The investigation
empirical in the scope of
legal sociology
Manuel Calvo Garcia Teresa Piconto Novales
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The empirical investigation within the context of a sociologist jurKHca
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Machine Translated by Google 3. Some methodological questions................................................. ... 15
Empirical investigation in the socio-legal sphere............
Fields of application of socio-legal research.
3.1. Quantitative or qualitative? .................................................................. ......
5.4. The administration of justice before immigration and _
5.2. Right and social exclusion in migratory experiences ........
5.1. Barometers and opinion surveys on the Administration
5.3. Attitudes of the Spaniards before the Criminal Justice
3.2. The place of theory in empirical investigation .....................
4.2.2. Data production techniques ..................................... _
4.3. Analysis and presentation of results ..............................................
3.3. The bureaucratic “ethos” of legal sociology ..........................
(secondary investigation) .............................................. ............ 38
4.2.1. Use of existing data ........................................
4.2. Data collection techniques ............................................................. _ .......
4.1. Design of the investigation ................................................................ ............
of justice and legal professions ..............................................
18 15
Goals................................................. .................................................... ....
gender violence (content analysis ) ............................... 39
Activities.................................................. .................................................
Introduction.................................................. .............................................. 5
- Socio-legal investigation ................................................. ............
Bibliography................................................. .............................................
Summary.................................................. .................................................... ....
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
- Analysis of some socio-legal investigations.................................. 34
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mentales, and we will introduce elemental knowledge about the design, the techniques
After having reviewed in the previous module some basic plantings so
the developments of empirical legal sociology and provide some basic tools for the
analysis and evaluation of the investigations that are
be able to help as a complement or clarification of what is set out here.
modest. What is pursued is to provide basic information about
on methodology and research in the social sciences accessible to those who
the orientation of the theory of law and the legal sciences towards one
module does not have to do with the training of expert persons, capable of carrying out
socio-legal investigations. The plantings are much more
field of empirical investigation. In any way , it can be useful for the study of this module to
have a manual or some materials
In definitive, the objectives and competencies that are intended to be achieved with this
analyze the design of the investigations and critically evaluate them .
further study for those who are interested in a specific preparation in it
• the empirical sociology of the right
will review some empirical investigations with the double purpose of taking
of research methods and techniques . According to the case, well they will be given by
conocidos to have been studied in another matter, the bien is referred to their
• the sociological theory of law,
contact with the substantive contents of the mismas and, mainly, to
empirical within the scope of legal sociology.
These and ways of conceiving socio-legal knowledge , grouping them into three typical
general orientations:
At the outset, it should be noted that we will not dwell on the revision at the bottom
perform in this field.
Regarding the perspectives of social theory on legal phenomena, in this module 3 we will
present the contributions and developments of research in
In module 1 we look at the presentation of the plurality of corridors
socio-legal perspective.
techniques for data collection and analysis of results . As a complement, if
Consequently, in this module we will review the approach and fields of application of
legal sociology; some deep methodological questions
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critically evaluate them .
Goals CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
- Provide basic knowledge about design , recognition techniques
nocer cuál es el estado de la cuestión al respecto.
data management and the analysis and presentation of results.
- Deepen around the fields of socio-legal research and co
know elementally which may be its main implications. 7. Identify the reasons for the bureaucratic “ethos” in legal sociology and
Evaluate the state of empirical research in the socio-juvenile sphere
Reflect on what is the role of theory in empirical research.
it is based on legal sociology oriented to empirical research.
tacto con los contenidos nouns de las mismas; analyze your design and
va and/or qualitative and value possible exits that superen plantations
- Know what the origin is and the epistemological foundations on which
ner of analytical and critical tools on empirical research.
The contents of these materials are:
Deepen the foundations of the debate on quantitative methodology
To review some empirical investigations with the aim of taking into account
Explore some general methodological questions at the end of the dispo
The objectives and competences that you will have to achieve once you have worked them
Machine Translated by Google it does not in itself constitute empirical research, although it may have a socio-legal
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation in the scope of legal sociology
lesser fortune.
- Empirical investigation in the social sphere legal
how can it be the study of jurisprudence and legislative background,
intersects with a long tradition within the scope of Anglo legal cultures
authoritarian among those who participated Theodor W. Adorno and other critical authors
Quantitatives ended up imposing themselves linked to the height of positive theories.
empirical understanding of legal phenomena. This is a perspective that
Thematic of data collection techniques and their analysis according to the appropriate
methodologies . Second, the mere analysis of legal documents,
empiricas en EE. UU. during the postwar period (Treves, 1988). Although, to be fair, it
would have to be noted that investigations into personality
methods and techniques of social investigation in order to provide knowledge
Social. And, secondly, we restrict this terminology to the sis application
within the scope of legal sociology, which aims to resort to the
Social companies and a favorable context determined the peak of investigations
mind the methods of sociology, as we also have to consider the techniques developed in
other disciplines such as anthropology and psychology
because for decades the heyday of functionalism pushed the development of sociology
along theoretical paths. However , the positivist drift of science
It's like the American way of doing sociology. We decide paradójically,
Which means, in the first place, that we do not take into sole consideration
talk about an empirical sociology. A specific orientation _
and appear linked to the great classics of social sciences (Engels
in front of the use of quantitative and qualitative methods proper to research in
social sciences.
socio-juridical right , we señalábamos en elmodulo 1 que también puede
y Marx; Weber, Durkheim or Tönnies), the paradoxical empirical investigation is going
to be developed in EE. UU. and even identifies himself at some point
Despite the fact that the first empirical investigations took place in Europe
Together with the contributions of social theory on the right and the theory
We consider as empirical investigation the studies carried out in
also played an essential role in the development of empirical investigation , contributing
in an important way to the development of methods that
sajonas and nordicas and that it would have been extended to all the countries with greater the
more than the dominant quantitative methodology. However, the methods
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other British foundations.
These foundations provide resources to carry out costly empirical investigations into legal professions , the administration of justice or the Juror. This is to say, the investigations that characterize the development of legal sociology at that time.
The creation of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Var Sovia, which has just completed fifty years , plays and continues to play a fundamental role in the development of legal sociology in that country and in Europe , with important achievements, for example, with British research centres .
The Nordic Association of Legal Sociology still has a great vitality and continues to have strong legal sociology departments , such as the one at the University of Lund.
In addition to the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom , in the European
panorama , Poland , Germany, Italy and France must also be mentioned .
The European tradition has as a reference the empirical investigation in the Nordic
Countries (Treves, 1988), from which it has as a basis the weight of Scandinavian
realistic currents . Although smaller in scope and extension, legal sociology and
empirical investigations developed in the Nordic countries had a greater weight in the
development of European legal sociology in the sixties and seventies in the English
tas en el campo de las ciencias sociales. Until the point at which the investigation
jones. However, in European countries they always had preponderant relevance to
the theoretical orientations of legal sociology.
this discipline in Spain. These initiatives came together with enthusiastic support
people linked to sociology (Toharia, a medium path with the right and the group of the
Autonomous University of Madrid) and the study of phenomena
without ever reaching the relevance of this type of studies in the Anglosa countries
among them that stands out la American.
important in the work of numerous authors and research centers – even
trends and will be favored by the support of large foundations,
socio-juridical gods in Spain. However, with few exceptions, the development of legal
sociology in Spain has been oriented towards theoretical aspects .
and the agents of social control (Bergalli) propitiated the development of the studies
Manfred Rehbinder (Treves, 1988), having had an extension im
y Autonoma de Barcelona). These efforts and others arising from the activity of
linked to some relevant figures such as JeanCarbonier, Renato Treves or
dation (which spurred the creation of the Oxford Center for Socio-Legal Studies) and
The empirical studies in the field of legal sociology are linked to these
of some authors and groups directly linked to it (Universidad Autó noma de Madrid,
Valencia or Zaragoza) or at (Universidad de Sevilla, Central
from the seventies, in part thanks to the financing of the American Bar Foun
from statistical tools.
In Italy, France and Germany the empirical investigation appears initially
mental in the development of research in other many countries and in part
scientific knowledge is reduced to basic quantitative empirical investigation
cular in the United Kingdom , where empirical investigation unfolds from
In Spain, socio-legal investigation was driven directly by RenatoTreves , who was
involved numerous times in attempts to develop this
The investigative experience developed in EE. UU. will play a deep role
empirical identity identifies with the American style of doing sociology and the field
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auxiliary contributions to the knowledge of legal practice as from the possible
contributions to the development of a socio-legal theory of law.
questioned both by colleagues from the Facultades de Derecho and by those from the
Facultades de Ciencias Sociales. However, as a result of the process
vocation or conviction on the wave of legal sociology in our country
tuciones and legal practices, to pulsate the trends and evaluate the cam
siones del Genn Report on empirically oriented socio-legal research
scientific foundation, ideological criticism and theoretical criminology tie , in general,
to a high or very high scientific level; but the investigation only
In general lines, making a balance on the current situation of sociology
scope of socio-legal investigation can be considered cut and fragmentary . It's not
just about the lack of a broader project than
Twining (2009), who has defended the need for empirical research
socio-juridical right .
core of socio-legal studies is not constituted by investigations
port refers fundamentally to the panorama of investigation in the Kingdom
Those that have arisen on borderlands are only known by jurists , while investigations
into legal professions and
would be insufficient at all points, both from the point of view of fun
Berlin in 2007 by the ISA and Juridical Research Committee
a considerable volume of empirical investigations is EE. UU.; but, including
what could be worse, the nucleus of people who are grouped by sympathy, by
Empirical investigation is essential for the knowledge of the institutions
were of a theoretical nature. It also has especially in mind the conclusion
live a little behind the back of empirical research. The sociological theory, the
bio- legal and for the development of any socio-legal approach. One of the authors
who have recently spoken out in this regard is William
richly in the United Kingdom , published with the suggestive title: “Law in the Real
World” (Genn and others, 2006). This report concludes by stating that he
the socio-legal scope in Spain is small, dispersed and, in addition, is being
empirical tests carried out by people suitably trained for it. This re
reviewed, there is an important set of contributions, the production in the
socio-legal, except for a few meritorious exceptions, shines by its absence.
