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Github Level System

Readme level up is a small action that converts interactions made on GitHub into experience points
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Read Me Level Up

Readme level up is a small action that converts interactions made on GitHub into experience points. If you have enough experience points your level increases. The action suits perfectly for the profile page on Github.


Setup Action

I explain here how to set up the action. The Github profile readme serves as an example. But any other readme can be used as well.

  1. Add the following comments to your readme file:
  1. create a new workflow with the following example content.

Example Action Setup

name: Update Readme Level
    - cron: '0 08 * * *'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout project
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: update markdown file
        uses: devfle/readme-level-up@main
          github_username: GITHUB_USERNAME
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - name: commit markdown file
        run: |
          git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
          git config --local "github-actions[bot]"
          git commit --allow-empty -am "update readme"
      - name: push changes
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          branch: main

Environment Variables

All available environment variables and their default values can be found in the action.yml file.


I started the project because I had a fun idea and wanted to learn Python. Some things still need to be done:

  • add types to all vars
  • add error management
  • add more data to level calculation
  • add more options as env vars
  • and more...

If you have any ideas about what could be optimized, feel free to create an issue.

Contribution Guide

I appreciate any support with this project. If you have a suggestion for improvement or found a bug, please create a new issue. Please make sure that there is not already an existing issue for your request.

  • This project uses the conventional commits specification.
  • Currently Python 3.11 is used.
  • For development, we recommend the usage of the VS-Code Python linter from Microsoft (Pylance).
  • Please test your changes before opening a new merge request.

You have to install some packages before starting to develop:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To start the script, you have to call:


Please follow these coding guidelines:

# var names in snake_case
var_name: int = 1

# function names in snake_case
def function_name -> None:

# const names in uppercase

Github Level System is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Readme level up is a small action that converts interactions made on GitHub into experience points

Github Level System is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.