Analysis: A statistical workflow for the robust detection of interaction effects between chromatin modifications
This document contains the analysis of interaction effects between chromatin modifications by using the MARCS dataset and the statistical workflow proposed in our data. All Figures showing the results in the paper can be reproduced in this script.
packages_workflow <- c("RColorBrewer", "pheatmap", "dplyr", "tidyr", "tibble",
"ggplot2", "gridExtra", "venn", "ggpolypath", "readxl",
"tidyverse", "viridis", "patchwork", "networkD3",
load_packages <- lapply(packages_workflow, require, character.only = TRUE)
Here we load the experimental design matrix L and the protein binding
matrix P which contains both replicates for each of the
## data
L <- readRDS("data/input/L-library.rds")
P <- readRDS("data/input/P-proteinsFandR.rds")
pheatP <- pheatmap::pheatmap(P, cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = T,
border_color = "white",
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
"RdBu")))(100), breaks = seq(-2, 2, length.out = 100),
cellwidth = 0.1, cellheight = 8,
fontsize_row = 6, fontsize_col = 0.0001
pheatP <- pheatmap::pheatmap(t(L), cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
color = c("white", "gray"),
cellwidth = 9, cellheight = 9
Here, we show how to run the workflow. We start with running hiernet with stability selection for all proteins. This takes some time, so one should run this code in parallel on a cluster. To only try the workflow one can run it for only a few proteins (e.g. as.list(1:3)).
## This should not be run here
stabsel_hiernet_cluster <- parallel::mclapply(as.list(1:1915),
function(p, P, L){return(stabsel_hiernet(p, P, L))},
P = P_, L = L_,
mc.cores = 20, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
We don’t run the code here, therefore we import the results now.
CPSS_F <- readRDS("data/results/CPSS_F.rds")
CPSS_R <- readRDS("data/results/CPSS_R.rds")
The run_workflow
function returns the selected features for all
proteins. Now one needs to perform the refitting on the mean over the
## compute mean
Pmean = log((2^P[, 1:1915] + 2^P[, (1915 + 1):ncol(P)])/2, base = 2)
L_ <- L; P_ <- P; CPSS_F_ <- CPSS_F; CPSS_R_ <- CPSS_R
output_workflow <- run_workflow(L = L_, P = P_, CPSS_F = CPSS_F_, CPSS_R = CPSS_R_)
coef_matrix <- output_workflow$coef_matrix
keep_or_not <- output_workflow$keep_or_not
fit_lm <- output_workflow$refit_lm
## save output as it will be needed for the synthetic data generation
saveRDS(coef_matrix, "data/results/coef_matrix.rds")
saveRDS(fit_lm, "data/results/fit_lm.rds")
## Remove zero rows and zero columns:
zero_rows <- apply(coef_matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))
zero_cols <- apply(coef_matrix, 2, function(x) all(x == 0))
## what proteins do respond to interaction effects?
interaction_proteins1 <- apply(coef_matrix[13:nrow(coef_matrix),], 2, function(x) !all(x == 0))
interaction_proteins <- interaction_proteins1
## remove proteins with low predictive performance(R^2 < .2): SMC6, SET, PHF23
interaction_proteins[which(names(interaction_proteins) %in% c("SMC6", "SET", "PHF23"))] <- FALSE
## [1] 55
In total, there are 58 proteins for which we do find interaction
effects. We only show the 55 proteins with an
## CTNNBL1 CLK4 RCC1 (2) ZNF395 LIN9
## H3K27 me3 0.13363878 -0.03878053 -0.007760259 -0.01836988 -0.1030896
## H3K9 me2 0.04893225 -0.01042962 -0.303350964 0.00000000 -0.3454179
## H3K27 me2 -0.09835476 -0.09665980 0.000000000 0.00000000 -0.3454179
## DNA Meth. m5C 0.13602604 0.02236041 0.031022443 -0.06607597 -0.2510683
## H3K9 me3 -0.03188206 0.11128244 -0.024817570 -0.03284810 -0.1176556
coef_matrix_plt <- coef_matrix
## order by R^2
r_squared_all = c()
for(pint in 1:1915){
p = pint
r_squared_all[p] <- summary(fit_lm[[p]])$adj.r.squared
names(r_squared_all) <- colnames(coef_matrix_plt)
r_squared_all[] <- 0
coef_matrix_plt <- coef_matrix_plt[, order(r_squared_all, decreasing = T)]
## set exact zeros to NA for visualization reasons
coef_matrix_plt[coef_matrix_plt == 0] <- NA
## remove proteins with interactions
int_nam <-names(interaction_proteins1[interaction_proteins1])
coef_matrix_plt <- coef_matrix_plt[, !(colnames(coef_matrix_plt) %in% int_nam)]
colnames(coef_matrix_plt)[colnames(coef_matrix_plt) == "HIST[1H4A,1H4B,1H4C,1H4E,1H4F,1H4H,1H4I,1H4L,2H4A,4H4]"] <- "HIST[1H4A,...]"