for its interest and for being a necessary element for the development of a theory
Vertebre , bell of its own meaning in the framework of legal sociology.
juridically, it can be decided that while theoretical approaches enjoy a certain good
health, empirical investigations are adolescence of clear weakness and
Twining makes a pessimistic diagnosis based on the presentations made at the
macro-congress (2,300 contributions) jointly organized in
United, but extends this conclusion to other countries. The only country that presents
By saying it quickly, it can be said that the empirical investigation in
the Spanish legal culture is well received by the press; but little more. y
the Asociación Derecho y Sociedad, in which the majority of the presentations
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only in this country, if original empirical investigations are considered , these
fieldwork and that this discipline admits plural approaches . Now, once we find this
punctuation, we are also clear, and we want to meet
empirical tigaciones. Then, we coincide with the Geen Report (2006), in which this
type of investigation must be promoted across all media ,
represent a much smaller percentage in relative terms that they work
that in some way is the guarantee that legal sociology is not
continue to maintain it, that legal sociology must be fundamentally based
purely theoretical and textual jos .
build on air.
you in empirical research. The development of legal sociology in recent decades has
been important; but, as we warned, there is a cla
Above , we have defended that socio-legal research should be based on empirical
investigations and this small nuance led to the conclusion that
There is a decompensation between theoretical and textual approaches and investments
not all researchers within the scope of legal sociology must do
Machine Translated by Google 2. Fields of application of social research CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 11 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
promulgation of norms born with the intention of being ineffective norms .
prescriptive or operative character . Certainly, this is a field where there are
The preparation of white books and reports on the pertinence and content of legislative reforms are common in many countries and in general the approaches to making law (Maclean, 2011) are on the agenda in the empirical sociology of law.
pyric. So, we started talking, in the first place, about producing norms ,
gación, which for its influence this author has had in Spain deserves it
ministry of justice. It is enough to decide that while I had dedicated only
three pages to the previous fields, here the number of pages is multiplied by 3 and the
emphasis placed on the description of this type of studios is much
Secondly , it refers to the application of the norms, a field in which , in a fragmentary
way , important investigations are also carried out re
pity to be held in account. Trevés is following the logical iter of creation and
mayor. Clear indications of the relevance that Treves assigns to this type of investment
norms and legal institutions .
Treves writes with the near horizon of the development of legal sociology
in Italy, which is produced mainly from the 1970s onwards , and marks
numerous investigations, with undoubted interest from a point of view
legal pluralism; the alternative resolution of disputes, which already undertakes
that would constitute the origin of the sociology of Italian law and,
Renato Treves (1988) presents us with an overview of investment fields
Fourthly , Treves refers to investigations into jueces and Ad
ba apuntar en la 70s and 80s ; and the KOL investigations (knowledge and opinion
about law) about the opinion and the social attitudes towards
operators of law, among them that refer above all to the police.
in good measure, it can be decided that they represent the horizon of themes that
where he distinguishes between purely descriptive investigations and others of ca.
that there are some important investigations that demonstrate that
Sometimes legislators seek to carry out latent functions or conceal them within the
related to the implementation and application of the right (Calvo, 2003).
tigaciones. Likewise, the number of pages doubles when reference is made to
investigations into the legal profession ; what is important
Finally , Treves makes a reference from the past to the investigations on the relationships
between legal systems, in which alienate the classic approaches of the
application of the right to describe the situation of investigations in
Thirdly , Treves refers to the non-application of standards, in the field
Above all , we have an account that dedicates a specific section to others
with references to the international plan. The fields of investigation a los
Machine Translated by Google 12
legal sociology. Nadie started investigations into Admi
there was a very clear tendency to consider that empirical research should be limited
to quantitative methods and a clear preference should be given to
We are rightly seen as “intruders” when we do research on it.
politics or criminology and the same thing would happen with those of legal sciences.
I don't have to decide that these plantings are not sustainable today . for that
thematic quality, both from a general point of view and from the “interior” of
social, deserve their own space as an object of empirical research in legal sociology.
this field. It is clear that it is very focused on academia and research
legal phenomena, The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research (Cane y
references to quantitative investigations predominate, there are also others
How it can be appreciated in table III.1, where the various sections can be collected
through those that are accounted for in the panorama of the empirical investigation
ridic in the Italian universities which motivated, on the one hand, this impulse
of the fields of application of legal sociology. In those moments there are
of legal sociology and, in particular, of empirical investigations that take place within
this scope.
In this regard, the intention was expressly not to invade the fields of science
investigations carried out through opinion polls .
the question in socio-legal empirical investigation transmits a great ri
All of us who do legal sociology know that in the faculties of
Reason, there may be a need to expand these approaches. For this purpose, we will
use a recent publication on the empirical investigation of
the respective sections (Cane and Kritzer, 2011). The same can be decided from the
point of view of the methodological approaches, given that aunque
which may not be more reflective about the reason for a selection of
referred to qualitative and mixed methodologies .
of justice and the legal professions. Ni tan siquiera los ambitos del control
family, juvenile criminal law or labor relations. These conditions contributed, at the
outset, to the limitation of the perspectives of the
Kritzer, 2011), which presents a good panorama of what is happening in
In reality, it was the need to open a space of its own for sociology ju
administration of justice, the jueces and the jueces or the people dedicated to the free
exercise of law. But perhaps there is something more in this reductionist planting
we are Anglosajonas, but they are also the greatest exponents
In the socio-legal scope, the investigations on the
identify themselves with socio-legal research in our country. reason for
of empirical research and, on the other hand, the search for specific areas of
investigation that do not collide with other related disciplines.
The analysis of the fields that are covered by this review of the state of
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
fields of investigation so narrow, where only if you go further than in vestigaciones
sobre la producción y aplicación del derecho, la Administración
Machine Translated by Google pergeñado norm. The most important areas of private law and regulatory law deserve
specific attention and, if we descend
specific to other topics related to the transformations of rights,
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 13 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
28.Human rights
35.Alternative Dispute Resolution 33.Legal pluralism
Criminal proceedings and actions by the Tax Authority
The preventive impact of criminal sanctions
Personal injury disputes
Jurors and legos in the justice system
The culture of complaint and legal mobilization
Box III.1. The state of the question of empirical legal research according to The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research
Probation right
Delinquency and delinquents
Collective actions
Academy and training of jurists
Administrative justice
Administration of justice and civil procedure 9. Access to civil justice 10. Courts of appeal
Images and public opinion of justice
Selection, training and judicial career
25.Housing and property
32.Development and democratization in law and in legal decisions
Courts and judicial adjudication
Lawyers and other legal service providers
23.Regulation of professions
19.Contracts and companies
20.Financial markets
30.Social security and social welfare
- Work and labor laws
34.How does international law work in a globalized society?
21.Consumer protection _
Occupational health and safety
Bankruptcy and insolvency
the content reviewed in the respective chapters, the investigations han si
The books are dedicated to themes related to criminal justice and social control . As
for the research topics related to the various
Administration of justice and the legal professions, but the panorama if there is
do numerous and have been concerned with all but the subjects susceptible to
investigation within these scopes. Some sections are also dedicated
legal disciplines, we see how these have considerable weight in the country
notably enriched. Furthermore, it is significant that the first chapters
to which we will refer in the module “socio-legal theory of law”.
Machine Translated by Google 14
Also see
For more information on the Anglo -Sajón socio-legal context , consult the section “The institutionalization of legal sociology ” in the module “Socio-legal perspectives on rights” .
Ultimately , in the last few decades, an important breakthrough had been produced
which takes root fundamentally in the Anglo-Saxon socio-legal scope. en
Linked to the Committee for Research in Sociología Jurídica de la Asociación
thematic structure, due to which the horizon of socio-legal research
International Sociology .
In this sense, in addition to the very evolution of legal sociology in the last few decades ,
the imprint, on the one hand, of the
asociación there are people linked to the different legal fields. In another order of things,
the fact that in this current there are investigators proce
Law and Society has always contained disciplinary plans and the construction of a
specialized field of investigation. On the contrary , invest
teeth in the soil of sociology, bell also of anthropology, psychology
tradition in the development of empirical investigations; and on the other hand, the weight
social and other disciplines have contributed to providing a certain methodological plurality
– despite the fact that a greater weight of investment is still observed
gación is bound to all legal scopes , for the same reason that in it
de la correente linked to the Law and Society association . The perspective of this
association has always been broader than that of legal sociology
ca would have expanded considerably. This impression is determined by the context from
which this state of questioning has been produced ,
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
quantitative tigaciones.
Machine Translated by Google 3. Some methodological questions CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 15 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
variables, standardized social indicators, codes, etc. how can it be
social pains.
themes of sociological positivism and are adequate to provide
conceptually reflects social reality and filters it through concepts ,
to be quantified , what they are can end up “decontextualizing” or only being
subjected to a typical “contextualization” based on certain indicators .
Data susceptible to statistical treatment. The object of the investigation bus
techniques such as content analysis and secondary investigation that also
not determined by the possibility of obtaining numerical data and analyzing it
can give an account of social hechos and leyes and causal determinants
As it has been possible to reach in the previous one, the titative-qualitative
methodological tension has given rise to a debate, which is decisive both from the
point of view of the thematic options and from the point of view of the style and the
development alternatives of legal sociology, which is why it is important to briefly
clarify the implications that derive from one or another methodological option. Let's do
it from an open perspective and without having a profession of faith on one or another
type of methodology. However, it is perhaps worth mentioning that , despite the
advances that have been made in recent decades with regard to the use of qualitative
techniques, the quantitative paradigm continues to be dominant in the panorama of
social research, at least in what related to the specific field of sociology. However ,
as has been pointed out, the strength of qualitative methods is a reality in the
panorama of social research.
counterproductive to valid knowledge, as a consequence
The quantitative social investigation, in general, is identified with the realization
of surveys through interviews with questionnaire, but there are others
that los rigen. These data are collected in order to verify the hypotheses that
This type of data collection techniques is based on episodic premises _
Precisely, this quantitativism allows this type of investigation to
the theoretical knowledge of researchers emerges and filters down to
bién pueden ser quantitativas.
