Notifications on build statuses could be delivered via the following channels:
By default, build notifications are sent to all project collaborators via email. To reduce amount of messages, successful build notifications are sent only once after execution is complete until build is broken. Failed build notifications are sent every time build breaks so everybody is aware of the status. Its possible to disable email notification completely. You can do that by logging into your account settings and checking off "Receive build notifications" check box.
If you want to receive build notifications as HTTP requests, you can add a new web hook url. Magnum CI will send a POST request with JSON payload.
Check webhooks page for details.
Build notifications are delivered to chat rooms per each build event regardless of previous build status, unlike email notifications.
Magnum CI supports all major hosted chat systems and provides a way to test message delivery before real build trigges any notification. Service configuration is a pretty straight-forward, in most cases it only requires a third-party API token and a room id. Head to addons section of your project settings page for more details.
All delivery mechanisms (except email and webhooks) are available as addons in project settings page. Most of them are also open source, check Magnum CI github account for details