: Manages and configures the 389 Directory Server
: Install packages, setup user/group and runtime environment for 389 DS.
: Adds an ldif file to a 389 ds instance.ds_389::backup
: Setup backup jobs for a 389 ds instance.ds_389::instance
: Manages a 389 ds instance.ds_389::modify
: Adds an ldif modify file to a 389 ds instance.ds_389::plugin
: Manages a plugin for a 389 ds instance.ds_389::replication
: Sets up replication for a 389 ds instance.ds_389::schema
: Adds a schema extension ldif file to a 389 ds instance.ds_389::service
: Manages the service for a 389 ds instance.ds_389::ssl
: Manages SSL for a 389 ds instance.
: Allows you to reinitialize replication for a consumer
Manages and configures the 389 Directory Server
include ds_389
The following parameters are available in the ds_389
Data type: String
The command that is used to rehash CA certificates.
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Target directory the 389 ds certs should be exported to. Default: '/etc/openldap/cacerts'
Data type: Optional[String]
The name of the DNF module that should be enabled on RHEL. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
The version of the DNF module that should be enabled on RHEL. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
Group account 389 ds user should belong to. Default: 'dirsrv'
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Home directory for the 389 ds user account. Default: '/usr/share/dirsrv'
Data type: Hash
A hash of ds_389::instance resources. Optional.
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Target directory for resource limit configuration.
Data type: String
Name of the NSS tools package.
Data type: String
389 ds package state. Default 'installed'
Data type: Variant[String,Array]
Name of the 389 ds package to install. Default: '389-ds-base'
Data type: String
Specifies the content of the PATH environment variable when running commands. Should usually NOT be altered.
Data type: String
The service manager that should be used.
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Target directory for generated SSL certificates.
Data type: Boolean
Obsolete parameter, only kept for compatibility with spacepants/puppet-ds_389. Will be removed in a later version.
Data type: String
In 389-ds the name of the supplier replication role was renamed from 'master' to 'supplier' in a backwards-incompatible fashion (issue #4656).
Data type: String
User account 389 ds should run as. Default: 'dirsrv'
Data type: String
Shell for the user account. Usually a pseudo-shell to prevent console access.
Adds an ldif file to a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::add { 'add_example_1':
server_id => 'foo',
source => 'puppet:///path/to/file.ldif',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
ds_389::add { 'add_example_2':
server_id => 'foo',
content => epp('profiles/template.ldif.epp'),
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
ds_389::add { 'add_example_3':
server_id => 'foo',
source => '/path/to/file.ldif',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
server_host => 'foo.example.com',
server_port => 1389,
user => 'custom_user',
group => 'custom_group',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::add
defined type:
Data type: Optional[String]
The content value to use for the ldif file. Required, unless providing the source.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The group of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: Enum['ldap','ldaps']
The protocol to use when calling ldapadd. Default: 'ldap'
Default value: 'ldap'
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password to use when calling ldapadd. Required.
Data type: String
The bind DN to use when calling ldapadd. Required.
Data type: String
The host to use when calling ldapadd. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: String
The 389 ds instance name. Required.
Data type: Integer
The port to use when calling ldapadd. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Optional[String]
The source path to use for the ldif file. Required, unless providing the content.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Whether to use StartTLS when calling ldapadd. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: String
The owner of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Setup backup jobs for a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::backup { 'daily backup':
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
server_id => 'instancename',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::backup
defined type:
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
The directory where the backup files will be stored. The directory must
be read- and writable for the 389-ds user. Default: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance/bak
Default value: undef
Data type: String
This parameter controls whether the backup job should be created (present
or removed (absent
Default value: 'present'
Data type: Array
Any environment settings associated with the backup cron job. Note that the PATH variable is automatically added to the environment.
Default value: []
Data type: Enum['ldap','ldaps']
The protocol to use when performing the backup.
Default value: 'ldaps'
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password to use when performing the backup. Required.
Data type: String
The bind DN to use when performing the backup. Required.
Data type: Integer
The maximum backup age in days. Older backups will be removed.