You can cause the only data that interests you to be the only data that are susceptible
earnestly. The design of the investigation and the presentation of results comes
Apart from the above, exploring certain themes and handling certain types of data, such as the opinion of expert persons and the citizenry regarding the administration of justice, may require recourse to quantitative techniques – which is not obvious the need to consider the possible reductionism and the limits of these methods.
For more information on quantitative techniques, see the “ Socio -legal investigation ” section of this module.
See also
3.1. Quantitative or qualitative?
Machine Translated by Google 16
symbolic that determine it. Therefore, the qualitative investigation tends to microsociología,
the study of social processes in real contexts of co
In other order of things, the quantitative methods allow to construct the illusion
magnitude of fieldwork and the increasing complexity of methods
words and behavior of the investigated subjects in their context, describing it by means of
natural language, is decir, as it is.
discover social reality from within . Investigation in this sense does not place itself on a
different plane (scientific or ideological ) from that investigated as
using these methods and ends up giving way to a mechanical application
Facing a model of explanatory sociology, based on laws, causes and norms
symbolizing the conjunction of quantitative methodologies with positivity
of the investigated subjects, even being profane in the field of sociology, the experts of
their world and, secondly, admitting the controlled implication of
ristics of the object of the investigation, why so much the possibilities I put
neutral, de las mismas. Its objectives are aimed at discovering theories, models or
content analysis , etc., and is being supported by the critical review of the former
applied in the framework in which social action and factors are developed
If a “comprehensive” description of social reality is sought, the objective is
Ultimately , from a technical point of view , quantitative investigation separates social theory
from methodology, reducing the object of investigation
munication. One seeks, definitively , to know the social reality through the
In another order of things, the qualitative investigation is subordinated to the character
and routine of data collection techniques that, in general , given there
suele occur with the quantitative investigation . What do you suppose, first, to do?
joke for the study of large social aggregates.
as the themes to be investigated expand considerably. But
quantitative ends up being assumed by companies or investigation offices
of a sociology based on the scientific values of objectivity, coherence and truth . This is
one of the arguments that most prevail and come
mo sociological. The investigator or researcher, if you say, must focus on the knowledge
of the social realities that he investigates and facilitate a technical description,
Qualitative social investigation consists of techniques such as qualitative observation,
open interviews, group discussions , and certain forms of analysis .
but that determine the behavior of individuals, qualitative social investigation seeks to
discover the individual understanding of immaterial subjects
In general terms, you can decide that quantitative investigation is appropriate
principles that are the reason for social phenomena, without projecting their harm or
ideology onto them .
cesos of sociological positivism. The traditional scientific values of sociology are reduced
to which the results of investigation are valid and
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
researcher in the production of social knowledge.
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quantitative tigation. Open to the qualitative methodology, just like us
Obviously, also, the plotting reviewed breaks with the arguments
socio-legal and, in addition, perfectly complementary – susceptible of use
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
radical and unilateral scientific rhetoric . But I would also break with the reaction
calling for a profound methodological renewal, which is also being pursued in the field
of legal sociology. In this sense, our proposal
to use the best method , the methods suited to the objectives and requirements of the
field of investigation. I'm apart, expansion is happening
bring. In conclusion, in our opinion of the quantitative investigation and the
ción de la investigación quantitative and qualitative as divergent and irreconcilable
techniques and assume that they are simply techniques that respond
we understand it , it is an option in favor of methodological plurality. The techniques
and research methods are like a “ tool box ” –
set or mixed techniques.
imagination, can open perspectives still unsuspected in legal sociology .
qualitatively, because this way it will be methodologically enriched and, also, because it
will be possible to open the theme of the empirical sociology of law.
can be suitable in both cases for the purposes of the investigation
gación and, even, on occasions, integrate both perspectives. But in mode
in research objectives and not in methodological faith professionals .
socio-legal research addresses the analysis of legal phenomena in all its complexity.
for years there has been an irreducible confrontation between the defenders
positivists on the exclusivity of quantitative techniques, based on a
the articulation of both types of techniques or a mixed technique.
that we defend. On the contrary, we understand that there is a way to elude it considers
qualitative that responds to quantitative sectarianism with another sign with
Qualitatively, there are different ways to carry out social research and you will have to
choose one type of technique or another according to the objectives of the investment
for using the Wittgensteinian simile . The research person must select
den to different methodological approaches for obtaining data ; but _
should encourage improvisation and methodological creation . What is it for
some would be exclusionary. Preferences for some or others must be established
qualitative research and methodological renewal, if used with
It is clear: socio-legal research must also be open to methodology
Methodological plurality and thematic openness are necessary factors so that
In many cases, as has been said, a good investigative design will require
The matization that we advanced in the previous paragraph is important because
aun, it is said that qualitative research has something of craftsmanship and that it
The previous one does not want to decide, in any way, that it should be renounced instead
sors of one type or another of techniques; but luckily this type of planting is being
overcome. In the previous one, it 's clear that it's not planting
Machine Translated by Google that the problem is planted until the analysis of the data and, by assumption, in
conclusion that the qualitative methodology alone does not reject the connections
reduces, in the first place, to the formulation of theoretical hypotheses to be verified,
only the epistemological rupture that propitiates theoretical reflection makes it possible to overcome
spontaneous sociology and the false systematizations of ideology that
obtained through social investigation.
Many people claim that theory is important, but they reduce it to the cliché of hi
The epistemological requirement to pose in relation theory and research, when this thesis is coherently
defied, overcomes the positive plans
las quantitative theses. The peak of qualitative methods had an important collateral effect in allowing us to
overcome “flat” theories of certain positions.
scientists of a misunderstood empiricism. The investigation is reduced to
them, never constructing events theoretically, actions or states
Bourdieu, Chamboredon and Passeron (1989) from a conscientious point of view
proper representations of an understanding based on common sense. El 18
titatives of social research that contributed to the split between theory
rich. According to this, “theory” is important before and after; but not during
be present at all stages of the investigation, from the moment
conceptually the aspects of social relationships susceptible to being
Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
The people who carry out an investigation linked to the current methods
the formulation of objectives and the design of the investigation. But then,
hypothesis to be verified and the situation is de facto at the margin of the investigation. From the point of
view of the quantitative methodology, the function of the theory falls
The pretensions of objectivity and neutrality linked to these plans impose that the theory must be limited to
the description of social “hechos”
envelop social “hechos”.
From the plantings left in the previous section, it is easy to get there
tructivist, who they call “applied rationalism”, argues that the theoretical construction of the scientific object
is fundamental to strip it of its
that are “operationalized” to formulate variables and indicators. The place of theory from this perspective
has a strong relationship with the plants
not with social theory, but that seeks them. Something that is not so clear
of opinions that are investigated to discover their hidden meanings or plant ideological ideas about them
that are supported.
activism, which greatly permeated the development of methods used
formulation of theoretical hypotheses by the person with appropriate scientific knowledge and their
verification through empirical investigation
tas naive of quantitative methodology. As a result, the theory of
3.2. The place of theory in empirical investigation
and empirical investigation.
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investigation. On the other hand, the statistical conditions of a methodology oriented to verify media, imply
that the theory is reduced to filtering with
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mechanical, without theory , as theory without empirical foundations. From this ma
The intention is to develop a theory based on data. This theory
spontaneous and scientifically construct the object from theoretical elements
From the above, we can collect a reinforced strength of theory in its
dominant activist to destroy the “ideology” that in his opinion envelops them
empirical investigations. Therefore, the term “theory” has new implications
ciological to the “duplication” of the same object of knowledge.
To the previous theses , perhaps we would add some of Adorno 's points
scientific knowledge of social reality requires overcoming this understanding
logics and concepts developed from finished data. The theory
face the prevailing ideology and limiting the possibilities of knowledge only
appreciate it, we understand that it is positive for social awareness in general
could be presented as the elaboration of the researcher or the researcher, the final
product developed from the representations and the relationships
Nera, understand that it will be possible to overcome the opposition between rationalism
and empiricism and progress towards a better theoretical coherence and a greater
determinants of the lack of critical capacity of social investigation, which ends up
sanctioning as real the false appearances of the reality that enmasses
and for socio-legal knowledge in particular. advanced reflections
other order of things, renouncing theory and qualitative methods would be
and interpretation of the same. Strauss and Corbin (1997; 2008) suggest that the
development of theory is the culminating aspect of research, if real
relationships with empirical research. Where, how could it have been
On the contrary, the theory arises from the data collected, in the analysis phase
main virtue would reside in its pretense of objectivity, would not serve to discover the
conditions, institutions and real strengths of human acts . en
caricature of the method of science in a strong sense. That's why his proposal to
advance there is a rational method that aims to overcome both empiricism and
and meanings of qualitative designs. One of the most important is that
the subjects interviewed. According to this author, the empirical methods, whose main
and the empiricism that reduced sociological methodology to a mere
In qualitative investigations there is no theory that proves or verifies.
with the theories produced in other studies.
rich and systematic knowledge of sociology. This constructivist point of view implies a
critical review of the plantings of positivism
social “facts”, a limitation that invalidates the possibilities of this method to go further
than a reality “stitched” into the subjective conscience of
it must be the final result of the –qualitative– investigations and it would be elaborated
from the data obtained, only in a second phase could it be contrasted
(1973) in their dispute about positivism in social sciences. This author , from a critical
perspective, questions the capacity of modern empiricism
Leaving the previous aside, today, the greater strength of the qualitative methods is
providing a new dimension to the uses of the theory in the 19
loyalty to the “real”.
