time permitting
- better motive inference / syntactic sugar for function by cases
- unseen pattern generation
- does not specialize the cases where the type is unique
- can extend
with info to track wich vars sould be expanded to "unstick" computations
- needs more testing
- exampels in CH5 of thesis
- earier examples
- nested cases need to be tested
- better warning/error messages
- consolodate and order warnings
- var printing bugs
- fully worked system F interperter
- clean could also rela some unions?
fix the redme (depricate the :ls
) update the repl example
fix the repo
find or create a large bank of test cases?
- system F
- CC
move to more standard libs
- https://github.com/haskell/pretty as in https://github.com/lambdageek/unbound-generics/blob/master/examples/Nanevski.lhs#L1080
- smantic source
- check this out http://leventerkok.github.io/sbv/ (no higher order?)