- Fix incorrect regex expression for module search
New Features
- Add Avahi advertiser
- Bump various dependencies
- Make Avahi default advertiser
- Renamed Smart TV to AV Device
- Replaced AV Device icon
Breaking Changes
- Min NodeJS version is now 14.14.0
- Route status callback has been updated, and now requires an object to be passed.
{ "success": boolean, "message": string }
- Fix missing HAPRouter folder at start up.
- Fix multisensor config, affecting other instances of the same accessory type.
- Address minor security warnings
New Features
- Characteristic values are now written to disc every hour, to ensure most recent values are saved, in case of unexpected termination.
- Bridge functionality can now be independently switched off.
- Television Accessory, can now have different icons.
- Changes
- Bump cookie-parser
- Bump express
- Bump express-basic-auth
- Bump hap-nodejs
- Bump mqtt
- Bump qrcode
- Bump ws
- Bump axios
- Bump ESLint
- Changes
- Fix incorrect accessory function call in the UI
- Bump dependencies.
- Change default Max Packet Size for Camera Accessory
Breaking Changes
- Password storage now uses bcrypt. Use the passwd command to recreate the hashed password, until then, the UI and API won't be available.
- Bump dependencies.
- Massive Code Refactoring
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
- The web UI and API now has rate limiting (100/2.5s)
- The cookie signature key is now generated at start up (previously hard coded)
- Various security enhancements
- Performance improvements to built in route modules
New Features
- The built-in Websocket and MQTT routes now include recovery if connections are lost
- Custom route modules can now specify input types of: text, password, number and checkbox if not specified they are rendered as text
- Route status is now updated in real time on the Web UI
- Removed CHALK formatted banner.
- Small improvements to core
- bug fixes
- The Accessories Motion, Temp, Light Sensor and Humidity Sensor have all been removed, and replaced with 1 single accessory, where you select the services to enable.
- Added Air Quality Sensor
- Removed the DELAY_ROUTE_SETUP environment variable, and made it a setting.
- Config resets now use node recursive options (previously using the del package)
- Minimum NodeJS is now v12.22.2
- Bump WS dependancy for haprouter-route-websocket
- Added a combined Temp and Humidty Sensor
- Added a Humidity Sensor Accessory.
- Route Module status is now displayed in the UI.
- Route Module description added to UI (taken from package.json).
- Custom Route Modules now contain a callback in the constructor, which can be used to
update the user with the status of the Module.
- Adding an environment variable of DELAY_ROUTE_SETUP delays the setup of routes, for the specified milliseconds.
- Added a new combined/Multsensor accessory (Motion, Light, Temp)
- Added a new NULL output, Which can be used for switchs that are used as a state, in homekit automations.
- AccessoryType in the API response now matches the AccessoryType in events.
- Exposed accessory specific actions in the accessory info UI
- Improvements to Camera code.
- Added Backup/Restore features
- Added .github and .gitattributes to package exclusion
- Moved purging/clearing configuration to the del package
for better cross platform support. - Fixed potential exception when creating node_modules directory on start up
- Bump Chalk package
- Moved purging/clearing configuration to the del package
- Initial Release