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to the sources of power. As a result, social research rose
social linkage and, on the other hand, indirectly, given the difficulties of obtaining
a new type of bureaucracy – periodic reports, cost control , management
legal logic . We would only add a further question, to make it clear that
“sociology of jurists” and the “sociology of sociologists”. Which obliges
lectuales and investigation promoters , intelligence executives _ _
Carrying out empirical investigations obliges groups and researchers to embark on a
complicated task of management . First, to get fi
3.3. The bureaucratic “ethos” of legal sociology
The bureaucratic “ethos” of sociology brings about, in good measure, the heyday
manage contacts, get “porters”, permissions, access to reserved data ,
Up to this point, from a general perspective, it also serves the partner
I made it five decades ago, but his denouncement is still fully up-to-date.
it only limits the selection of topics to be investigated according to the possibilities of
resorting to quantitative methods for collecting data or no. Also
theme of financing because the money promised does not arrive or is insufficient.
what concerns socio-legal investigations the theory must drink and produce results in
an interdisciplinary plan, which overcomes the split between
the use of this type of techniques determines the “priority” of seeking financing. Where,
on the one hand, the bureaucratic “ethos” of investment
remit when the research group consolidates ; but then will arise
dyna to the guidelines of the centers of political and economic power and gives way to
a new version of the division of work among the inte
Of the investigations to be carried out, they push sociology , in general, and legal
science , in particular, towards a bureaucratic and sumisión dynamic
social, on the one hand, and the young recruits, better defined as technicians in
research than as social researchers, on the other.
nanciación. Afterwards, if you have the luck to get it, to perform the act
Bear in mind that the theoretical constructions to be carried out must be based both
on the sources and on the symbolic keys of the social and legal aspects.
financing, provides the greatest development of the sociological theory of law as an
alternative to empirical research.
ordinary, etc. – which also takes up your time. So things, the choice between one
Charles Wright Mills (2000) denounced the bureaucratic “ethos” of sociology.
of quantitative methods. The proposal for quantitative methodology in
etc. Finally , it is not infrequent that you have to return to the load with the
Methodological and academic reasons, linked to the financing problem
it carries other types of problems, such as the economic one. The derived high costs
By the way, it can happen until the “ protagonists” of the investigation change and
there is a new story to start . These types of tasks only
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projects of such groups. centers of academic, political and economic power that support them
specialized in social sciences. It was not so much a question that the other disciplines
had eaten into the terrain of legal sociology; bell too
horizon of books and field work does not seem difficult for those who can
technical and academic that results in strategies that “discipline” the areas
tucionales, so as to be able to finance their investigations. Therefore , this way also
favors the subordination of social research to _
spontaneous laws and blocking access to non- initiates. The academic logic of
specialized knowledge provides a tendency towards scientific autonomy
to join academic groups with academic power and institutional contacts
watertight compartments, where super -specialization and impiden control come
Many times they are chosen with no other objective than to quickly carry out work
and publish it. Furthermore, for the same reason, the researcher will tend
developing social research . Firstly , if you have to do with
academic career, the researcher is strongly tempted to choose the research topics
based on the urgency that determines their need for research
The structure of the academic “career” also decisively conditions the
of academic and scientific development . In addition to the compartmentalization, the
academic career, especially in the beginning of the same, provides the necessary
legal sociology at the university level seems to confirm this .
ability to quickly accumulate publications. In the first sections of your
of his own vocation of autonomy of legal sociology as a strategy
choose. Of course, the predominance of “theoretical” works in the scope of
publish publications. Both those and the research methodology
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- The socio-legal investigation
4.1. research design
bring a theme or select a research problem ; clarify it in focus, refine it or concrete it,
and justify it; is to decide, evaluate if it is a
field of empirical investigation. In any case, it would be convenient to have
require inverting time and money. But there are also other conditions, such as the
expertise of the researcher or the group and the availability of data
practical actions, and in particular the availability of resources, will be fundamental
in socio-legal research, conditioning in good measure
further study for those who are interested in a specific preparation in it
In theory, the first steps of the investigation process consist of finding
The cost of socio-legal investigation is an important factor. Investigate
for those known to have been studied in another matter, the good is referred to their
In the manuals, the research process is supposed to be represented as a series of
successive homogeneous phases, but in practice it is clear that these “stages” overlap
and intersperse , allowing several activities of researchers to be in progress in
unison . In addition, due to the fact that social research is always research in progress,
one must be open to introducing new elements in the delimitation of the object and in
the design of the investigation. However, this type of expositions should be useful to
have a first impression on the processes that complicate the empirical investigation,
which is why we will resort to that orderly presentation of the investigative activity.
a discipline such as legal sociology . As a result, well it will happen
cial and institutional. And there is also the relevance of what he pointed out about the
bureaucratic ethos of social investigation in the previous section .
of research in social sciences.
requires time that exceeds the possibilities offered by programming
the selection of themes. From there dependence with respect to the agents alone
Empirical assessment is assumed as tools for methodology and techniques
the objectives of this matter, which require a specific approach and
In reality, the methodological specificities of socio-legal investigation
in- depth study of research methodology does not fit between
it focuses on objectives and a theoretical framework; but in the field of investment
of the investigation that can determine the election of the object. Las limits
I have a handbook on methodology and research in social sciences.
As we mentioned in the presentation, in this section we will not delve deeper into the
review of research methods and techniques . If you understand that he
object to investigate and if you are interested.
suggested by the state of the investigation in the sociolegal sphere or by the lines
The selection of research themes may come from
group research ; _ but in sociojuridical investigation , many times, the themes are facilitated by the institutions or social agents that promote the investigation.
the suggestions found in readings related to legal sociology ; other times they are of personal interests or
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choose the ones that are most suitable to reach the foreseen objectives.
develop to achieve research objectives . _ The design specifies the methodology to be
used and the research techniques to be employed to obtain it
more, it will be decisive for the research strategy .
the problem posed and the objectives of the investigation that determine
For some authors, the quantitative and qualitative methods are not only used by
information needed. At the same time, you must resolve practical questions
what should be the techniques to use for data collection . Therefore , the main condition
for carrying out a good research design goes through
choose the appropriate technique for this investigation.
advance in the design of the investigation.
provide it. It should lead to formulating the objectives or research questions and the
techniques to be used . The specification of the objectives and of the
methodologies. From this point of view, they are simply different approaches.
The research design is an integral plan for operations and activities to
population to which the investigation is directed is essential to protect us
against the compilation of data that are irrelevant and unnecessary. Ade
tes for the collection of data, so that the preferences for one or another or a hybrid
approach will be based on punctual methodological questions. Son
At the beginning of the investigation, both methodologies may have an alternative
The investigator has to predict what data he needs to collect and what they are
quantitative and qualitative are just different ways to carry out investment
Once the theme is selected and the object of investigation is constructed , there is
more adequate means to obtain this information and what population there may be
social links, tools to be used appropriately according to the different objectives of the
investigation and, even, if it is possible to integrate both
research styles , rather than opposing paradigms. Therefore , the selection of
If we assume that the distinction between quantitative and qualitative investigation
strong points and weak points (Creswell, 2009; Bryman, 1992; 2008).
that underlie the investigation and the necessary details for the execution of the project.
The elaboration of the design must anticipate the possible alternatives and
this is really a technical matter and the choice of another strategy will depend on its
suitability to account for the questions raised in the country
a quantitative or qualitative research strategy depends on the orientation that the
investigative person has . For us, the methodologies
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Machine Translated by Google Qualitative research is generally more appropriate when the main objective of the
study requires qualitative information.
the research orientation and its objectives on the march, which is extremely operative
when exploring little-known themes or
the ends or general objectives pursued with the investigation. I say it to someone else
to collect and the appropriate procedures for obtaining them. In addition to them way, the objectives of the investigation will specify which are the data
to collect information when the objectives of the investigation seek
zones. Sometimes it is cited as a weakness, perhaps one of the strengths
investigation. For us, there are no doubts about the need to consider
of the research objectives . The objectives need which units are to be observed ,
which is what we are going to observe about these
highly structured investigation which implies the possibility of change The most important aspects of qualitative research are the absence of a design
this type of reasons, apart from the naturalness of the investigation problem , at the
time of choosing an investigation strategy .
The first steps and the selection of an investigation strategy allow
units , and how to structure the observation process to achieve
Qualitative investigation is also necessary when it is a mere first exploration of the
problem to be investigated, because there is not enough information .
Quantitative investigation methods are appropriate and useful means
mación predicted on the topic why it remains hidden for several reasons
In other order of things , although it is not mentioned in the texts, there are also
practical reasons when opting for one or another strategy of
areas of social reality that can present unexpected facets that are
Quantitative techniques can be applied mechanically and routinely , sometimes if
relevant resources are available for much of the fieldwork
researcher or the researcher formulates the project and advances towards completion
objectives, for the project to be useful it is essential to develop it in detail –en
samples relevant to ongoing research .
y analysis is carried out by companies or auxiliary structures.
a methodological section – the techniques to be used, the instruments to be used,
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Deepen the knowledge of social relationships with people, bring out latent beliefs and values or practices , or obtain first -hand information about certain social processes.
Due to the need to analyze a wide range of cases or due to the need to count with numbers related to the effects of establishing comparisons when the specific requested information is familiar to those surveyed; y, of course , when you try an important prior knowledge of the object of the investigation that allows the construction of the necessary variables from the existing theories. Finally , we can point out that social surveys and quantitative experiments are preferable when trying to establish causes and effects .
The training of the research group 's people can guide designs based on quantitative or qualitative techniques ; the time pressure and the need to manage a large amount of information or information coming from a very large universe of informants can condition the need to resort to quantitative methods ; the availability of resources, given that quantitative investigation is very expensive and requires auxiliary work (encounters, computer analysts, etc. ) which is very costly, which is why the people who start the investigation are not linked to a group consolidated will have the option of qualitative methodologies, much less
data that requires statistical treatment.
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qualitative practices or methodologies.
social sciences uses a lot of words like hypotheses, operations
statistics, and you can even decide on the calculation of the size of the sample
it shows from where the data will be obtained .
tación de la población the universe to investigate, with the end of making it possible
All of them are areas of great technical complexity that we will not go into here
of a theme to explore.
