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1. Getting started

Marco A. Lopez-Sanchez edited this page Feb 17, 2024 · 24 revisions


This wiki is incomplete and will be the official documentation for the new script version to be released in 2024.

In this section, we will learn

  • How to install Python using the Anaconda or Miniconda distributions.
  • How to install GrainSizeTools.
  • How to use Python with tools like Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab.
  • How to interact with the script and import data.

Step 1. Install Python for data science

GrainSizeTools requires installing Python 3, the Python scientific libraries NumPy SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and JupyterLab. If you have no previous experience with Python, we recommend downloading and installing the Anaconda Python distribution

as it contains all the necessary scientific packages (> 5 GB disc space). There are versions for Windows, MacOS and Linux. If you have limited disk space, there is a distribution called Miniconda which installs only the Python packages you need. If you prefer to go to this route, click here for instructions.

Once Anaconda is installed, launch the Anaconda Navigator and you will see that you have installed various scientifically oriented Integrated Development Systems (IDEs), including JupyterLab and the Jupyter Notebook. Clicking on any of these IDEs will open the corresponding application in your web browser. The GrainSizeTools documentation is written assuming that you will be working using Jupyter Notebooks.


Using a dedicated application to work with Jupyter notebooks

If you prefer to use a dedicated application instead of opening Jupyter Notebooks in your browser, there are several free and paid alternatives. Here we will mention two free alternatives:

This is a free code editor that can be used with a variety of programming languages including Python and supports Jupyter notebooks via extensions. As an advantage over vanilla Jupyter Lab, it has a handy variable browser. More detailed instructions on how to use Jupyter Notebooks in Vscode at the following link

This is a cross-platform desktop application for Jupyter Lab. It is the same application that opens in the browser but in an encapsulated application. You can find the user guide at the following link If you are a beginner, this is the easy road.

Step 2. Download GrainSizeTools

Once Python is installed, the next step is to download GrainSizeTools. Click on the download link below (there is also a direct link on the GrainSizeTools website).

and download the latest version of the script by clicking on the zip file as shown below

TODO-> figure

Script organization

The GrainSizeTools folder contains various Python files (.py), a folder named DATA with a CSV file inside, and various Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb files) that are templates for performing different types of grain size data analysis.

TODO -> figure

Step 3. Understanding Jupyter Notebooks

To improve the reproducibility of the grain size studies, we suggest working with the Jupyter Notebooks templates provided in the script, especially if you have no previous experience with the Python language. The Jupyter Notebook is a document that can contain live code, equations, visualisations and narrative text. This is ideal for generating reports and including them as supplementary material in your publications so that any researcher can reproduce your results.

TODO -> Figure showing a Jupyter Notebook

Figure X. An example of a Jupyter Notebook with code, equations (using Latex), visualizations and narrative text.

JupyterLab and VSCode with the Jupyter Notebook extension are the next generation of the Classic Jupyter Notebook application interface, providing an easy-to-use environment focused on data science.

Figure X. The JupyterLab interface...TODO. More info:

Explaining all the details of how Jupyter Notebooks work is beyond the scope of this wiki page. Fortunately, there are very good tutorials available. To familiarize yourself with how Jupyter Notebooks work, we recommend the following tutorials: This is a video by Corey Schafer that explains in a clear, entertaining and concise way how to install and use a Jupyter Notebook, the usage part starts at about 4:20. For the tutorial, Corey uses the classic Jupyter Notebook application instead of JupyterLab, but it works similarly.


Understanding the script structure and the workflow

The script is organized in a modular way intended to facilitate modifying, reusing and extending the code if necessary. In short, the script consists of seven Python files that must be in the same directory. Below is a brief explanation of the Python files and their main function:

  • This file imports all the modules needed for the script to work. This is the only executed Python file in the Jupyter Notebook templates.
  • This module contains a set of functions for calculating different types of averages and margins of error.
  • This module contains a set of functions for generating different types of ad hoc plots used by the script.
  • This module contains a set of functions to approximate true grain size distributions from sectional measurements using stereological methods.
  • This file contains the database of piezometers the script uses.
  • This file contains the default (Matplotlib) parameters used by the script to generate plots.
  • This file contains the welcome message of the script.

For beginners, we recommend using the Jupyter notebooks provided with the script. There are three different notebooks depending on the type of study you want to perform: (i) quantification of grain size distributions (grainsize_pop_template.ipynb), (ii) approximation of grain size distributions using stereological methods (stereology_template.ipynb), and (iii) paleopiezometry (paleopiezometry_template.ipynb). These notebooks contain all the necessary instructions on how to use them through practical examples. The user will only have to change some parameters to adapt them to their case and delete everything that is not needed. Once this has been done, all the analyses and figures will be contained in a fully reproducible single document that can be exported to other formats (pdf, html, etc.). If you use this workflow, ideally you should copy the entire contents of the script (<<1 MB), i.e. the code, the folder structure and the notebooks, for each study you conduct.


Open the Jupyter templates

Once you have everything installed, open JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebooks and in the file manager go to the address where the script and templates are located. Open the Jupyter template you want to use and follow the instructions in the template.


Importing data using the Pandas library

The way we propose to import the data to be analysed by the script is to use Pandas, which is the de facto standard Python library for data analysis and manipulation of tabular data (including CSV, Excel or text files). The library includes several tools for reading files and handling missing data. Once the GrainSizeTools script is run, all the Pandas methods are imported as pd and available once you write in a cell pd.. TODO



Although you can use the get_filepath() function to get a file path through a file selection window as follows

>>> filepath = get_filepath()

for reproducibility it is best to specify the file path explicitly in the notebook.