for(i in 1:11 * 155){
pdf(paste0("heatmap_coef_test", i/155 ,".pdf"), height = 25, width = 5)
pheatmap::pheatmap(t(coef_matrix_plt[1:12, (i - 154):i]), cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
"RdBu")))(100), border_color = "white",
breaks = seq(-2, 2, length.out = 100),
cellheight = 10, cellwidth = 10,
fontsize_row = 10, fontsize_col = 10, na_col = "white", legend = F)
# pdf(paste0("heatmap_coef_test", 12 ,".pdf"), height = 25, width = 5)
pheatmap::pheatmap(t(coef_matrix_plt[1:12, (11 * 155 + 1): ncol(coef_matrix_plt)]), cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
"RdBu")))(100), border_color = "white",
breaks = seq(-2, 2, length.out = 100),
cellheight = 10, cellwidth = 10,
fontsize_row = 10, fontsize_col = 10, na_col = "white", legend = T)
data_int1 <- paste0(names(interaction_proteins[interaction_proteins == TRUE]))
data_int <- paste0(rep(names(interaction_proteins[interaction_proteins == TRUE]), each = 2), c("_F", "_R"))
# pdf("heatmap-coeff-hiernet-CPSS-only_int.pdf", width = 8, height = 16)
pheatmap::pheatmap(t(coef_matrix[!zero_rows, !zero_cols][, data_int1]), ## transform matrix for pdf output
fontsize_row = 10,
fontsize_col = 12,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(
n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(100),
breaks = seq(-3, 3, length.out = 100),
angle_col = 90,
cluster_rows = T,
cluster_cols = F,
border_color = "white",
cellwidth = 14,
cellheight = 11,
cutree_rows = 12,
treeheight_col = 9,
gaps_col = 12)
q = 12
df_overview <- matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = (12 * 13/2 - 12))
colnames(df_overview) <- c("Mod1", "Mod2", "BothLin", "Interaction")
n = 0
for(i in 1:(q - 1)){
for(j in (i + 1):q){
n = n + 1
sel_i <- (coef_matrix[i, ] != 0)
sel_j <- (coef_matrix[j, ] != 0)
bothlin_ij = sum(((sel_i + sel_j) == 2))
int_ij <- paste0(rownames(coef_matrix)[i], ":", rownames(coef_matrix)[j])
if(int_ij %in% rownames(coef_matrix)){
interaction_ij = sum(coef_matrix[int_ij,] != 0)
else{interaction_ij = 0}
df_overview[n, ] <- c(rownames(coef_matrix)[i], rownames(coef_matrix)[j],
bothlin_ij, interaction_ij)
df_overview <-
df_overview$BothLin <- as.numeric(df_overview$BothLin)
df_overview$Interaction <- as.numeric(df_overview$Interaction)
lin_mat = reshape2::acast(df_overview, Mod1 ~ Mod2, value.var = "BothLin")
int_mat = reshape2::acast(df_overview, Mod1 ~ Mod2, value.var = "Interaction")
lin_mat <- round(lin_mat)
lin_mat[] <- 0
int_mat[] <- 0
# Make undirected so that graph matrix will be symmetric
g <-[,-4], directed=FALSE)
# add value as a weight attribute
lin_mat = get.adjacency(g, attr="BothLin", sparse=FALSE)
g2 <-[,-3], directed=FALSE)
# add value as a weight attribute
int_mat = get.adjacency(g2, attr="Interaction", sparse=FALSE)
diag(lin_mat) <- NA
lin_int_mat <- lin_mat
lin_int_mat[lower.tri(lin_int_mat)] <- int_mat[lower.tri(int_mat)]
pheatmap(lin_int_mat, cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
border_color = "white", cellheight = 20, cellwidth = 20,
fontsize_row = 9, fontsize_col = 9,
na_col = "white",
color = colorRampPalette((brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Blues")))(100),
breaks = c(seq(0, .99, length.out = 10), seq(1, 70, length.out = 60),
seq(71, 454, length.out = 30)),
display_numbers = T, number_format = "%.0f",
number_color = "white",
legend = F)
pheatmap(int_mat, cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
border_color = "white", cellheight = 20, cellwidth = 20,