(score survey , snow ball method , opinion samples, etc.) are not based on probability
theory , unless strategically it tends to be
views will suppose a reduction or increase in the sample error , respectively.
verse of population to be studied using its geographic location and/or temporal limits,
defining characteristics, etc. From there , select one
such effect. I don't think that the probabilistic tests are more jokes from the point of view
of the quantitative investigation, while
It will depend on the level of confidence, the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the
population to be investigated, in addition to the number of interviews to be carried out. the same
ticas and non- probabilistic ones. The first ones are based on statistical principles
require the collaboration of experts. Developing a probabilistic survey by conglomerates
or stratified requires experience and knowledge
investigation. It must be done by taking care of the details and keeping in mind
which would allow obtaining generalizable data. The non- probabilistic samples
research issues and questions , but not hypotheses – something difficult when it comes to
y del error sampler. That's what I had to add to the display of the museum. OK
As far as the samples are concerned , their purpose is to provide a representation
representation , this type of demonstrations will have obvious limitations to
(Rodríguez Osuna, 2001; 2005). Simply remember that the sample error
important to establish what is the universe of the investigation and select it
poblacional variance and level of confidence, the greater the smaller number among
generalization of the results. The first step will consist in defining the uni
The dominant quantitative positivism has generated a specific language about research
objectives . The technical language of investigation in
intentional museums are more suitable for exploratory investigations
lización, variables, indicators, etc. In reality these concepts only have validity in the scope
of quantitative research and in the experimental designs
Finally , understand that the design of the procedures to be followed for data collection
will largely determine the reliability and validity of the
sample of this population. There are two major types of samples, the probabilities
The elaboration of a probabilistic sample is a technical task and can
and the sequence of steps to follow in the use of these resources. It will also be
but empiezan to be displaced by other terminologies. This occurs, above all, in the scope
of qualitative research, where it is important to talk about objects
and seek to be representative of the population according to these criteria, reason why
mentales, where they mark the technical guidelines for the design of the investigation,
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to subray its relevance in the orientation of legal sociology towards
previous documents that may have been archived in a database or published
the research persons in training or with little experience, the analysis
secondary has the advantage of expanding the methodological possibilities and au
das. These sources include reports from public and social agents, institutional statistics
or from civil society organizations , books and special magazines.
As you have been repeatedly warned, this module is not intended to
ensure the quality of the data obtained. The previous one apart, the advantage more
much useless effort and it is a guarantee of good research, for what will be
We focus specifically on secondary research for its usefulness and because it is within
the reach of all people who are starting out in social research.
mines, 1993). Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting those related to the savings
a fundamental element of the research project .
Secondary information ( Sierra Bravo, 2002; Stewart and Kammins, 1993) is obtained
from the databases and from the information compiled in investigations
of time and money. But more apart from the temporal and cost aspects , to
impossible to obtain the financing you require.
for empirical investigation, a selection of these techniques will be briefly mentioned . This
aside, given your special interest at the time of carrying out work
The data that has just been alluded to are available at many times at no cost to anyone
and with minimal restrictions, thus providing quick and economical information that is
especially useful in the first steps of the investigation. Apart from this use for preliminary
or exploratory investigations , secondary data can be analyzed again in new
investigations with different objectives.
obstacles that may arise in the investigation. A good design will ahorrará
or approaching exploratory socio-legal research , detendre us
Secondary research will have advantages and disadvantages (Stewart and Kam
cialized and, in many countries, archives of information where they are deposited
evident from the secondary analysis of data is the saving in economic terms
they will train researchers or provide a general knowledge of research techniques and
methods . As a reminder , simply
The data obtained from a multitude of surveys or quantitative and/or qualitative
investigations .
and of time. For many people at the beginning of their research careers,
4.2.1. Use of existing data
Carry out an opinion survey with a broad and technically rigorous sample . Secondary data can be brought at a small cost but will always be cheaper than obtaining quantitative data directly .
4.2. Data collection techniques
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Machine Translated by Google the same procedures used in the evaluation of primary data.
correctly the collected data?
interests in the topic investigated, must be evaluated very carefully.
sona responsable de la investigación has little experience or has one
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They can be a good starting point and provide many valid perspectives for the design of investigations . Likewise, it has a lot of usefulness to facilitate comparisons and will contrast the research carried out with others. data is collected a menudo with a specific purpose, which can deter
assumption under and/or temporal urgencies. That's it, whenever it's available
• What was the purpose of the studio? Why and why was the investment made?
cho relevant? Is this information still valid?
of reliable and valid secondary data . For which habrán to be evaluated
send them directly. Secondary data also offer advantages to experienced investigators .
• How do I get the information ? What methodology was used? Is it considered
adequate for the purposes of our investigation?
and with a little preparation for ourselves we can start reanalyzing
Also the antiquity of the data will be something to keep in mind, since secondary data
is , by definition, old data.
the information exists in advance and can be evaluated in advance. For
Although secondary research has disadvantages and limitations, the general
conclusion is favorable to this methodology, especially if it per
to facilitate this evaluation , it has been planned that the researcher can resort to
some fundamental questions that would be grouped into six
• How was the information collected ? What indicators are used ?
• When was the information collected ? Can I be affected by someone ?
mine a deliberate or unintentional bias and other problems when reusing these data .
When the data comes from institutions or agents with
Also the time saving is important, the secondary data is already there
The researcher who uses secondary sources, however , has an advantage:
• Who was the person responsible for the investigation? Did you have a good one ?
ron? In general, was the research design correct ? were analyzed
On the other hand, secondary research also has disadvantages. Los
The evaluation of secondary data (Stewart and Kamins, 1993) should follow
professional qualification? What sources and techniques did you use? Could the
results be fetched somehow ?
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4.2.2. Data production techniques
Thus, general statistical information and other specific sources on legal institutions and their activity, in particular judicial statistics , statistics on delinquency , opinion barometers , etc., can be very useful for the socio-legal investigation of the investigation and is available at INE and at the Institutos de Estadística de las autonomas comunidads , at the Conse jo General del Poder Judicial, el
For more information about it Use of the investigation would be essential, consult the section “Attitudes of Spanish people before Criminal Justice ” in this module.
Consejo General de la Abo gacía, las memorias del Ministerio Fiscal; the investigations of the CIS, the divisions and organs of the United Nations on crime and delinquency, etc.
See also
defends against possible biases in reused information.
the variety of information is enormous and many of the documentary sources
of opinion, the qualitative interviews, the discussion group and, we will conclude
More specifically, we refer to observation as a technique where data is systematically
recorded, directly or through a technical medium.
Observation (Sierra Bravo, 2007; García Ferrando and others, 2003) as a technique
As you can see, the main sources of statistics exist
be documentary sources or databases and research archives . Per
Obtaining data in databases or research files will allow you to obtain
As we get closer to the top, empirical investigation in the field of
spontaneous because it pursues objectives that respond to a systematic design
• Is the information consistent with that obtained in other investigations
variables , coding based on new categories, etc.) . In any case, it is obvious that the
reuse of data must imply using them
this scientific scope. We already have a reference to data reuse
to contrast its validity and reliability. Sometimes, in scientific terminology
The use of multiple sources of information is, ultimately, the best
on the other hand, the documentary sources can be bibliographical sources; existing
statistics or research reports , etc. _ (Scott, 1990). The volume
analysis and, above all, new interpretations of reused information.
planting more general techniques such as observation , surveys
are accessible without cost.
cia al set of social research methods (Sierra Bravo, 2007) . In
These correspond with governmental or international bodies , although there are also
some that come from private sources.
As far as the sources of secondary research are concerned , these can
with content analysis .
research in the social sciences differs from observation
unique, like the video, for example, which will be analyzed and interpreted
of empirical investigation, which includes fieldwork for the collection of data and the
analysis of the same, and which, finally , is subject to controls
ner microdata and records that can be reanalyzed again (new raw
legal sociology follows the methodological guidelines of the social sciences and, as a
result, from the point of view of collecting data , uses the means of
to respond to new objectives and creative work – from new
Social associations , observation works in a broad sense to make a reference
in secondary investigation. In this section we will make a brief reference to data
production techniques . More specifically, we will review them
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data that will later be analyzed and interpreted.
create models of behavior and practices that for various reasons are hidden or remain
tal de la encuesta given that it is through the questions of the same as if
in experimental or laboratory investigations. In turn, the observation
a quantitative methodology. In what follows we will pay attention to others
tions object of observation or no. The experimental observation is observation
analyzed statistically. The basic elements of this technique are there
consequent process of “operationalization”, the variables are obtained and in
controlled by the researcher, and can be carried out in field or field contexts .
Depending on the type of interview and how the fieldwork is carried out , the survey
can be by mail, telephone, through self-administered questionnaire or
but it is very frequent to distinguish between open and closed questions , according to
every seminal qualitative analysis, even in some case, as occurs with the analysis
of the. This method can be used both in field investigations and
within the scope of social psychology and anthropology, but there was still an impulse
preparation of the questionnaire is a task of great technical complexity and must
direct can be classified into participant or participant, depending on whether the person
carrying out the observation keeps distance with the agents and location
In general, it can be decided that they provide especially useful techniques for
through personal interview. The questionnaire is the other fundamental element
the interviews scheduled as field work to obtain them
The survey (Sierra Bravo, 2007; García Ferrando and others, 2003) is the social
investigation technique par excellence. Also here the terminology is ambiguous ,
since it is possible to carry out surveys in general or by making reference to a specific
quantitative technique in which a representative sample of a universe of population is
questioned with the aim of obtaining data that will be
trevista y el cuestionario.
direct, however , it is not a simple observation, as it is carried out by studying groups
or agents and phenomena prepared or manipulated, it is to say,
will obtain the required data. From the hypotheses , based on the
dicadores sobre los que se preguntas del cuestionario . The questions of a
questionnaire can be classified according to its function or purpose,
The survey through questionnaire is the prototype of a technique based on
qualitative methods apart from observation, which could be considered a method
laboratory. Observation methods have been used throughout _ _ _ _
If the answer can be opened or categorized beforehand in the same question – which
in turn can be dichotomous or multiple option. There
content , observation can be based on quantitative techniques.
important with ethnomethodology.
It should be carried out with great care, a critical assessment and a pre-test of the
same being advisable . Once the questionnaire has been drawn up , a
See also
On this topic, consult further in the section “ Barometers and opinion surveys on the Administración de justicia y las profesiones ju rídicas ( surveys through cuestionario)” of this module.
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freely the discourse of the informant people.
