theme | permalink | author | info | dates | colorSchema | ||||||||
./ |
MdiFaceMan |
foo_bar |
Here is the slides content description for SEO
dark |
Here is the Intro tagline
- | Kaelig joins our Advisory board - ‹div›RIOTS
It can has a regular <p>
- As well as lists
- With multiple items
- 🧩 Some with regular emojis
- Others with inlined icons
prop enable the linkrolls in the footer 👇
- Items appearing on click
- Or at the next step
- For an impressive effect 🤯
Note: If you add a logo
prop in layout config with a filepath, then a logo is automatically embedded in the slide.
any kind of content, that can be in italic form, in a bold version, can be strikethrough parts, or ==marked for highlighting==.
You can also have codeblocks:
interface User {
id: number
firstName: string
lastName: string
role: string
function updateUser(id: number, update: Partial<User>) {
const user = getUser(id)
const newUser = {...user, ...update}
saveUser(id, newUser)
layout: media url:
The content is centered by default
(next slide is variant: full
layout: media variant: full url: links:
layout: media url: variant: left
Then you have you content on the right side
with code blocks content
Or more regular content
- like
- list
- of items
layout: media url: variant: right ratio: 2/3
And you can also specify a ratio
for your content
The layout's props are:
layout: media
url: # local path | url | <Gif /> co mponent
variant?: right # full | left | right
ratio?: 2/3 # cols ratio,
# defaults: `1/2` for `left|right` variants
With the variant: left|right
, add an overlay: true
layout prop, so the media is duplicated as an overlay on the content.
Oh, and you can pass a <Gif />
component as url
as well 💥
layout: quote cite: Tim Berners-Lee url:
The goal of the Web is to serve humanity. We build it now so that those who come to it later will be able to create things that we cannot ourselves imagine.
You can add quote
blocks everywhere, but the quote
layout with a proper cite
prop enables a view with a portrait.
All layouts come with a build in support for up to 3 cols.
Simply prefix content with the marker ::col2::
to start the second one.
Do the same
Just start a new col
With the ::col3::
You can also use a ::header::
section to put a top-section.
Important content can be emphasized using the regular tailwind text-
You can also rely on built-in Slidev components, like tweets:
Or YouTube embeded videos: