This file contains the authors of the MaNGOS project.
The project is currently hosted at
The code of MaNGOS is shipped as it is without any form of warranty, and - except for third party libraries - licensed under the GPL 2.0, which you can read from the file "COPYING"
Development of this project dates back to 2004, and was developed under various umbrellas over time:
- WoW Daemon Team, 2004
- MaNGOS project, 2005-2008, located at
- MaNGOS project, 2008-2012, located at
- MaNGOS project, 2013 onwards, located at and
Additional input from other teams is acknowledged in the THANKS file.
Authorship is assigned for each commit within the git history, which is stored in these git repositories:
- (History from MaNGOS project from 2005-2008, originally hosted at
- (History since then) Unfortunately we have no detailed information of the history of the WoWD project; if somebody can provide information, please contact us, so that we can make this history available
The third party libraries have their own way of addressing authorship, and the authorship of commits importing/ updating a third party library reflects who did the importing instead of who wrote the code within the commit.
These are the authors that contributed to the files available within this package since 2005. The Authors of third party libraries are not explicitly mentioned, and usually are possible to obtain from the files belonging to the third party libraries.
Please inform us, if you find somebody who is missing!
Authors List:
WoW Daemon Team (mentioned here as one, until we have proper details, additional information is also provided in the THANKS file)
123qwe a1ien AbsoluteZero aerione_alt akreao Alex Alex Bolotsin AlexDereka (a.k.a. alex_dereka) Alez alien Amaru Ambal Ambient Ambient5 anakin Andeeria andre Antimozg antiroot Antonio593 anturbo (a.k.a. ant009) antz (a.k.a. billy1arm) Anubisss ApoC (a.k.a. apoc_mangos) arkan_xyz arrai Arthorius ascent Astellar Astoria Athor awpolt Az@zel Azelen b482518 Backbone Balrok bastili begemot benemorius Blackhawk Blaymoira (a.k.a. Neveragain) bleach Blizzy bloutix blueboy bobaz Bobby "I need a raise" Kotick Bobi88 BombermaG BonDit boxa Brueggus BThallid bubbles bugeyedcreepy BugFix burned Butch3r bwsrv byeolpyo caeruleaus Cala captnoord Carl Hjerpe Caskast cccyril Ceris Charlie2025 CHEG ChipLeo Chris "Realm of Tearrrroorr" Metzen Christyan CipherCOM click cmaranec codels Corfen crackm cyberbrest2 Cyberium cyrex danielich Danstahr dardennf Dark darkEvil Darkknight900 Darkruler Darkrulerz darkstalker DasBlub DasMy Daveh delavega dele Deleterios Den Denn Dennis DENNO DEN_North DerDyddye Derex (a.k.a. mr_derex) Diablox Dietrich DiSlord (a.k.a. dislord_rus) domingo DonTomika dpedroia15 Dragonfly duckman Dyddye dynosys dythzer Ebrithil eggxp Electros elecyb Elron Emme emsy Emtec EnderGT Energy erickeir evil-at-wow evilstar fallenangelX False.Genesis (a.k.a. fgenesis) faramir118 fdb_ Feanordev Feel_the_Power ffshark finomen fisherman Fmut Fog Foks foohey Forusim foxbox Frankir frcoun Fred Fredi freghar FrenchW fulgas FunkyBit GalaxyMan gc Gendalph goldberg002 Gommes gonnabustya Gorlum13 Gotisch Grandres GriffonHeart Grinder Grz3s GS Hantet hectolight herrtrigger HipToday Hiram horogandris Hundekuchen hunuza if85myh ilija imbecile Infinity invalid-email-address invliD Iriskin Iron ironmala Itch j4r0d Janu Jeffrey "Tigole" Kaplan jethro84530 Jethrogibbs Jolan jorooo jsee Julius "h" Kivimaki kaelima Kaios kamikazetg KAPATEJIb (a.k.a. insider42, Insider) kbz kb_z kid10 (a.k.a. kid 10) killdozer KillerFrca KiriX kizura Klark20 klightspeed kolomati komdori ksergik [email protected] kyle1 Laise (a.k.a. Beaste) Laizerox lasyan3 lavinelu leak Lightguard lightman Lightunit LilleCarl LordJZ lp-vamp lukaasm Lutik Lynx3d m4cm4n Machiavelli MacWarriors maikash Malah malish maly32167 Marik marintrica MaS0n Maxxie MaxXx2021 McBen Megamage MeRclLy Michael "Lamborghini" Morhaime michalpolko Midna miebaik miranda.conrado mmcs mns Mordred Morphau mosst Most_Mangos MrLama multiplexer mumion Naicisum narma Nay NeatElves Necro Neggod Neo2003 (a.k.a. =Neo2003, Neo2003-TBC) NetSky Nevan Nezemnoy Nick Nitro Nick Templeton Nighoo (a.k.a. DaC, Daggy) Nihilus NoFantasy NoReturn nos4r2zod nostre Ntsc nugu100 oceanor Odyssey Olynn Oniryck OPenaz Opterman Pablo pabzea palf4711 partizanes pasdVn Pat S Patman128 (a.k.a. Patman64) phan plaes popovk porteyoplait PowerPete Prince przemratajczak PSZ Pygmy Pyromaniac QAston Qowyn qsa QSOS Quriq14 raczman raftom Ramses_II rastikzzz raven_coda reagent Reamer (a.k.a. breakwater) rechapa79 redcore reeshack Reiner030 reno138 Reve Revils Rhyll rilex Rob "EnoYls" Pardo Rockette rowman rozr rsa (a.k.a. C:/Program Files (x86)/git/dev/rsa) Ryan "I'm Sabu" Cleary Saeba Salja sani Sarjuuk Schmoozerd seirge Seizerkiller (a.k.a. Seize, Seizer) Seline Sephiroth1983 septim (a.k.a. septimus) Sergey Serker SeT SeTM Shad00w Shadez Shauren Shendor Shin_Darth Shyax Sid siduskana Silinoron SilverIce silviu2009 siuolly sixsixnine Skirnir SkirnirMaNGOS SKW Snow Sorken Sorya Splash Splinter (a.k.a. Splinet) Spp Spp_ starik222 stfx stfxpi Stillhard supervendy Syn Tanatos Tassadar (a.k.a. Tasssadar, Tassader, Tassader2) tehmarto Tequila TERRANZ tester20tester20 tester20 TGM TheLuda (a.k.a. MaNGOS foundation, root) thenecromancer The_Game_Master Thyros Timawyn timmit tlexii Toinan67 TOM_RUS (a.k.a. tomrus88) Trazom Triply Trogvar Turk3y Ungaminga Unid unik uniqueone (a.k.a. unique) unknown unloading Valroft Velorien Velvet vendy Veretos Vinolentus vipertv virusav VladimirMangos (a.k.a. Vladimir, vladimir-mangos, vladimir_mangos) vladonix Warlord123 wilibald09 win Win32 Wojta Woweur Wowka321 Wyk3d X-Savior x3mal x3n Xadiaris XEQT Xfurry xILOSWag yad02 yavi Yehonal YuruY Zakamurite zerg Zerg2000 zergtmn zhanhang03 zhenya zhyg Zooey Aurora Zor (a.k.a. XTZGZoReX) zuudu [D4RK]Doom-Lord `win