Qualitative interview data will be determined by the needs of the interviewee
The informants are common to all interviews and, to be said briefly ,
larized from between 6 and 8 people and seeks to surface the information sought,
Consideration aside deserves the so-called group - focused interview and the group
where questions are more or less predetermined, interviews are
Temporary urgencies may advise resorting to semi -structured interviews
investigation , recording and analyzing the person 's own speech
of psychoanalytics–; semi-structured interviews, when there is a script
substantially at the opening of the qualitative interview, in front of the interviews
litatives, present their own profiles. In particular, the discussion group (García
Ferrando and others, 2003; Ibáñez, 2003) can receive independent treatment
The qualitative interview (García Ferrando and others, 2003; Taylor and Bogdan,
In front of the perfectly structured questionnaires of the surveys, in which the questions
are ordered sequentially and, even, can be
For the rest, when it comes to preparation and development between them
in the interviewee and the future of the interview; or structured, when there between
ñez (2003; 1985) and has shown itself to be particularly effective both when it comes
to speeding up data acquisition and when it comes to its quality
According to the degree of standardization of interviews and the existence of a script
meet with open conversational speeches, where there can be questions, but always
leaving opening margins so that it can flow
which are formulated in a predetermined order. He will come to one or another mode
ethical or strategic. Furthermore , contact and approach techniques _ _
may tend to remain hidden or latent for several reasons. The discussion group consists
of bringing together a group of slightly different informants
consider: in- depth interviews or open interviews – also call
type of discussion, which, although variants of interviews can be considered
vestigación, although it will also depend on practical constraints. So,
han led to define the interview as a conversational act .
participants within this scope of social relationships.
patient. This technique was developed and disseminated among us by Jesús Ibá
with some questions that are asked flexibly in the role of the person
in depth.
view is carried out based on a script that includes a fixed number of questions
Properly understood views , the selection of informants will be less complicated than
in quantitative techniques, being able to use samples in the probability
adequacy for obtaining information related to speeches that
closed and pre-categorized; In these qualitative interviews we will
- implies a process of communicative interaction between the person and
tured, which will mean a considerable amount of time in maintaining your
interviewer and interviewees or informants, through which they seek to obtain first
-hand information on problems and topics of
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
For more information on qualitative investigation, consult the following section of the “Derecho and exclusion in migratory experiences ( in qualitative investigation)” in this module .
See also
Machine Translated by Google See also
For more information about content analysis , consult further below “ Administering justice before criminal justice and gender violence ( content analysis)” in this module.
field work , which is very frequent – and productive, which allows us to identify emerging
themes – in the analysis of research data
polarized is very effective in bringing out information that would otherwise be
from the perspective of social sciences. This is assuming that it is collected from
In the following section we will analyze some investigations and we will be able to see
including the analysis of the same ones according to the guidelines of other disciplines, such as the
investigative activity. As a general rule , the analysis and interpretation of
they will be registered in files or records following the guidelines of the protocol for
Content analysis ( García Ferrando and others, 2003) is a technique of
Once the field work has been carried out and the data obtained , these have to
We will provide some brief details on how these questions are approached with the aim of
understanding the tasks of empirical investigation in the context of
The results of empirical investigation represent a fundamental step
Content analysis , which emerged as a quantitative technique, can be
however, it may be the case that the analysis anticipates the finalization
initials and, above all, in field work , which sometimes concludes the low work expeditiously
with a superficial analysis of data and without deepening
there the differences already pointed out with the scientific-legal investigation on
servicing and document analysis . Let us analyze its technical condition to differentiate the
content analysis from the mere consultation of documents and
jurisprudential analysis, for example. The content analysis responds to a scientific design
and seeks a valid knowledge of legal phenomena
in a practical way how to present the data. At this point it limits us
person who moderates it. This dynamic of discussion in a group is slightly
cluyen con la recogida de data. Of hecho, the analysis and the interpretation of
data will be exhaustive or representative, as it may be based on more specific criteria ; y
will be carried out systematically and following technical guidelines. Los da
could not manifest.
be analyzed and interpreted as a step prior to the presentation of results . I would have to
reiterate again the cautions about the sequence of the
social investigation oriented towards the analysis of social reality through observation _
such that sometimes it is neglected. There has been so much energy spent on these phases
the data collection . Once the information is collected , the technical and in -depth analysis
of the data will be carried out . In this regard, it should be noted that
Data are phases that are included between field work and the realization of the research
report and other forms of data presentation . sin
with a very open script, which must be handled very flexibly by it
both quantitative and qualitative. As can be seen, it is not a mere reading or systematic
exposition of the content of documentary sources, of
legislative texts and documentary sources.
4.3. Analysis and presentation of results
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google cover patrons and trends by working with data , while
data from your experience and theoretical knowledge . Obviously, this
data collection in the quantitative investigation will seek to confirm whether
social actors investigated and will seek to open new spaces for them to flourish
the investigation and cannot be neglected.
statistics, seeking to show the variability of the same and quantify them
starting point since the hypotheses of the investigation and
founded and valid.
Today, both the analysis of quantitative data and the data that
Regarding the interpretative phase, there will also be differences depending on whether
we are faced with a quantitative or qualitative methodology. Initially, she interprets
An in- depth analysis of the speech must be carried out by means of which these data
have been recorded, respecting the symbolic keys of this speech
Quantitative task on the line of the highest point .
first case (Bryman and Cramer, 2008) and qualitative analysis in the second
breaking the barriers of this naive “scientist” planting, opening up
The work with the data will be carried out from the speech itself and the categories for
tion of data obtained with other perspectives on the scope of the relationship
the false hypotheses of the parties that were broken were verified . Therefore , the
interpretation of data will fall largely within the theoretical framework
que all interpretations are possible . Tienen to be interpretations
The data analysis in the quantitative methodology will be carried out using
litatives are carried out with the help of computer and statistical programs in
limited to recognizing or not as the “truth” of the theory since the investigation was
designed . This aside, it's also clear that they can
interpretation of the data. However , both are fundamental phases of
There are more spaces for theory and interpretation of investment results
relationships between the variables; while in qualitative investigations
The usual terminology of scientific research distinguishes between analysis and
interpretation of data . The analysis seeks to clarify these data and
case (Revuelta and Sánchez, 2003).
The interpretation implies a subsequent explanatory or comprehensive step , in which
person or person is responsible for the investigation interpreting these
In qualitative investigation, interpretation allows a greater correlation
and the perspective of the informants. Therefore, in qualitative research,
in the interpretation of the same. As a matter of fact, sometimes analysis and
It assumes that the interpretation of data is open and can vary depending on the
perspective from which it comes. What you don't want to say, not much less,
the coding and analysis of discourse will emerge from real records
See also
For more information, consult the section “The place of theory in empirical research ” in this module.
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google emerging questions. The interpretation of the qualitative data will offer more
yor space for the emergence of new questions and theoretical elements and
visual to readers increasingly familiar with the images. As a result , the graphics
represent a very estimable help for the presentation of
for the analysis and presentation of data in the social sciences, as it offers a useful
tool for handling large amounts of information
data that is popularly appreciated; but it is convenient to leave it clear that
in a simple and useful way. A simple table can provide more information
it will be more conducive to a critical perspective.
a graph does not add any information to the one that appears in a table.
more than paragraphs and paragraphs of textual communication and what you can do
with greater clarity. Unlike the tables, the use of graphic representation
As far as data presentation is concerned in the strict sense, these can be presented
through the use of tables and graphs, in the case of
stay of the data has great predicament to provide an information
quantitative investigation. The tablasestadísticas are a basic tool
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google Note
- Analysis of some socio-legal investigations
5.1. Barometers and opinion surveys on the Administration
• Metroscopy (2008). The law practice seen by lawyers. Third barometer
General de la Abogacía Española.
Consejo General de la Abogacía Española.
Spanish city. Fourth external opinion barometer . Madrid: Consejo
With the purpose of making these materials more accessible , documents that are accessible online were sought .
To consult these investigations see links on the web.
of justice and the legal professions
of content. It is a question of seeing, in a practical way, what is it that gives you
• Metroscopy (2011). The image of the lawyers and of the Justice in it
cia entre la población general, on the one hand, and entre las personas que ejercen
As announced , in this first point we are going to present some investigations carried
out through opinion surveys in order to explore the application of quantitative methods
in the scope of legal sociology . In addition, according to what has been pointed out
above , reading the results of these investigations will provide us with information on
the Administration of Justice and the activities related to the free exercise of profession
or law . For this purpose, the following investigations will be analyzed :
ridic. For this purpose , investigations carried out through
In this section we are going to review some empirical investigations with the main
objective of getting in touch with the praxis of socio-judicial research
suggest the reading of some parts of these materials to deepen in al
internal opinion of the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española Madrid:
institutional social research agencies . _ The investigations carried out by Metroscopy
for the General Council of Lawyers are also inci
guns of the research themes of legal sociology .
den in obtaining data to evaluate the image of Justice and the advocacy
of questions related to the assessment in public opinion of legal institutions and
phenomena. Your opinion about justice is important for
the research methods of the social sciences applied to research
ción de los legal phenomena. In addition, as a complementary objective, if
Governments and this type of investigation are carried out periodically by
• CIS (2011). Estudio 2861. 2011 February Barometer
The CIS studio is an example of an opinion barometer we use
opinion surveys ; discussion groups ; secondary research or analysis
in this case because in addition to the general questions a battery is included
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google second , randomness provides the telephone tool assisted by
interesting. In this case, the universe of investigation is not “the population
As a result , we will also find differences relating to
As a starting point, it is advisable to consult the technical sheet or the methodological
note of the CIS barometer and the latest Metroscopy investigation . In that regard,
accomplishing is very high, and that also , the percentages of error for them
autonomous units sigan siendo muy alto. The margin of error will fluctuate between
computer. In other respects, both investigations had important resources, much higher
in the case of the investigation.
the first that is observed are the differences in the administration of the cost
± 5% and ±12%, when the error corresponds to the entire investigation
bles explanatory that are also facilitated on the website of the studio. en los
by a private company, managed by a researcher highlighted in the scope
sampling is polyethapic , stratified by conglomerates, with selection of primary
sampling units ( the 236 municipalities) and secondary units
española mayor de 18 años”, sin un colectivo profesional: “abogados cole giados
ejercientes”. Furthermore, if you want to obtain data that can be disaggregated
find in the corresponding document, count the frequencies
socio-legal, José Juan Toharia.
you would give them (the sections within the primary units from where they can be collected)
data) in a proportional random way, and of the last units (the people interviewed) by
random routes and sex and age quotas . Mientras que en el
by autonomous communities. This assumes that the number of interviews to
mind for the people who carried out the interviews and in which they can
data were processed statistically once . It is a very mental analysis, which can be
completed by means of some crosses with some variations.
elaboration of the sample. In both cases, we are faced with probabilistic samples that
seek to be representative of the Spanish population as a whole .
