Miracle-Grue is a C++ project. It is a multiplatform desktop application that slices 3D models and creates GCODE files.
Building Miracle Grue requires that you install scons (which requres Python), cppunit and the Qt4 libraries. The Qt4 tools for scons are included in the source tree.
QT4 is only used by the miracle_gui interface. If you only want to use the command line utility, you don't have to install QT.
EzLogger, json-cpp and optionparser are used as submodules, as well as two other projects of ours, libthing and toolpathviz. The submodule tree is complex, so its easiest to clone the entire repository with --recursive, however if you already have it cloned you can do: 'git submodule update --recursive --init'
Ubuntu Requirements
apt-get install libqt4-dev scons libcppunit-dev libcppunit-doc
Windows Requirements
-Install Python. Version 2.7 and up should work. Add python.exe to your PATH variable. -Install the Qt SDK. Add the included QtSDK/mingw/bin directory as well as QtSDK/Desktop/Qt//mingw/bin directories to your path. -For unit tests to compile, download CppUnit from sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/cppunit/ 1. Follow the download link on this page http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/cppunit/index.php?title=Main_Page. Download and extract the CPPUNIT source files. 2. Navigate to the directory where you extracted the source files using a terminal. It should contain a file named "configure" 3. Issue the command "sh configure --prefix=PATH". Replace PATH with the directory where you wish the files to be built. Use / instead of . Example: sh configure --prefix=C:/FOLDER_WTIH_CPPUNIT_BINARIES/ 4. Issue the command "make install". This should generate the necessary files in the directory you specified. 5. Copy the contents of your install directory (that you specified in step 3) into C:\MinGW
-Scons: http://www.scons.org/ Scons requires python so install after that is set up
OS X Requirements
To install SCONS, we recommend that you download MacPorts at macports.org/install.php. Once installed, to download/install scons and all dependent libraries, open a terminal window and type: sudo port install scons
To install CPPUNIT, we recommend that you first download MacPorts at macports.org/install.php. Once installed, to download/install cppunit and all dependent libraries, open a terminal window and type: sudo port install cppunit
Install Qt libraries 4.6.4 for Mac (Cocoa) (http://qt.nokia.com/downloads)
Check that qt is installed, and that the version is above 4. In a terminal window, type
moc -v
Make sure the directory that contains the qt tools is in your PATH environment variable. In a terminal window, type
which moc
You can also add the QT4DIR variable to your environment (this will get rid of the warning message). In a terminal window, type
export QT4DIR=/opt/local
If you are using an IDE (ex: Eclipse), you may find that your environment variables are different than the ones in the Terminal. You can learn how to set your global environment here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7501678/set-environment-variables-on-mac-os-x-lion
OSX deployment
Update the code if necessary, cd to the directory containing the tree, and then:
mkdir -p build
cd build
qmake -spec macx-g++ ../Miracle-Grue/miracle_gui.pro
To create a deployable .dmg file:
macdeployqt miracle_gui.app -dmg -verbose=2
Compiling the code
Once you have the code from git, don't forget to update the code from the submodules:
git submodule update --recursive
Miracle-Grue does not rely on Makefiles, but instead uses scons (http://www.scons.org/) as the build tool (python required). Once installed, you can use the following command in a terminal window to build the project from the Miracle-Grue directory:
To clean the project (remove .o files), in a terminal window type:
scons -c
***Compiling with debug symbols ***
Pass scons the debug_build option to build with debug symbols
scons --debug_build
Compiling miracle_gui
To build the QT GUI for Miracle-Grue, run scons with the gui option
scons --gui
*** Compiling unit tests ***
To build unit tests run scons with the unit_tests option, set to build to just compile them, run to compile and run them.
scons --unit_tests=build
scons --unit_tests=run