Default value: 30
Data type: Array
An array containing the cron schedule in this order: minute, hour, weekday.
Default value: ['15', '23', '*']
Data type: String
The host to use when performing the backup. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: String
The 389 ds instance name. Required.
Data type: Integer
The port to use when performing the backup. Default: 636
Default value: 636
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Specify a path where upon successful backup a file should be created for checking purposes.
Default value: '/tmp/389ds_backup_success'
Manages a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::instance { 'foo':
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
cert_db_pass => 'secret',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
server_id => 'specdirectory',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::instance
defined type:
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A hash of ldif add files. See add.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Whether to enable a periodic backup job for this instance.
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether to disable TLS connection for the backup job.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A hash of ldif add files to load after all other config files have been added. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The certificate db password to ensure. Required.
Data type: Boolean
Set this parameter to True
to create a generic root node entry for the suffix in the database.
Default value: true
Data type: String
The group for the instance. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: Integer
The minimum security strength for connections. Default: 0
Default value: 0
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A hash of ldif modify files. See modify.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A hash of plugins to enable or disable. See plugin.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A replication config hash. See replication.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The root dn password to ensure. Required.
Data type: String
The root dn to ensure. Required.
Data type: Optional[Hash]
A hash of schemas to ensure. See schema.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The fqdn for the instance. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: String
The server identifier for the instance. Default: $facts['networking']['hostname']
Default value: $facts['networking']['hostname']
Data type: Integer
The port to use for non-SSL traffic. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Integer
The port to use for SSL traffic. Default: 636
Default value: 636
Data type: Optional[Hash]
An ssl config hash. See ssl.pp. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
The minimum TLS version the instance should support. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Array]
An array of subject alt names, if using self-signed certificates. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The LDAP suffix to use. Required.
Data type: String
The user for the instance. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Adds an ldif modify file to a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::modify { 'modify_example_1':
server_id => 'foo',
source => 'puppet:///path/to/file.ldif',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
ds_389::modify { 'modify_example_2':
server_id => 'foo',
content => epp('profiles/template.ldif.epp'),
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
ds_389::modify { 'modify_example_3':
server_id => 'foo',
source => '/path/to/file.ldif',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
server_host => 'foo.example.com',
server_port => 1389,
user => 'custom_user',
group => 'custom_group',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::modify
defined type:
Data type: Optional[String]
The content value to use for the ldif file. Required, unless providing the source.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The group of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: Enum['ldap','ldaps']
The protocol to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: 'ldap'
Default value: 'ldap'
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password to use when calling ldapmodify. Required.
Data type: String
The bind DN to use when calling ldapmodify. Required.
Data type: String
The host to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: String
The 389 ds instance name. Required.
Data type: Integer
The port to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Optional[String]
The source path to use for the ldif file. Required, unless providing the content.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Whether to use StartTLS when calling ldapmodify. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: String
The owner of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Manages a plugin for a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::plugin { 'memberof':
server_id => 'foo',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
ds_389::plugin { 'memberof':
ensure => 'disabled',
server_id => 'foo',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
server_host => 'foo.example.com',
server_port => 1389,
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::plugin
defined type:
Data type: Enum['enabled','disabled']
The desired state of the plugin. Default: 'enabled'
Default value: 'enabled'
Data type: Array
An array containing additional plugin options. See man 8 dsconf
for a
complete list. Note that several options can only be applied once,
further attempts will fail. Optional.
Default value: []
Data type: Enum['ldap','ldaps']
The protocol to use when calling ldapadd. Default: 'ldap'
Default value: 'ldap'
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password to use when calling ldapadd. Required.
Data type: String
The bind DN to use when calling ldapadd. Required.
Data type: String
The host to use when calling ldapadd. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: String
The 389 ds instance name. Required.