color = colorRampPalette((brewer.pal(n = 7, name =
display_numbers = T, number_format = "%.0f", number_color = "white"
## number of proteins with interaction effects
remove_exp <- c()
P_int = P[, data_int]
for(i in seq(1, ncol(P_int), by = 2)){
if(!all(sign(P_int[, i]) == sign(P_int[, i + 1]))){
toNA <- which(sign(P_int[, i]) != sign(P_int[, i + 1]))
remove_exp[i] <- length(toNA)
P_int[toNA, i] <- NA
P_int[toNA, i + 1] <- NA
P_int_plt = P_int
P_int_plt[] <- 10000
## adapt order: from low number of zero-imputation + excluded experiments
myrank = colSums(P_int_plt == 10000) + colSums(P_int_plt == 0)
P_int_plt = P_int_plt[, names(sort((rank(myrank, ties.method = "first"))))]
P_int_plt[P_int_plt==0] <- NA
P_int_plt <- P_int_plt[, names(sort((rank(colSums(, ties.method = "first"))))]
colramp = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdBu")))(115)
colramp = colramp[c(1:49, 65:115)]
#pdf("heatmap-P-interactions-hiernet-CPSS.pdf", width = 50*2/6, height = 33/2)
pheatP_int <- pheatmap(P_int_plt, cluster_cols = F, cluster_rows = F,
color = c(colramp, "grey75"),
breaks = c(seq(-abs(max(P_int, na.rm = T)), abs(max(P_int, na.rm = T)),
length.out = 100), abs(max(P_int, na.rm = T)) + 1),
fontsize_row = 0.0001, fontsize_col = rep(c(15, 0.0001), 50),
labels_col = substr(colnames(P_int_plt), 1,
nchar(colnames(P_int_plt)) - 2),
cellheight = 16, cellwidth = 8,
border_color = "white",
na_col = "grey99",
angle_col = 90,
gaps_col = seq(from = 2, to = 98, by =2),
fontsize = 15
index_int <- which(interaction_proteins == TRUE)
n <- 0
L_interactions <- cbind(L, hierNet::compute.interactions.c(L, diagonal = F)) ## add interactions
fit_lm_no_int <- list()
rownames(coef_matrix) <- colnames(L_interactions)
for(p in index_int){
selF_p <- which(CPSS_F[[p]]$max >= .5)
selR_p <- which(CPSS_R[[p]]$max >= .5)
n <- n + 1
Pmean_p <- log((2^P[, p] + 2^P[, p + 1915])/2, base = 2)
index_features <- intersect(selR_p, selF_p)
lin_features <- index_features[index_features < 13]
Lint <- L_interactions[, lin_features]
fit_lm_no_int[[p]] <- lm(Pmean_p ~ Lint)
pdf("scatterplots-interactions-all-height.pdf", height = 7,
width = 8.5)
scatterplot_interactions(coef_matrix, index_int, q = 12) +
xlab(bquote(hat(beta)["j"])) +
ylab(bquote(hat(beta)["k"])) +
## quartz_off_screen
## 2
Proteins_int <- names(interaction_proteins[interaction_proteins == TRUE])
n <- 0
plot_list_p_phat <- list()
for(pint in Proteins_int){
n <- n + 1
p <- which(colnames(P) == paste0(pint, "_F"))
Pmean_p <- log((2^P[, p] + 2^P[, p + 1915])/2, base = 2)
pred_p <- predict(fit_lm[[p]])
pred_p_no_int <- predict(fit_lm_no_int[[p]])
df_p <- data.frame("Prediction" = c(pred_p_no_int, pred_p),
"Legend" = rep(c(paste0("without interaction (",
round(summary(fit_lm_no_int[[p]])$adj.r.squared, 2), ")"),
paste0("all features (",
round(summary(fit_lm[[p]])$adj.r.squared, 2), ")")),
each = length(pred_p)),
"Observation" = rep(Pmean_p, 2))
plot_list_p_phat[[n]] <- ggplot(df_p,
aes(x = Prediction,
y = Observation)) +
geom_point(alpha = .8, aes(color = Legend), size = 2) +
theme_minimal() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
ggtitle(pint) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("steelblue", " azure3"))
r_squared <- c()
r_squared_noint <- c()
for(pint in Proteins_int
p <- which(colnames(P) == paste0(pint, "_F"))
r_squared[p] <- summary(fit_lm[[p]])$adj.r.squared
r_squared_noint[p] <- summary(fit_lm_no_int[[p]])$adj.r.squared
r_squared_all = c()
for(pint in 1:1915){
p = pint
