- Go through Henrik's Hubtags Ampersand/React app tutorial
- Go through Front-end Masters Intro to Web Development
- Go through Front-end Masters Advanced JS
- Go through JavaScript: The Good Parts PluralSight course
- Go through Dan Abramov's Egghead Redux videos
- Go through Tyler McGinnis' Egghead React tutorial
Read Eloquent JavaScript
Read You Don't Know JS
Re-Read Human JavaScript
Read enough on WebAssembly to understand its need
Practice / use GSAP animations in a project
Use Velocity.js animation library
Build a Node command line tool
Play with Web Audio API
- Research / play with PostCSS
- Practice CSS animation syntax and features
- Write a small modular CSS library and publish to NPM
- Use an NPM CSS library in a project (PureCSS, Tachyons)
- Find a CraftCMS tutorial and do it
- Implement Stripe in a site to accept payments w/ different terms
- Build a new blog using HarpJS
- Write something into a Slack bot
- Publish a package to NPM
- Put together 10min talk on office culture / teams
- Apply to speak at a conference