Data type: Integer
The port to use when calling ldapadd. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Sets up replication for a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::replication { 'consumer1':
bind_dn => 'cn=Replication Manager,cn=config',
replication_pass => 'supersecret',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
role => 'consumer',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
ds_389::replication { 'hub1':
bind_dn => 'cn=Replication Manager,cn=config',
replication_pass => 'supersecret',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
role => 'hub',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
consumers => [
ds_389::replication { 'supplier1':
bind_dn => 'cn=Replication Manager,cn=config',
replication_pass => 'supersecret',
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
role => 'supplier',
suffix => 'dc=example,dc=com',
init_suppliers => true,
suppliers => [
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::replication
defined type:
Data type: Optional[String]
The bind dn of the replication user. Required.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Array]
An array of consumer names to ensure. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Array]
An array of attributes to exclude from replication. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The group of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: Optional[Array]
An array of hub names to ensure. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
The replica id. Optional unless declaring a supplier.
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
Whether to initialize replication for consumers. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether to initialize replication for hubs. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether to initialize replication for suppliers. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: Enum['ldap','ldaps']
The protocol to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: 'ldap'
Default value: 'ldap'
Data type: Integer
Time in seconds state information stored in replica entries is retained. Default: 604800
Default value: 604800
Data type: Integer
The port to use for replication. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Enum['LDAP','SSL','TLS','LDAPS','StartTLS']
The transport type to use for replication. Default: 'LDAP'
Default value: 'LDAP'
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password of the replication user. Required.
Data type: String
The user account to use for replication.
Default value: 'Replication Manager'
Data type: Enum['supplier','hub','consumer']
Replication role. Either 'supplier', 'hub', or 'consumer'. Required.
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The root dn password for configuring replication. Required.
Data type: String
The root dn for configuring replication. Required.
Data type: String
The host to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: $fqdn
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: Integer
The port to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Boolean
Whether to use StartTLS when calling ldapmodify. Default: false
Default value: false
Data type: String
The LDAP suffix to use. Required.
Data type: String
In 389-ds the name of the supplier replication role was renamed from 'master' to 'supplier' in a backwards-incompatible fashion (issue #4656).
Default value: $ds_389::supplier_role_name
Data type: Optional[Array]
An array of supplier names to ensure. Optional.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
The owner of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Adds a schema extension ldif file to a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::schema { '50example':
server_id => 'foo',
source => 'puppet:///path/to/file.ldif',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::schema
defined type:
Data type: String
The group of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: String
The 389 ds instance name. Required.
Data type: String
The source path to use for the ldif file. Required.
Data type: String
The owner of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Manages the service for a 389 ds instance.
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::service
defined type:
Data type: Boolean
Whether the service should be enabled. Default: true
Default value: true
Data type: String
The state the service should be in. Default: 'running'
Default value: 'running'
Manages SSL for a 389 ds instance.
ds_389::ssl { 'foo':
cert_name => 'fooCert'
root_dn => 'cn=Directory Manager',
root_dn_pass => 'supersecure',
The following parameters are available in the ds_389::ssl
defined type:
Data type: String
The nickname of the SSL cert to use. Required.
Data type: String
The group of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::group
Default value: $ds_389::group
Data type: Integer
The minimum security strength for connections. Default: 0
Default value: 0
Data type: Variant[String,Sensitive[String]]
The password to use when calling ldapmodify. Required.
Data type: String
The bind DN to use when calling ldapmodify. Required.
Data type: String
The host to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Default value: $facts['networking']['fqdn']
Data type: Integer
The port to use when calling ldapmodify. Default: 389
Default value: 389
Data type: Integer
The port to use for SSL traffic. Default: 636
Default value: 636
Data type: String
The minimum TLS version to allow. Default: 'TLS1.1'
Default value: 'TLS1.1'
Data type: String
The owner of the created ldif file. Default: $ds_389::user
Default value: $ds_389::user
Allows you to reinitialize replication for a consumer
Supports noop? false
Data type: String[1]
Directory Server instance name
Data type: String[1]
Replica name to initialize
Data type: String[1]
LDAP suffix to use
Data type: String[1]
Host to connect to
Data type: Integer
SSL port to connect to
Data type: String[1]
Connection protocol
Data type: Boolean
Connect with StartTLS
Data type: String[1]
The root dn to bind as
Data type: String[1]
The root dn password