- clone repository
- run composer install
- create new db and update .env file with database connection details
- run
php artisan migrate
- run
php artisan storage:link
- run
php artisan serve
- open browser adn register new user and create posts
php Task
============= start Task =============
• Create login screen with email or phone and password predefined (complex password).
• Define employee screen first name, last name, salary, image, manager
name and full name. Full name will not be stored in database
o Add
o Edit
o Search
o Delete
• Department screen
o Add
o Edit
o Search. Output will display count of employees in each department and sum of there salary
o Delete. cannot delete department which has employee assigned to it
• Assign task screen. manager will create a new task for employee “search in his employees only”
o Add new task
o List employee tasks and task status
• each employee can see his task and edit in it and change status
============= end Task =============