A message payload is encoded with the JSON format.
When the publish method is invoked (see INTERFACE), its query parameters are converted into a set of key-value pairs.
For instance, this call:
will publish a message with the following payload into the topic oncorseq_sequencing_in_progress:
"sampleID": "sample123ID123565",
"runID": "foo",
"sayHello": "ciao"
Vice versa, when the above payload is received, the values in the JSON payload are used to replace the corresponding placeholders in the configured action(s).
For instance, an action like the following:
- name: oncorseq_sequencing_in_progress
- trigger: nextflow main.nf --sampleID ${sampleID} --run ${runID} --sayHello ${sayHello}
would result in the execution of the following command:
nextflow main.nf --sampleID sample123ID123565 --run foo --sayHello ciao