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RDBMS interface supporting PostgreSQL, SQLite and SAP HANA


cl-rdbms is a database interface for PostgreSQL, SQLite and SAP HANA. It is still work in progress. There is another Common Lisp project by the same name which is older and much more mature but I was unaware of it when I created mine.

cl-rdbms provides a low-level API, an Embedded SQL layer, as well as entity-oriented function, but not a complete ORM.


(in-package sqlite-client)

(defparameter *examples-directory*
  (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory #.*load-truename*)))

(defparameter *db*
  (namestring (merge-pathnames "tables.sdb" *examples-directory*)))

(setf (log2:log-level "sqlite-client") log2:+info+)

;;; Connect to tables.sdb (create if does not exist), and create table TEST
;;; The WITH-CURRENT-CONNECTION macro opens a DB connection, and binds *CURRENT-CONNECTION* to it.
;;; It also binds the provided variable to the connection.
;;; All the 'embedded SQL' functions (names beginning with % and ?) use *CURRENT-CONNECTION*.

(with-current-connection (c *db* :if-does-not-exist :create)
  (%drop-table (make-tabdef :name "test") :if-does-not-exist :ignore)
   (deftable "test"
                :columns (("k" :datatype 'text)
                          ("u" :datatype 'text)
                          ("c" :datatype 'text))
                :constraints (
                              (:primary-key "test_pk_k" :columns (k))
                              (:unique-key "test_unique_u" :columns (u)))))  

  (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-11" "u-11" "I succeed"))
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-11" "u-12" "I fail")))

  (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-12" "u-13" "I succeed"))
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-13" "u-13" "I fail")))

  ;; Only the 'I succeed' rows should be inserted
  (log2:info "Result: ~a"
              (?select '* :from 'test)))

  (with-transaction ()
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-21" "u-21" "TX I succeed"))
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-21" "u-22" "TX I fail"))
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-22" "u-23" "TX I succeed"))
    (?insert-into 'test :values '("k-23" "u-23" "TX I fail"))))

(with-current-connection (c *db* :if-does-not-exist :create)
  ;; Transaction rolled back - no rows inserted.
  (log2:info "Result: ~a"
              (?select '* :from 'test))))

DB Connection

  • Macro with-connection (conn-var) &body forms

    Binds *current-connection* to conn-var.

The following two macros are exported from each client package, currently PG-CLIENT, SQLITE-CLIENT and HDB-ODBC. Each version provides its own set of keyword arguments for passing the required connection parameters.

  • Macro with-open-connection (conn-var db-name &key &allow-other-keys) &body forms

    Opens a connection to database db-name and bind conn-var to it.

  • Macro with-current-connection (conn-var db-name &key &allow-other-keys) &body forms

    Like with-open-connection but in addition, it binds *current-connection*

Data Definition


  • Macro defschema (name &rest definitions)

    This macro provides an interface for defining a database schema in one go. The schema is defined an made accessible by its name, but it is not created on the database. Call use-schema to create the schema on the database.


    (defschema "example"
    	(:table "book"
    		:columns (("id" :datatype +serial+)
    			  ("title" :datatype +text+)
    			  ("author_id"  :datatype +int+)
    			  ("status" :datatype +int+))
    		:constraints ((:primary-key "pk_book" :columns ("id"))
    			      (:unique-key "pk_book_title" :columns ("title"))))
    	(:table "author"
    		:columns (("id" :datatype +serial+)
                		  ("firstname" :datatype +smallname+)
    			  ("lastname" :datatype +smallname+))
    		:constraints ((:primary-key "pk_author" :columns ("id")))))
  • Function create-db-schema name

    Creates the specified tables in the named schema on the database. In SQLite, schemas are mapped to ATTACHed databases.

  • Method use-schema (name string)

  • Method use-schema (schema schema)

    Creates the tuple classes for the tables defined in the schema.

  • Function get-schema-by-name name


  • Macro deftable name &key schema columns constraints

    This macro provides an interface to define a table including table constraints and columns with datatype and columns constraints. The table definition is not executed by the macro itself. Call %create-table to create the table on the database.

  • Function %drop-table tabdef &key (if-does-not-exist :error) (if-not-empty :error)

    Drop the table specified in tabdef. Only the tabdef name and schema need to be provided.

  • Function %create-table tabdef

    Create a table with the properties specified in tabdef

  • Function create-tabdef &key schema name columns constraints

  • Function make-coldef &key name datatype default-value collation constraint

  • Function make-colcon &key label notnull check default unique references

  • Function make-colref &key table column matchtype on-delete on-update

  • Function make-primary-key &key schema name columns

    Primary keys are created INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.

  • Function make-unique-key &key schema name columns

  • Function make-foreign-key &key schema name columns referenced-table-schema referenced-table (on-delete :restrict) (on-update :restrict)

    Foreign keys are currently created as INITIALLY DEFERRED

Data Manipulation

  • Macro ?select select-list &key (into nil) appending from where groupby having (lock-mode :none) (nowait nil)


        (?select (cons 'entity_id (mapcar #'name (entity-fields target-entity)))
                 :from (?inner-join (get-association-table-name source-entity element)
                                    (entity-table-name target-entity)
                                    :on (?= 'target_id 'entity_id))
                 :lock-mode lock-mode
                 :nowait (mode<= :share lock-mode))
  • Function ?insert-into table &key columns values


  • When using tuples, column names are mapped to generic functions. Therefore, a column cannot have the same name as a Lisp function or macro.


Backend interface

Method serialize-for-connection

Structure sql-statement



Default values

  • Method (print-object (thing tuple) t) prints unbound tuple slots as DEFAULT but this only affects how they are printed in Lisp.

  • Method tuple-values returns NIL for unbound slots.

  • Method sql-serialize prints NIL as DEFAULT.