The 2008 Metroscopia investigation presents very technical characters
the law in our country. In this case, these are investigations carried out
But first , as is common in CIS investigations , he
appreciate some interesting elements about the management of the interview and
related to the codification of the questionnaire. The results, which can be
CIS as a consequence of the fact that the interviews were personal , however
are ±1.7.
nario. In the first case, these are personal interviews carried out at home ; while in
the second, the interviews are by phone. I have
what this involves: greater complexity of the sample, need to count on interviewing
people, etc.
Next , it may also be interesting to review the questionnaires used. In the investigation
of the CIS appears the questionnaire managed directly
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 35 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google (1) See annex to the report, where there are files on the composition, object and most relevant circumstances of the same.
Metroscopy studios , the questionnaire is facilitated with the global results.
vestigación carried out from legal sociology .
focus on legal aspects.
cuados and greater methodological reliability. Questions that, as defended
roles, regularization, rights, control, exclusion, etc. But it's not one in
right and that consequently emerges in the immigrants ' speeches about
5.2. Right and social exclusion in migratory experiences
At point 5.4 we will review a See also
Colectivo IOE 2010. Discourses of the migrant population around their installation in Spain: Exploración cualita tiva. Madrid: CIS. See links on the web.
investigation carried out by the Laboratorio de Sociología Jurídica of the University of Zaragoza on immigrants before the Administration of Justice for the General Council of the Judicial Power and focused on from a strict sociolegal perspective .
Recommended consultation
opinion polls on the administration of justice . The usefulness of them
As a colophon of these revisions, the reading of Toharia (2002) can be very interesting .
This author is one of the greatest specialists in this field
ciología y las de la sociología legal or other related disciplines, such as criminology.
Thus, it is evident that the objectives of this investigation are not
There is also a need to decide that it does not prevent you from subtracting the results of
of the investigation, not only in our country, but also in the internal plan
and contribute to putting in evidence a scope of the social reality on it this investigation is very interesting from a socio-legal perspective
Qualitative is radical and therefore made clear in the title itself. It seeks to analyze the
discourses of the migrant population and the tools used in the discussion group. In
total , 22 discussion groups1 were held . The reasons for this
They are very well-worked questionnaires that have a wide experience behind them,
in this work, it is not yet at all resueltas.
the study of the analyzed legal phenomenon and it incardinan in a universe
tigaciones revised in the previous section. The bet for a methodology
for what it deserves to study the formulation of the questions.
In that sense, it offers the opportunity to confront the perspectives of the
The investigation into the installation of the migrant population in Spain carried out by
the Colectivo IOE (formed by Carlos Pereda, Miguel Ángel de Prada , Walter Actis and
Mario Ortí) is not a socio-legal investigation. You are one
More than the methodological aspects, it can be verified with the object
normative and institutional. Ahora bien, once these differences are verified ,
but in face of evaluating the situation of the same and possible alternatives for reforms
would be unquestionable in your opinion. Ahora bien, eso requires diseños ade
its incorporation into Spanish society: adaptation to norms, illegality,
The methodology of this investigation contrasts with that used in research
of the investigation and the questions that guide it do not focus directly
investigation carried out by sociologists on a phenomenon that is not ajeno al
that policies are legislated and implemented without having to account for the discourse and its
tional, which is why your reflections can be very interesting to explore the practical
purposes of socio-legal research and, in particular, the
implications for living conditions and civic insertion of enemies
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google legal.
This methodological proposal is made explicit in the methodological section, which deserves
Now, as if you are aware of this investigation, there is that:
latent ideological. The reading of the investigation report así lo pone de manifesto.
numerous senses.
go further, seeking, from a certain polarization , spontaneous debates
“keep in mind that the representation of the discussion group is not of a statistical type; It is rather a question of capturing and representing typical positions, but also the extreme ones that make up the diversity of the studied social field ”.
a great utility to compare in particular the behaviors and opinion states of immigrants
when they enter into a relationship with elements
The first step before starting the investigation remains to be defined
Thus, based on criteria such as the origin of migrants and the moment of the migratory
trajectory, on the one hand, and the socio-economic status,
the coexistence group and other sociodemographic variables, on the other hand, if there is
the criteria that allow us to identify the population to be studied and its general and
particular characteristics , given that it is a diverse population in
and somewhat passionate, to bring out latent information that, with other techniques, could
make the hubies emerge. It should be reiterated that this investigation
strategically seeking the “representativeness” that demands the study and the polarization
that requires the groups ’ own dynamics .
It's worth analyzing . As we have pointed out further , this methodology
previous state. The investigation is done for the CIS. This organization sought with a series
of projects to complete the perspective of some studies already carried out
allows access to the attitudes, values and expectations of migrant populations . The
discussion group rests on qualitative plans; but
zados that took as a basis the indigenous population and now intend to approach
give both sets of documentation with different investigations. The Colectivo Ioé was
awarded the study of the immigrant population. I am assuming that
go, but the researcher cannot stay there, if he wants to delve deeper into it
This is the key to achieving research objectives . Even though the investigation is not
quantitative, it is necessary to design the groups with a composition
The studied population is also the “Spanish population”, as in the article
“representative” that allows access to the diversity of the migrant population.
The analysis of the information obtained is the analysis of a specific discourse, which
speech of the groups and bringing out the attitudes, expectations and elements
ción is not happening from the perspective of legal sociology; but it results from
Once the population to be studied is defined , the design of the discussion groups
which requires specific guidelines (Ibáñez, 2003). This is a qualitative analysis
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google and address their coexistence relationships , their incardination in the labor market or their participation in political society .
(3) Public opinion barometers of the General Council of the Ju dicial Power; a large number of studies and surveys of the Center for Sociological Research , and a survey of the Center for Research on Social Reality.
Rev. Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (nº 67, pgs.
See also
titled from the speeches of the migrants themselves aimed at understanding and interpreting how the migrant people understand
C.. (1994). “ Spanish people before criminal justice : attitudes and expectations”.
For more information on these reforms , please consult the section “ Regulatory regulation and the transformation of criminal law enforcement in the module “ Socio - legal theory of law”.
The theses and plans outlined in a previous theoretical framework are not applied
analysis carried out based on this discourse seems to suggest that the au
tigadora has not carried out the surveys of the data . There is select
data of interest for the objectives of his study of investigations into the Administration
of Justice carried out by several institutions3 and ha
to develop analytical tools on incorporation models in the corporate society and
confirm starting hypotheses with data _ _ _
a brief presentation of the data and on many occasions end up in the “ca
jón” without analysis and further interpretations more profound and rigorous.
The work we are analyzing is a secondary investigation of a quantitative nature . The
data that is used has not been reanalyzed, which is why in some cases there is less
analysis of greater statistical draft and the opportunity to have crossed the data
handled with some explanatory variables . Apart from this , the reading of this work
provides very interesting data and although it was carried out by a sociologist, the
focus is attentive to disciplines such as criminology and legal sociology.
borders and even goes beyond the limits of constitutional legality, as
on the relationships between theory and empirical research.
social response to insecurity at a time when reforms took place
qualitative feedback the theory emerges from the investigation itself. In another order
of things, the value given to the discourse of migrant people and construction
planting can be analyzed as an example of how to invest
Unlike the investigations analyzed in section 5.1 , here it is
providing useful material, as in many cases investigations carried out by institutions
are analyzed very simply to elaborate
of the possibilities of secondary investigation and, secondly, because it will provide
interesting information about punitive culture and reaction
Legal laws are as important as the Ciudadana Security Law . In reality, this work
highlights that the political foundations of a reform, which
Here we want to highlight an aspect related to the highest point
society are the migrant people themselves, and not the people who perform
We selected this work, firstly, because it represents a good example
arising from social research. Faced with this option , a typology of incorporation
models was constructed in the host society2 . This one
the investigation.
With that purpose, it has interpreted the data of the referred investigations
(secondary investigation)
5.3. Attitudes of the Spaniards before the Criminal Justice
(2) defensive replication , subaltern insertion , equal integration and guidelines for a review
Recommended consultation used these data for the preparation of your article.
technical experts on the incorporation of migrant people into our
219-240). See links on the web.
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google M.. (dir.) (2002). Immigration and justice: The treatment of immigration within the scope of justice. Madrid: CGPJ.
“it is possible that complaints of more severe punishments for criminals result in incentives for the perception of a State that does not fulfill, which fulfills on average, its role in maintaining the social order”.
domestic in the Ad ministración de Justicia. Madrid : CGPJ.
M.. (dir.) (2001). The treatment of violence _
jurisdictional bodies referred to the topic reviewed.
ended up signaling the Constitutional Court, supporting its legitimacy
some jueces guarantee police intervention .
punitive punishment. So, tell me that:
expansion of judicial headquarters distributed across autonomous communities and types of
Recommended queries
Recommended websites
gender violence (content analysis) Consejo_General_del_Poder_Judicial/Actividad_del_CGPJ/ Estudios/El_tratamiento_de_la_violencia_domestica_en_la_administracion_de_justicia Consejo_General_del_Poder_Judicial/Actividad_del_CGPJ/
Estudios /Inmigracion_y_justicia el_tratamiento_de_la_inmigracion_en_el_ambito_de_la_justicia
of justice, connect with this hecho the fear of crime and the demands of endu
The author of this article, brings some first sections where she focuses on the image and
functioning of the Administración de Justicia, focuses her focus
in 1999. The investigation had as its objective the recognition and analysis of
the data of sentences and other documentary sources linked to the procedure, due to
which the mismas are produced and their execution in a sample
The object of the investigation into the treatment of domestic violence within the scope
of the Administrative Court that constitutes the analysis of the consequences
For this purpose , the technique of data content analysis was resorted to .
which concerns questions related to the social reaction to insecurity and
mentioned documents. In this investigation , 4648 records were carried out
distributed between 15 autonomous communities and 26 provinces of the Spanish State
that seemed to confer a public opinion contrary to the limits that imposed
Something that in your opinion could represent a threat to stabilization
5.4. The administration of justice before immigration and
of democratic values.
