat_vsnprintf(&dest, maxlen, "fmt", args);

These functions internally call vsnprintf(), so the format string has the same meaning as the printf() family of functions provided by the standard library (and is therefore platform-dependent to some extent).

In particular, any "%s" format specifier requires a corresponding standard null-terminated string, so you need to use ss8_cstr() if printing an ss8str:

ss8str warning, dest;
ss8_init_copy_cstr(&warning, "I'm not a C string");
ss8_sprintf(&dest, "warning: %s (%d)", ss8_cstr(&warning), 42);
// ...

Installing Ssstr

You do not need to install Ssstr; simply copy include/ss8str.h into your project. But installing into a system (or custom) location may be useful in some use cases.

To install the header (along with pkg-config file and CMake config):

Requirements: Meson and Ninja.

meson setup builddir
cd builddir
ninja install


  • Use meson setup builddir --prefix=/path/to/install/root to set the install location (default: /usr/local, or C:/ on Windows).
  • Use meson setup builddir -Ddocs=enabled to also build and install the man pages (groff is required).
  • The CMake config is only installed if cmake is available.

Using from a Meson project

To use Ssstr as a subproject, you can place the following in subprojects/ssstr.wrap (setting the revision to an appropriate commit hash):

url =
revision = <your choice>
depth = 1

dependency_names = ssstr

Then, in your, use ssstr_dep = dependency('ssstr', allow_fallback: true)

Alternatively, you could install Ssstr and let Meson find the dependency via pkg-config.

Using from a CMake project

First, install Ssstr. This should install ${prefix}/lib/cmake/Ssstr/SsstrConfig.cmake.

Then, in your CMakeLists.txt, use something like the following:

find_package(Ssstr REQUIRED)
add_executable(my_program main.c)
target_link_libraries(my_program PRIVATE Ssstr::ssstr)

(Despite the use of target_link_libraries, only the include directory is actually provided to my_program.)

When running cmake, you can point it to the Ssstr installation by passing -DSsstr_DIR=${prefix}/lib/cmake/Ssstr.

Running the tests

Requirements: Python, Meson, and Ninja.

meson setup builddir -Dtest=enabled
cd builddir
ninja test

Other build targets:

  • ninja benchmark (requires meson configure -Dbenchmark=enabled)
  • ninja htmlman (requires groff and meson configure -Ddocs=enabled) generates the HTML manual pages

Code coverage

Test coverage information can be generated as follows (requires gcovr or similar):

cd builddir
meson configure -Db_coverage=true
ninja clean  # Ensure no previous coverage data remains
ninja test
ninja coverage-html
# Now open meson-logs/coveragereport/index.html

Currently, some of the branch coverage is inaccurate because the definition of SSSTR_ASSERT differs between tests.

I try to maintain near-perfect coverage for the functions and branches in ss8str.h, with the exception of codepaths leading to panics, compile-time disabled code, and (very few) codepaths that cannot be tested without buffers sized near INT_MAX or larger. However, unit tests should strive to test as many edge cases as possible, not merely exercise every line of code.


A few aspects of Ssstr can be customized by defining preprocessor macros before including ss8str.h. All of them (except SSSTR_EXTRA_DEBUG) are advanced features.

Avoiding static inline functions

By default, all Ssstr functions are static inline, so that simply including ss8str.h is all you need to do. However, if you include the header from multiple translation units (source files), each will get their own copy of those Ssstr functions which the compiler chose not to inline. This may not be desirable in projects where small binary size is important.

(Note that toolchain facilities such as GCC/Clang -fipa-icf (enabled as part of -O2; most effective when combined with link-time optimization) and MSVC identical COMDAT folding can alleviate this, but there may be cases where that is not good enough.)

If the macro SSSTR_USE_NONSTATIC_INLINE is defined, Ssstr functions will be defined as plain inline, so that duplicate copies of the functions will not be generated. Because of the way C inline functions work (which differs from C++), the macro SSSTR_DEFINE_EXTERN_INLINE must also be defined in exactly one translation unit; this provides extern inline function definitions.

Customizing memory allocation

By default, Ssstr uses the standard library functions malloc(), realloc(), and free() to manage dynamic storage. If you want Ssstr to instead use a different allocator, you can define the function-style macros SSSTR_MALLOC(size), SSSTR_REALLOC(ptr, size), and SSSTR_FREE(ptr).

No Ssstr function calls SSSTR_MALLOC() or SSSTR_REALLOC() with a size of zero or a null ptr, so your definitions need not handle these edge cases in any specific manner. Also, Ssstr always checks the return value for NULL (see below on error handling).

If you customize memory allocation, you are responsible for ensuring that compatible customizations are used throughout your program (or at least throughout the subsystem within which a given set of ss8str objects are passed around).

Customizing run-time assertions

Ssstr calls the standard assert() macro if there is a precondition violation (that is, programming error in user code). You can replace this behavior by defining the macro SSSTR_ASSERT(condition).

To disable assertions, you should define NDEBUG; there is no need to define SSSTR_ASSERT just for this purpose.

SSSTR_ASSERT() should not return when the condition is false (if it checks the condition at all). It is safe to call longjmp() from SSSTR_ASSERT() when the condition is false.

