A package which includes much components and helpers for Scss.
- Create a grid
- Clearfix
- Calculate the font-size
- Simple including your icons
- Naming breakpoints for each mediaquery which you want
- CSS-Triangle
- SVG-Fallback
- Crossbrowser-Flexbox
- Crossbrowser-Animations
- Helper-Mixins (Placeholder, User-Select etc.)
- Bower
- Grunt
- Sass
- Compass
Clear your floatings - it's necessary.
// Use mixin
@include clearfix();
It was never so easy to create your own responsive grid and you are so flexible.
// Set your maximum cols in the config
// Use mixin to create your own grid with your class-convention
// With this you get the grid like in pure
@for $sum from 1 through $max-cols {
@for $i from 1 through $sum {
.l-u--#{$i}-#{$sum} {
@include col($i, $sum);
// Result like this
.l-u--1-3 // One third of
.l-u--2-4 // two fourth of
// Push your column
@for $sum from 1 through $max-cols {
@for $i from 1 through $sum {
.l-u--push-#{$i}-#{$sum} {
@include col-push($i, $sum);
// Result like this
.l-u--push-1-3 // One third of (margin-left)
// Pull your column
@for $sum from 1 through $max-cols {
@for $i from 1 through $sum {
.l-u--pull-#{$i}-#{$sum} {
@include col-push($i, $sum);
// Result like this
.l-u--pull-1-3 // One third of (minus margin-left)
// Other example for a grid
@for $i from 1 through $max-cols {
.l-col--#{$i} {
@include col($i, $max-cols)
// Result like this (max-cols: 12)
.l-col--4 // four twelfths
.l-col--6 // Half cols
Create the font-size not only in pixels. Use "rem" too.
// Set in your html the font-size to 62.5%, then it's easier to calculate
// Result = 16px
@include font-size(1.6);
It's easy to get some icons. You must only set an array in your config and include the mixin.
// Create the array
$icons: (
'css' 'a',
'briefcase' 'b',
'apple' 'c',
'html' 'd',
'happy-smiley' 'e',
'home' 'f'
// Mixin to create a class for each icon,
// ".icon--" is your prefix and use 'before' or 'after'
@each $icon in $icons {
$name: nth($icon, 1);
.icon--#{$name} {
@include icon('before', $name);
The time is over to write for each mediaquery the pixel. You can write something like this:
@include respond-to('tablet') {
@include triangle($direction, $size, $color) {
It's not easy to use - some browsers can't handle it. Because of this we must use a fallback.
// Mixin for SVG-Fallback
// First parameter is for the url without file-format, second for file-format
@include svg-fallback('assets/img/fallback', 'jpg');
Some things are really pain in the ass. I will give you some helpers, which compass doesn't have.
// Placeholder
// Give placeholder a styling (Cross-Browser)
@include placeholder() {
color: red;
// User-Select
// Cross-Browser - Define your type
@include user-select('none');
I use for these configuration a _config.scss, which has all the configurations and variables for the project.
// Array for icons
$icons: (
'css' 'a',
'briefcase' 'b',
'apple' 'c',
'html' 'd',
'happy-smiley' 'e',
'home' 'f'
// Breakpoints and Widths
$max-wrapper-width: 920px;
$max-cols: 12;
$gutter-width: 2%;
$breakpoints: (
'mobile-landscape' 480px,
'smaller-tablet' 600px,
'tablet' 768px,
'tablet-landscape' $max-wrapper-width,
'desktop' 1200px
// Fonts
$base-font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$base-font-size: 1.6
bower install scss-components
Install all dependencies
npm install
Release a new version
grunt release:{type}
// Types
patch - small fixes
minor - new feature
mayor - api-change