terminology in the use of that moment, which had been produced in the Administration
of justice in the Spanish State in the corresponding time frame
tences and respective procedures on domestic violence, according to
ñol. Of the total number of registrations made, 538 were made in courts of law
delincuence , and the criminal legal culture of Spanish people. After realizing the lack of
credibility and criticism of the inefficiency of Administration
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google rolling a specific tool based on Lotus Notes, which is also
discussion to obtain information on who designed the investigations or
“knowing the response of the Administration of Justice to the demands of all types of nonnational people who remain in our territory, whether with a residence permit , a work permit, or without them; esto es, en situación de irregulares; and without distinction of time of stay, social affiliation, etc.”
qualitative to be stored in the data base , for your analysis quantitative or cua
The register constitutes the unit of basic information for the collection of data , which
is carried out through a technical sheet based on a protocol for the
above all, with the aim of facilitating the interpretation of the data obtained
with the fines with the ones used here.
based on content analysis in instructional and criminal courts . _ _ _ _ Your use was,
pues, merely auxiliary or complementary y, obviously
data collection . This sheet was elaborated mainly thinking about collecting
The methodology used in the investigation on the incidence of inmi
grace in the scope of the Administration of justice was also carried out for the General
Council of the Judicial Power, and this as an object, as determined
How can you see the first chapter, where the plantings are described?
show determined the collection of data in 297 courts, of which 107 years
used to perform basic statistical analyses .
interpretation, is increasingly frequent and even the most staunch as tativists resort
to qualitative interviews and group interviews or groups of
grace and, as far as possible, the treatment given to this phenomenon in
corresponding to penal courts and 190 instructional courts .
As a complement to the investigation, two discussion groups were held ,
with the aim of expanding information on some punctual topics and
Es decir, se tried to make known the incidence that en el ambito de la Admi
the Administration of Justice. For what concerns the methodology employed,
methodological and the scope of the investigation, was very similar to the study
a posteriori litative . The file was computerized with the double purpose of allowing the
creation of a documentary base and facilitating the analysis of the same ones
qualitative in quantitative investigations, with the function of contributing to
penal (12%) and 4,110 in Juzgados de Instrucción (88%). The distribution of _
complement the data obtained and above all in order to facilitate its analysis and
mind, has a scope and objectives very different to the employment of the group of
the request for technical conditions of the contest,
justice deduction and in the period studied tuvo the phenomenon of inmi
of data susceptible to quantitative measurement, although exceptionally data not
previously categorized and information of a nature have been collected
discussion as a technique for collecting data . This use of techniques
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google intervention in this context should go further than criminal intervention and
Tips on attackers and the circumstances surrounding this phenomenon – it
all for discoveries in the criminal sphere. At this point, it is worth highlighting that from
the data obtained, it is evident that the immigrant on the ground is
Can you understand the treatment of phenomena such as gender violence or
user of justice from the opposite perspective – as a victim complainant . And it is as
relevant in this second case as in the first
the functioning of the Justice Administration , the need for resources,
• to the ends of regulatory prevention tending to avoid these behaviors better than to
sanction them;
can be conjured;
the Integral Law against Gender Violence.
stereotype of the delinquent immigrant, to highlight the relevance of the immigrantvictim phenomenon . The immigrant is also, and in proportion to you
These two investigations are clearly socio-legal investigations,
The study allowed us to verify that the so-called domestic violence is gender violence .
Something that is evident in the assumptions of violence in the couple, the
of the accusation, and
carried out allowed viewing other positions of immigrants in their relationship
immigration within the scope of the Administration of Justice. Both the focus and the
utility pursued seek to understand the effectiveness of legislation,
ascendants or others and violence against minors descendants can be discussed in
terms of gender violence . Secondly , the study concluded that
• put in place punitive strategies tailored to the characteristics
The second of the investigations we are analyzing has interest in
design a broader and more complex normative model that meets:
• to articulate an effective system of support and precautionary measures aimed at
the effective defense of victims when the risk situation does not exist
etc. They are the proper objectives of socio-legal investigation. Indeed , both are the
cause of a contest called by the Consejo General del Poder Judi
which undoubtedly leads to the need to go deeper into the penal system
These are some conclusions that point towards the direction of what will be
passive subject – denounced-detenido – of our criminal justice, is also
ro. This is an important conclusion, since it clearly breaks with the
From the point of view of the content, firstly , we would highlight that
the design of procedures that do not focus on the victim or the weight
milares, user of the justice system as a victim. In this sense, the investigation
tenor of obtained data; but also in matters of violence against
See also
For more information on the Integral Law against Gender Violence , consult, later on, the section “El de recho regulativo y las transfor macões del right penal” in the module “ socio-legal theory of law”.
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google 42
with the Criminal Justice Administration to break with the source of information
supuestos that concluded in sentence, a sample was elaborated from which in addition
announced the penal reform of 2003 and in what related to immigration
ción par excellence in this regard: the detentions and the prison population exist
with insecurity, perhaps this was not what was sought. Perhaps this is the reason for
the limited dissemination of this investigation, which was restricted in scope
To collect information about these cases, data is also collected about cases that ended
in supersession and were archived without sentencing. Given away
try in our country.
academic and a little hurtadillas – confirming what was said above
that in many of these assumptions the immigrant appeared as a victim,
This discovery was directly related to the design of the in
on the bureaucratic “ethos” of legal sociology.
data obtained present a more real panorama of the relations of the immigrant with the
administration of justice. In a context where you are
vestigation. Aunque el pliego del contest guided the investigation towards them
CC-BY-NC-ND • PID_00184287 Empirical investigation within the scope of legal sociology
Machine Translated by Google other studios.
de las mismas and provide tools with which to critically evaluate
the third, some fundamental methodological questions; in the apartado
mind in the knowledge of legal phenomena.
• Administration of justice and legal professionals; investigations about
Secondly , the fields of application of the investigation are presented
fourth, the design , the data collection techniques , the analysis, the interpretation and
the presentation of results and finally in the fifth section, if there is
• some themes related to the current transformations of the law.
There are different ways of carrying out social research and will allow him to develop
one type of technique or another according to the objectives of the investigation and, even,
In this module, they were revised, in the first section, the focus of it in
the antecedents of this approach have been reviewed and its importance has been highlighted
The work presents a wide range of themes structured into four main areas:
to have analytical and critical tools available on empirical research . Thus, at the outset,
the debate on quantitative methodology has been addressed
empirical research in the framework of socio-legal studies; apart from the second, the
fields of application of legal sociology; in the apartment
cia , subrayando the need to boost investigations by all means _
empirical contributions as the foundation of a legal sociology grounded in reality
• social control and criminal justice administration ;
logic and an interdisciplinary approach.
y/o qualitative concluding that the quantitative and qualitative investigation
this perspective; a recent publication, The Oxford Handbook , has been reviewed
In relation to the focus of the investigation in the socio-legal scope, if
of Empirical Legal Research (Cane and Kritzer, 2011), to offer a current overview of
problems and themes investigated by legal sociology. It is
socio-legal role. Following a first revision of Renato Treves ' proposal
As a conclusion , the existence of an important opening has been confirmed
Thirdly , some methodological questions have been analyzed at the end
sitting some empirical investigations with the purpose to analyze the design
about the fields of legal sociology , based on the horizon of legal sociology of the
seventies, and once highlighted the limitations of
theme of this discipline, which would take place in a greater plurality of method
matters related to various legal areas;
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Legal sociology, in particular , has a bureaucratic dynamic and its mission to the
sources of power.
socio-legal knowledge in particular . Y, in relation to what is there
interpretation of the same for your presentation. The only point where
a qualitative investigation based on the realization of discussion groups ;
We have minimally extended this in relation to secondary investigation, this is, in the
reuse of data from information
called the bureaucratic “ethos” of sociology, it has been noted that both methodological
and academic reasons are linked to the problem of finance
an investigation into the attitudes of the Spanish people before the criminal justice system
carried out from secondary data and , finally, two of the
yet. Next , in a specific subsection , which are
objectives and theoretical framework; but in the field of empirical research, methodology
and research techniques are assumed as tools
empirical with the purpose of making contact with the substantive contents of the
same; analyze its design and evaluate it critically. So, if it was analyzed
the role of theory in empirical investigation, betting on the strength of theory both
within the scope of social knowledge in general and for
of social sciences. Reason why, this section in the majority of the
cases have not ceased to be a reminder of questions related to the design of
investigation, data collection techniques and analysis and
investigations carried out through opinion surveys with questionnaire;
debates and other aspects related to the design of the investigations.
In the fourth apartment, the starting point was the finding according to which the expectation
exploratories to socio-legal research.
on occasions, integrate both perspectives; but in some way it would be exclusive
methodological specificities of socio-legal investigation if ciñen a los ob
Finally , in the fifth section, some investigations were reviewed
compiled in previous investigations and that can be accessible from face to face
investigations carried out by the Laboratorio de sociología Jurídica in which the
authors of these materials have participated . This panorama has served to
ción de las investigations to be carried out, pushes sociology , in general, and
new uses and analysis. Greater attention has been paid to this technique due to the
interest that it may have to carry out work or approach the end
see how some of the methodological questions are resolved in practice
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What do you think about the methodological plans outlined in section 3? A priori, from an epistemological point of view , why are the methodological options biased, quantitatively or qualitatively ? Why ?
What advantages and disadvantages do you appreciate in secondary research? Ejemplified your response to the investigation analyzed in 5.3.
Analyze the questionnaires of the investigations reviewed in section 5.1. In particular, we focus on the formulation of the questions : What is the most important thing that calls for the attention of these questions?
Do you consider empirical research useful in the socio- legal field ? Why? Enumerate five themes or problems related to legal phenomena that can be empirically investigated
Is it possible to analyze the incidence of mass media in the context of “ punitive populism”? Seeking first information on what punitive populism is and, once you have minimally delimited the object and the objectives of a possible investment, if it could be carried out resorting to the technique of content analysis . If it is possible, would it be quantitative or qualitative content analysis ? Why ?
Information about the procedure for holding a discussion group . What differentiates between the discussion group and other types of group interviews ? Why in the investigation carried out in section 5.2 is it explicitly stated that the technique employed has consisted of discussion groups ?
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