Enabling more thorough run-time checks

For performance reasons, not all detectable precondition violations are checked by default. In a debug build, you can enable extra assertions and debugging features by defining the macro SSSTR_EXTRA_DEBUG.

Some of the violations that may be caught include null pointers passed as arguments, overlapping buffers (where not allowed), and (with some luck) corrupted ss8str objects.

In addition, when built with SSSTR_EXTRA_DEBUG defined, the portion of a string extended by ss8_set_len() or ss8_grow_len() is filled with '~', and the right-hand-side of ss8_move() or ss8_init_move() is set to the string "!!! MOVED-FROM SS8STR !!!". These behaviors are intended to increase the likelihood of spotting bugs due to erroneous access to indeterminate data.

Customizing error handling

By default, if memory allocation fails or if the size of a result is computed to be larger than size_t can express, Ssstr will print a message to stderr and call abort().

You can customize this behavior by defining the macros SSSTR_OUT_OF_MEMORY(bytes) and SSSTR_SIZE_OVERFLOW().

SSSTR_OUT_OF_MEMORY() will be called if SSSTR_MALLOC() or SSSTR_REALLOC() (or their default equivalents) return NULL. The number of bytes that Ssstr attempted to allocate is passed as the argument.

SSSTR_SIZE_OVERFLOW() will be called if the result of a string operation (such as concatenation, insertion, or replacement) would have a length greater than SIZE_MAX - 1.

It is meant to be safe to call longjmp() from inside these 2 macros, but this has not been tested.

Note that the string formatting functions ss8_[cat_][v]s[n]printf() can (at least in theory) encounter additional errors that will lead to a call to abort(). These include the result of string formatting being greater than or equal to INT_MAX bytes, or vs[n]printf() returning a negative number for some other reason. Handling of these errors is not customizable. Programs that want water-tight (and strictly platform-independent) string formatting should probably use a specialized string formatting library rather than depending on these convenience functions that do not hide all of the limitations of the starnard functions.

Memory layout

An ss8str occupies 32 bytes on 64-bit platforms. Depending on the current capacity (not including null terminator), one of two layouts is used. Capacity is never less than 31.

Small string (capacity = 31; length <= 31):

| Bytes 0-30: string buffer (always null-terminated) |  31 |
| H e l l o ,   W o r l d ! \0                       | (*) |

Byte 31 ((*)) is set to 31 - length, which doubles as the null terminator when the length is exactly 31. (This idea comes from folly::fbstring (video), although that implementation uses a 24 byte layout, requiring endian-specific manipulation.)

Large string (capacity > 31; any length):

|  Bytes 0-7  |     8-15    |    16-23    |   24-30   | 31 |
|     ptr     |    length   |   bufsize   |  padding  | FF |

Dynamically allocated memory at ptr stores the null-terminated string. Capacity is bufsize - 1 (for null terminator). Byte 31 always contains 0xFF to distinguish from small strings.

On 32-bit platforms, an ss8str occupies 16 bytes and the capacity is never less than 15.

In principle, any size greater than or equal to 3 pointers could be chosen for a string type with small string optimization. Larger choices will increase the chance of a string fitting in the small string buffer (avoiding dynamic allocation), but will waste space if many of the strings are either very short or longer than the small string capacity.

A design with 3-pointer-sized string objects requires one of two compromises to be made: either the small string buffer needs to be limited to the size of 2 pointers, or complicated techniques need to be used to encode the long/short distinction into one of the 3 pointer/size fields (this is especially tricky in the case of 32-bit architectures). The former approach is typical in C++ std::string implementations, and the latter is used by the above-mentioned folly::fbstring.

The 4-pointer size of ss8str was chosen because it is the smallest that can be achieved while having a single, simple implementation supporting little- and big-endian, 32- and 64-bit architectures and with maximum utilization of the small string buffer.

The use cases for which Ssstr was designed are the handling of small numbers of short to moderate-length strings (path names, command line arguments, environment variables, configuration file entries)—not building databases or text editors. Applications that want to store large numbers of strings with high space efficiency may prefer other designs; see, for example, SDS.

Buffer alignment

As a consequence of the memory layout, the beginning of the string buffer is always aligned to the size of a pointer. This means that ss8str can be used to store strings in multibyte encodings (including UTF-16, UTF-32), provided that special care is taken when manipulating (especially splitting) such strings.


Ssstr intends to use Semantic Versioning. The API, for versioning purposes, consists of the functions and data types documented in the manual pages, plus the customization macros documented above.

ABI compatibility will be maintained more strictly: the memory layout of the ss8str object will not change on a given platform (if it ever does, the type, header, and library will be renamed). This will apply to any version starting with the 1.0.0 release; until then, things might change (though unlikely).

(Note, however, that true binary compatibility requires that all copies of Ssstr code that exchange (mutable) ss8str objects be built with compatible C runtimes, use the same dynamic storage heap, and have mutually compatible malloc customizations, if any. For this reason, you might want to stick to traditional C string interfaces at your major module boundaries, or at least limit the exchange of ss8str to const ss8str *, so that memory allocation and deallocation is limited to one side of the boundary.)


Ssstr is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt.

Other simple string libraries for C

It is difficult to search for string libraries in C (too much noise), so I wouldn't be surprised if there are other good or notable ones that I am not aware of. Also, several larger frameworks (e.g. GLib) have string types.