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Repository Dispatch

GitHub Marketplace

A GitHub action to create a repository dispatch event.


      - name: Repository Dispatch
        uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          event-type: my-event

Action inputs

Name Description Default
token (required) A repo scoped GitHub Personal Access Token.
repository The full name of the repository to send the dispatch. github.repository (current repository)
event-type (required) A custom webhook event name.
client-payload JSON payload with extra information about the webhook event that your action or workflow may use. {}


Here is an example setting all of the input parameters.

      - name: Repository Dispatch
        uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          repository: username/my-repo
          event-type: my-event
          client-payload: '{"ref": "${{ github.ref }}", "sha": "${{ github.sha }}"}'

Here is an example on: repository_dispatch workflow to receive the event. Note that repository dispatch events will only trigger a workflow run if the workflow is committed to the default branch (usually master).

name: Repository Dispatch
    types: [my-event]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          ref: ${{ github.event.client_payload.ref }}
      - run: echo ${{ github.event.client_payload.sha }}

Client payload

The GitHub API allows a maximum of 10 top-level properties in the client-payload JSON. If you use more than that you will see an error message like the following.

No more than 10 properties are allowed; 14 were supplied.

For example, this payload will fail because it has more than 10 top-level properties.

client-payload: ${{ toJson(github) }}

To solve this you can simply wrap the payload in a single top-level property. The following payload will succeed.

client-payload: '{"github": ${{ toJson(github) }}}'
