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File metadata and controls

executable file
167 lines (103 loc) · 5.13 KB


ScribeUI is an application to create mapfiles with many scale levels.

To get the latest release, clone this repo and then checkout the latest tag. git describe --abbrev=0 to view the latest tag.

Migrating from ScribeUI v0.5 to v1.0 is explained at the end of this file.

The following instruction installations were tested on ubuntu precise.


  • Mapserver 6.4.1
  • Apache 2.2
  • Make

Production installation

You need to install apache2 with mod_wsgi:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

Note mod_wsgi 3.4 or more is recommended. How to compile mod_wsgi 3.4 on ubuntu precise


First, clone the repository in a folder www-data will be able to access. In this configuration example, the scribeui folder will be located at /opt/scribeui

Then, copy the default production settings:

cp production.ini local.ini

Make sure the mapserver url in local.ini points to your mapserver path: - line 35: mapserver.url

Edit the proxy.cgi file and add your server host to the list of allowed hosts if different from localhost (localhost is already included.)

Create a file 'pyramid.wsgi' with the following content, editing the path to your scribeui installation:

from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging
ini_path = '/opt/scribeui/local.ini'
application = get_app(ini_path, 'main')

You can use the Makefile to automatically setup ScribeUI for you, simply run:

   export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
   export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
   sudo make
   sudo chown -R youruser .
   make install
   sudo make perms

Next step is adding the app to apache, here is an example configuration for Apache 2.2:

WSGIDaemonProcess scribeui user=www-data group=www-data threads=10 \
WSGIScriptAlias /scribeui /opt/scribeui/pyramid.wsgi

<Directory /opt/scribeui>
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{ENV:APPLICATION_GROUP}
        WSGIPassAuthorization On
        WSGIProcessGroup scribeui
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

If you use Apache 2.4, the configuration is slightly different:

WSGIDaemonProcess scribeui user=www-data group=www-data threads=10 \
WSGIScriptAlias /scribeui /opt/scribeui/pyramid.wsgi

<Directory /opt/scribeui>
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{ENV:APPLICATION_GROUP}
        WSGIPassAuthorization On
        WSGIProcessGroup scribeui
        Require all granted

Once apache is restarted, ScribeUI should be available!

sudo service apache2 restart

Downloading template data is optional, but recommended for a better experience:

    sudo make load-demo-data

If you omit this step, the maps you create from default templates will display pink tiles.

Development installation

These instructions are for running a development version of ScribeUI. It is pretty good for a local version of the application. Production installation instructions are available below.

cp development.ini local.ini

Review the following parameters in local.ini, and edit them if needed:

- sqlalchemy.url
- scribe.python
- mapserver.url

Edit the proxy.cgi file and add your server host to the list of allowed hosts if different from localhost (localhost is already included.)

You can use the Makefile to automatically setup ScribeUI for you, simply run:

    export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
    sudo make
    make install

This will download and install the required dependencies, setup the differents configurations files and install them in the proper directories.

To launch the server at http://localhost:6543/:

    make start

Downloading template data is optional, but recommended for a better experience.

    sudo make load-demo-data

This will download some natural earth data and will help you get started with ScribeUI by making templates readily working so you don't start with an empty mapfile. (The template code is still available if you don't download the data, but the result will be pink tiles).

Migrating from v0.5 to v1.0

Before pulling and installing ScribeUI v1.0, first change all file's permission back to your own user:

sudo chown -R user application/

You may now follow the production installation instructions and install ScribeUI v1.0

Once the installation is finished and ScribeUI up, you may import your old workspaces changing the workspace folder and the database to your user:

sudo chown -R user scribeui.sqlite workspaces/

Then executre the update script:


Then change the database and workspace folders back to www-data:

sudo chown -R www-data scribeui.sqlite workspaces/

Your workspaces and maps will then be imported, although passwordless.

Each map will have to be edited to delete or comment the following line in the map editor:

CONFIG "MS_ERRORFILE" "../debugFile.log"