KhaataFlow is an expense management application inspired by Splitwise. It allows users to track personal expenses, manage group expenses, and easily split bills among friends and family. This project uses the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React, Node.js) and is deployed on AWS.
- User Authentication: Secure login and signup with JWT and cookie-parser.
- Expense Management: Add, edit, delete, and track personal expenses.
- Group Expenses: Create groups, manage members, and split expenses using different methods (equal, exact, percentage).
- Profile Management: View and update profile information, including username and profile photo.
- Responsive Design: User-friendly interface built with React and styled with Tailwind CSS and Daisy UI.
- Frontend: React, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Deployment: AWS (ASG, NLB, RDS, S3, CloudFront)
- VPC with public and private subnet
- S3 bucket to store React app build files
- CloudFront Distribution to make react website highly available and accessible
- Network Load Balancer with TCP 5000 to balance load on running backend servers
- Auto Scaling Group to launch/terminate EC2 running our express app on demand
- SNS to send email notification about launch and termination of instances
- RDS for the PostgreSQL database instance
- CloudFront makes API calls to Network Load Balancer.
- Load Balancer routes to Auto Scaling Group instances.
- Instances connect to PostgreSQL RDS for queries.
- CloudFront exposed to the internet.
- Other components secured by security groups.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install all the dependencies
cd backend npm install cd ../frontend npm install
- Make the environment variables available
NODE_ENV = "development" PORT = 5000 DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=password DB_NAME=db_name DB_PORT=5432 ORIGIN=http://localhost:5173 JWT_SECRET=secret JWT_EXPIRES_IN=2d VITE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000/api
- Run the tests
cd frontend npm test cd backend npm test
- Run the Application
cd backend npm start cd frontend npm run dev