r_squared_all[p] <- summary(fit_lm[[p]])$adj.r.squared
r_squared_int = na.omit(r_squared)
names(r_squared_int) <- Proteins_int
r_squarednoint = na.omit(r_squared_noint)
names(r_squarednoint) <- Proteins_int
df2 = data.frame("Rsquared" = c(r_squared_int, r_squarednoint),
"Model" = c(rep("With interactions", length(r_squared_int)),
rep("Without interactions", length(r_squarednoint))),
"Protein" = c(names(r_squared_int), names(r_squarednoint))
order_nb_zeros <- names(sort((rank(colSums(, ties.method = "first"))))
order_nb_zeros <- substr(order_nb_zeros, 1, nchar(order_nb_zeros) - 2)
order_nb_zeros <- order_nb_zeros[seq(1, length(order_nb_zeros), by = 2)]
df2$Protein <- factor(df2$Protein, levels = order_nb_zeros)
df2$Rsquared[df2$Rsquared<0] <- 0
pdf("/Users/mara.stadler/LRZ Sync+Share/PhD/MUDS_Projekt/temp/barplot_rsquared2.pdf",
height = 5, width = 15)
ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=Protein, y=Rsquared, fill=Model)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="identity", alpha = .9) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("steelblue", " azure2")) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour="black",
size=10, angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 0),
axis.text.y = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour="black",
axis.title.y = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour="black",
legend.text = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour="black",
legend.title = element_text(family = "Helvetica", colour="black",
legend.position="left") +
labs(y = expression(paste('Adjusted ', R^2)))
## quartz_off_screen
## 2
compare_threshold <- function(pi_thr = .6){
keep_or_not <- c()
n <- 0
L_interactions <- cbind(L, hierNet::compute.interactions.c(L, diagonal = F)) ## add interactions
fit_lm <- list()
coef_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(L_interactions), ncol = 1915)
rownames(coef_matrix) <- colnames(L_interactions)
colnames(coef_matrix) <- substr(colnames(P[, 1:1915]),1, nchar(colnames(P[, 1:1915]))-2)
for(p in 1:1915){
if(class(CPSS_F[[p]]) != "empty" | class(CPSS_R[[p]]) != "empty" ){
selF_p <- which(CPSS_F[[p]]$max >= pi_thr)
selR_p <- which(CPSS_R[[p]]$max >= pi_thr)
if(length(selF_p) != 0 & length(selR_p) != 0){
if(!is.null(selF_p) & !is.null(selR_p)){
if(length(intersect(selR_p, selF_p)) >0 ){
keep_or_not[p] <- 1
n <- n + 1
Pmean_p <- log((2^P[, p] + 2^P[, p + 1915])/2, base = 2)
Lint <- L_interactions[, intersect(selR_p, selF_p)]
fit_lm[[p]] <- lm(Pmean_p ~ Lint)
beta <- fit_lm[[p]]$coefficients[-1]
names(beta) <- colnames(Lint)
coef_matrix[names(beta), p] <- beta
# else{keep_or_not[p] <- 0}
else{keep_or_not[p] <- 0}
coef_matrix[] <- 0
interaction_proteins <- apply(coef_matrix[13:nrow(coef_matrix),], 2, function(x) !all(x == 0))
Int_prot <- names(interaction_proteins[which(interaction_proteins == TRUE)])
Int_prot05 <- compare_threshold(0.5)
Int_prot055 <- compare_threshold(0.55)
Int_prot06 <- compare_threshold(0.6)
Int_prot065 <- compare_threshold(0.65)
Int_prot07 <- compare_threshold(0.7)
list_int <- list("50 %" = Int_prot05, "55 %" = Int_prot055,
"60 %" = Int_prot06, "65 %" = Int_prot065,
"70 %" = Int_prot07)
venn(list_int, ilab=TRUE, zcolor = "style", box = F, ggplot = T )
## data
Table_S6 <- read_excel("data/input/TableS6_complexes.xlsx")
Table_S6 <- Table_S6 %>% fill(`Protein complex name`, .direction = c("down"))
complexes <- Table_S6[, 1:2]
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
