An exercise that uses Django for the API and Angular to front-end client.
- It receives YouTube video URLs
- Allows to play YouTube video URLs
- Allows to have bookmarks
- Allows to have history
The small Django application stores and lists the player history with a simple Entity: History. That's it.
Check back end folder, where you have the source code and instructions to configure and start the project the API side.
- Endpoint to list current history
- Endpoint to save an URL into the history table
The Angular application is composed of a Single Page Application (SPA) with an input form, just below a video view (player or empty square if there is nothing to display) and, additionally, lists of bookmarks and history.
Check front end folder, where you have the source code and instructions to configure and start the project the API side.
- Input YouTube video URLs
- List bookmarks
- List history
- Play YouTube video URLs
- Use LocalStorage
- Integrate, with Django API, the creation and list of historic URLs
- Display the number of bookmarked YouTube video URLS