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File metadata and controls

147 lines (124 loc) · 4.53 KB

Go Finder Example

this repo showcases the usage of finder for creating crud rest APIs with go & postgres.


this project utilises docker to run migration

use make help to view command list:

How to use

  1. copy .env.example into a .env file and modify database connection info
  2. run make migrate/up/all to create the categories table in the database
  3. use air to run the application
    • or use go run .

it features 5 actions inspired by laravel:

use base url: localhost:8000/api/v1

  1. index: a list of the model, can be:

    • searched:

      • the columns used for search are inside meta.search_columns
      • /categories?q=main
      • search can utilize relational joins fields using the join alias when defined as:
      func (m *Model) SearchFields() *[]string {
          return &[]string{
    • paginated

      • pagination info are inside meta proprty of the response
      • /categories?page=1&paginate=12
    • sorted:

      • the columns used for sorting are inside meta.columns
      • ascending or descending order, and can use multiple column sort
      • /categories?sorts=-created_at
      • /categories?sorts=created_at
      • /categories?sorts=depth,-created_at
    • filtered:

      • the columns used for filtering are inside meta.columns
      • /categories?filters=parent_id:null
      • /categories?filters=parent_id:not-null
      • filter can use multiple column and multiple criteria values
      • /categories?filters=parent_id:null,is_disabled:false|true
      • filter can use ops between column:op:criteria, ops options below:
        • eq: db equal of = eg: is_disabled:eq:true
        • nq: db equal of != eg: is_disabled:nq:true
        • gt: db equal of > eg: price:gt:5
        • gte: db equal of >= eg: price:gte:5
        • lt: db equal of < eg: price:lt:5
        • lte: db equal of <= eg: price:lte:5
        • ex: special filter for single relations of model eg: roles:ex:5
      • another eg: /orders?filters=status:eq:completed|cancelled|returned
    • mix:

      • all the above can be used in combination with each other
    • note:

      • finder.Model interface can use Relations() to define relations that can be used with q or filters for example if you have a users table with roles many-to-many relation:
      func (m *Model) Relations() *[]finder.RelationField {
          return &[]finder.RelationField{
                  Table: "roles",
                  Join: &finder.Join{
                      From: "",
                      To:   "",
                  Through: &finder.Through{
                      Table: "user_roles",
                      Join: &finder.Join{
                          From: "user_roles.user_id",
                          To:   "user_roles.role_id",
  2. show: GET /categories/:id returns single model result

  3. destroy: DELETE /categories/:id deletes single model

  4. store: POST /categories creates single model

    • sample main category body:
        "id": "4db02628-50a2-4022-ac82-1949853bd728"
        "name": {
    • sample sub category body:
        "name": {
            "id": "4db02628-50a2-4022-ac82-1949853bd728"
  5. update: PUT /categories/:id updates single model result

    • sample update category body:
        "name": {
            "en":"branch name"


  • pgx Replaces the standard database/sql driver
  • sqlx Extends the standard database/sql functions
  • echo minimalist web framework
  • squirrel Query Builder