## `Protein complex name` `Our identifier`
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 40S Ribosomal subunit FAU
## 2 40S Ribosomal subunit RPS10/RPS10-NUDT3
## 3 40S Ribosomal subunit RPS11
## 4 40S Ribosomal subunit RPS12
## 5 40S Ribosomal subunit RPS13
## 6 40S Ribosomal subunit RPS14
Create a selection probability matrix (F and R) with all proteins
SelProb_F <- matrix(nrow = 78, ncol = 1915)
SelProb_R <- matrix(nrow = 78, ncol = 1915)
rownames(SelProb_F) <- names(CPSS_F[[1]]$max)
rownames(SelProb_R) <- names(CPSS_R[[1]]$max)
colnames(SelProb_F) <- colnames(coef_matrix)
colnames(SelProb_R) <- colnames(coef_matrix)
for(p in 1:1915){
if(!class(CPSS_F[[p]]) == "empty"){
SelProb_F[names(CPSS_F[[p]]$max), p] <- CPSS_F[[p]]$max
SelProb_R[names(CPSS_R[[p]]$max), p] <- CPSS_R[[p]]$max
SelProb_F[] <- 0
SelProb_R[] <- 0
### PRC1 complex
PRC1_complex = complexes[which(complexes$`Protein complex name` == "PRC1"), ]
PRC1_complex = PRC1_complex[!$`Our identifier`), ]
### TFIID complex
TFIID_complex = complexes[which(complexes$`Protein complex name` == "TFIID"), ]
TFIID_complex = TFIID_complex[!$`Our identifier`), ]
### SAGA complex
SAGA_complex = complexes[which(complexes$`Protein complex name` == "SAGA"), ]
SAGA_complex = SAGA_complex[!$`Our identifier`), ]
### HUSH complex
HUSH_complex = complexes[which(complexes$`Protein complex name` == "HUSH"), ]
### ATAC complex
ATAC_complex = complexes[which(complexes$`Protein complex name` == "ATAC"), ]
ATAC_complex = ATAC_complex[!$`Our identifier`), ]
With this code heatmaps for coefficients and selection probablities for each complex can be reproduced. We only show the plots for PRC1 here.
## loop over all complexes
zero_rows_all <- apply(coef_matrix, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))
non_zero_coef_names <- names(which(zero_rows_all==FALSE))
all_complexes <- list(PRC1_complex, TFIID_complex, SAGA_complex,
HUSH_complex, ATAC_complex)
rownames(SelProb_F)<- gsub('H2A.Z H2A.Z','H2A.Z', rownames(SelProb_F))
rownames(SelProb_R)<- gsub('H2A.Z H2A.Z','H2A.Z', rownames(SelProb_R))
Sel_FR <- list(SelProb_F, SelProb_R)
all_complexes_names <- c("PRC1 complex", "TFIID complex", "SAGA complex",
"HUSH complex", "ATAC complex")
fr_name <- c("F", "R")
## Mean selection probability within complex
mean_sel_prob_F <- matrix(ncol = length(all_complexes), nrow = 78)
mean_sel_prob_R <- matrix(ncol = length(all_complexes), nrow = 78)
for(compl in 1:length(all_complexes)){
#if(compl > 1){silent = T} # only plot PRC1 complex here
#else{silent = F}
comp <- all_complexes[[compl]]
comp <-
## First heatmap with coefficients
comp_ind <- comp[, "Our identifier"]
ind <- which(comp_ind %in% colnames(coef_matrix))
comp_ind <- comp_ind[ind]
coef_comp <- coef_matrix[, comp_ind]
zero_rows <- apply(coef_comp, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))
main0 <- paste0(all_complexes_names[compl], " coefficients")
## keep all linear features:
zero_rows[1:12] <- F
pdf(paste0("coef_", all_complexes_names[compl], ".pdf"))
pheatmap::pheatmap(coef_comp[!zero_rows, ],
fontsize_row = 7,
fontsize_col = 7,
color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name ="RdBu"
breaks = seq(-3, 3, length.out = 100),
cellheight = 7,
cellwidth = 7,
border_color = "white",
cluster_rows = F,
cluster_cols = F,
treeheight_col = 0,
fontsize = 10,
main = main0,
gaps_row = 12,
silent = silent)
## Now heatmaps of stability profiles
for(fr in 1:length(Sel_FR)){
FR <- Sel_FR[[fr]]
FR <-
