#Code Book - Wearables
This code book outlines the steps undertaken by the R-script run_anlaysis.R
which can be found in this repository.
##Sourcing the data The data is dowloaded from the following repository: [Download location] (https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip)
This can be done directly from R with the following command:
url <- 'https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip'
The zip file downloaded is then extracted to the working directory via
##Importing the data There are several files that are required to be imported to create our dataset. To manage this, I created a series of variables to hold the path information relative to the 'UCI HAR Dataset' folder:
#Path to the training data, the type and the subject #
train_path <- 'train/X_train.txt'
train_type <- 'train/y_train.txt'
train_subj <- 'train/subject_train.txt'
#Now for the test data, as above
test_path <- 'test/X_test.txt'
test_type <- 'test/y_test.txt'
test_subj <- 'test/subject_test.txt'
#And the names of the columns are here
feat_path <- 'features.txt'
Since these are relative to the path, and my folder is in the working directory, I created a helper function to manage the concatenation and to try and keep as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) as possible.
is a simple function which takes two inputs:
- pth - the path relative to the data folder. These are articulated in my implementation above.
- fld - folder that has the data, defaults to 'UCI HAR Dataset'.
Here is the function:
concat_pth <- function(pth,fld='UCI HAR Dataset') {
The paste function has a seperator argument, which concatenates each of the arguments with this in between.
Looking at the files more closely, there are 7 files which are brought together to make our dataset:
- X_train/X_test: contains the data, made up of 561 columns of data read from the Galaxy
- y_train/y_test: contains the activity identifier, which I've called
. These are later converted by... - activity_labels: Contains the mapping from ID to name, such as Laying etc.
- subject_train/subject_test: Listing of the unique identifier of the subject/person whom the measurements relate to
These are concatenated using the helper function articulated above, and stored in variables:
#Training paths
full_train <- concat_pth(train_path)
full_train_type <- concat_pth(train_type)
full_train_subj <- concat_pth(train_subj)
#Test paths
full_test <- concat_pth(test_path)
full_test_type <- concat_pth(test_type)
full_test_subj <- concat_pth(test_subj)
#Feature i.e. column names
full_feat <- concat_pth(feat_path)
I tried importing all 360-odd columns, and that didn't end well. I then decided to filter the mean() & std() and only import these columns.
To do this, read.table
the columns and then filter by using the dplyr
function filter()
#Column labels
feat <- read.table(full_feat,sep=" ")
inscope <- filter(feat
,grepl('mean()',V2,fixed=TRUE) |
The columns of the input files are 16 characters wide, and as part of the read.fwf
(fwf = fixed width file) function, if you pass a negative number as part of a vector, this is 'ignore'.
#getCols will limit the column vector for fixed width import to try and save on mem!
#colNumbers - vector of the columns that need to be imported
#ttlCols - total number of columns in the document (561 for ours)
#fwsize - Fixed width size (16 char columns in the source file for us)
getCols <- function(colNumbers,ttlCols,fwsize) {
v <- integer()
for (i in 1:ttlCols){
if(i %in% colNumbers){
#if it is an inscope, add it as +ive
v <- c(v,fwsize)
} else {
v <- c(v,-1*fwsize)
This is called in the assignment as fwCols <- getCols(inscope$V1,561,16)
which will create a vector which has 16 where the column has mean() or std() in it and -16 where it does not. This will import only those that are columns.
Using the getCols()
function, there is a vector of 16 and -16 for the fixed width files. Each are loaded in turn, they are bound together with cbind()
and then finally moving them all to full_data
as well as removing the staging variables to free the memory.
#Load the data
train_data <- read.fwf(full_train,fwCols)
names(train_data) <- inscope$V2
train_subj_data <- read.table(full_train_subj)
train_activity <- read.table(full_train_type)
test_data <- read.fwf(full_test,fwCols)
names(test_data) <- inscope$V2
test_subj_data <- read.table(full_test_subj)
test_activity <- read.table(full_test_type)
#Add the additional columns to train_data and test_data
train_data <- cbind(train_data,train_subj_data,train_activity)
names(train_data)[67:68] <- c("SubjectNumber","ActivityNumber")
test_data <- cbind(test_data,test_subj_data,test_activity)
names(test_data)[67:68] <- c("SubjectNumber","ActivityNumber")
#Concatenate the training and test data sets
full_data <- rbind(train_data,test_data)
In the dataset, there are integers to represent WALKING, STANDING etc., so these should now be changed to be te terms. This is done by reading the list activity_labels.txt
file, and then merging the tables and dropping the index:
#Now to change the factor of ActivityNumber to a friendly name
activity_label_path <- concat_pth('activity_labels.txt')
activity_label_data <- read.table(activity_label_path,sep=" ",col.names = c('ActivityNumber','ActivityName'))
full_data <- merge(full_data,activity_label_data) %>% select(-ActivityNumber)
The net result is closer, now to melt it with tidyr
Moving the 60-something columns is simply with tidyr
's gather function:
tidy_data <- gather(full_data
The gather()
function takes the dataset (full_data), the name of the key - 'MeasurementName', the name of the value field 'MeasurementValue' and finally the columns. IN this case, it has been articulated all columns except the SubjectNumber and ActivityName columns. A small subset of the data is below:
SubjectNumber ActivityName MeasurementName MeasurementValue
1 7 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.3016485
2 5 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.3433592
3 6 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.2696745
4 23 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.2681938
5 7 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.3141912
6 7 WALKING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.2032763
The columns have been 'melted' down into the MeasurementName / MeasurementValue columns.
Finally, I use the dplyr
functions summarise
, %>%
and group_by
functions to show the mean of SubjectNumber/ActivityName, MeasurementName unique combinations:
summ <- group_by(tidy_data,SubjectNumber,ActivityName,MeasurementName) %>%
This group's by, and passes into summarise to take the mean
of the MeasurementValue
function into a new column named avg
giving the final output table of:
SubjectNumber ActivityName MeasurementName avg
1 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-mean()-X 0.22159824
2 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-mean()-Y -0.04051395
3 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-mean()-Z -0.11320355
4 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-std()-X -0.92805647
5 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-std()-Y -0.83682741
6 1 LAYING tBodyAcc-std()-Z -0.82606140
which is outputed with default variables of write.table
write.table(summ,'out.txt',row.names = FALSE)