comp_ind <- comp[, "Our identifier"]
ind <- which(comp_ind %in% colnames(FR))
comp_ind <- comp_ind[ind]
SelProb_comp <- FR[, comp_ind]
zero_rows_comp <- apply(SelProb_comp, 1, function(x) all(x <0.2))
main <- paste0(all_complexes_names[compl], " stability ", fr_name[fr])
ind <- which(rowSums(SelProb_comp)>0)
if(fr == 1) {
mean_sel_prob_F[, compl] <- rowMeans(SelProb_comp)
SelProb_comp1 <- SelProb_comp[ind, ]#[non_zero_coef_names, ]
if(fr == 2){
mean_sel_prob_R[, compl] <- rowMeans(SelProb_comp)
SelProb_comp2 <- SelProb_comp[ind, ]#[non_zero_coef_names, ]
pdf(paste0("selProb_", fr, "_", all_complexes_names[compl], ".pdf"))
pheatmap::pheatmap(SelProb_comp[which(rowSums(SelProb_comp)>0), ],
fontsize_row = 7,
fontsize_col = 7,
color = colorRampPalette((brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Greys")
cellheight = 7,
cellwidth = 7,
border_color = "white",
cluster_rows = F,
cluster_cols = F,
main = main,
gaps_row = 12,
silent = silent)
## Now mean of the two stability profiles
pdf(paste0("selProbmean_", all_complexes_names[compl], ".pdf"))
pheatmap::pheatmap((SelProb_comp1 + SelProb_comp2)/2,
fontsize_row = 7,
fontsize_col = 7,
color = colorRampPalette((brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "Greys")
cellwidth = 7,
cellheight = 7,
border_color = "white",
cluster_rows = F,
cluster_cols = F,
main = "Mean F/R",
gaps_row = 12,
silent = silent)
## Mean over F and R experiment
mean_sel_prob <- (mean_sel_prob_F + mean_sel_prob_R)/2
colnames(mean_sel_prob) <- all_complexes_names
rownames(mean_sel_prob) <- rownames(SelProb_F)
## PRC1 complex TFIID complex SAGA complex HUSH complex ATAC complex
## H3K27 me3 0.9050000 0.6165625 0.6230952 0.749 0.6363636
## H3K9 me2 0.4281818 0.3896875 0.4378571 0.630 0.4559091
## H3K27 me2 0.5009091 0.3481250 0.4616667 0.423 0.4259091
## DNA Meth. m5C 0.8245455 0.6675000 0.7507143 0.800 0.7968182
## H3K9 me3 0.7681818 0.5390625 0.6085714 0.819 0.5900000
## H4K20 me3 0.6745455 0.4871875 0.5569048 0.642 0.6213636
Sankey diagram
data <- mean_sel_prob
colnames(data) <- substr(colnames(data), 1, nchar(colnames(data)) - 8)
data <- data[13:nrow(data), ]
data[data < 0.2] <- 0 ## show everything that is above a mean selection probability of .2
# remove irrelevant features
rem <- which(rowSums(data)==0)
data <- data[-rem,]
# long format
data_long <- data %>% %>%
rownames_to_column %>%
gather(key = 'key', value = 'value', -rowname)
colnames(data_long) <- c("source", "target", "value")
data_long$target <- paste(data_long$target, " ", sep="")
# From these flows we need to create a node data frame: it lists every entities involved in the flow
nodes <- data.frame(name=c(as.character(data_long$source), as.character(data_long$target)) %>% unique())
# With networkD3, connection must be provided using id, not using real name like in the links dataframe.. So we need to reformat it.
data_long$IDsource=match(data_long$source, nodes$name)-1
data_long$IDtarget=match(data_long$target, nodes$name)-1
# prepare colour scale
rem_zero <- which(data_long$value == 0)
data_long <- data_long[-rem_zero,]
data_long$value <- (data_long$value)^2
ColourScal = 'd3.scaleOrdinal().range(["#eeeeee", "#dddddd", "#cccccc", "#bbbbbb", "#aaaaaa"])'
sankeyNetwork(Links = data_long, Nodes = nodes,
Source = "IDtarget", Target = "IDsource",
Value = "value", NodeID = "name", LinkGroup = "target",
NodeGroup = NULL, sinksRight=T,
nodeWidth = 0.5, fontSize = 18,
nodePadding = 15, colourScale=ColourScal,
fontFamily = "Helvetica"